train off

[tren ɔf][trein ɔf]


  • An accident in which a train runs off its track .

    这是为了使它不至于 跑出轨道。 火车 出轨的交通意外事故。

  • The guard blew his whistle and the train moved off .

    路警吹响了哨子, 火车就开动

  • I managed to bum the train fare off my dad .

    我设法 父亲那里要到了 火车票钱。

  • The train clacked off as it came into the station . The dishes were put away and the fire was out .

    火车进站时 放慢了速度。盘碟都已放好,火也熄了。

  • The train went off the rails and fell into the vally killing everyone on board .

    火车 轨,掉到峡谷下,车上无一人幸免于难。

  • However excess liquidity currency tensions inflation or a second financial crisis could push the Asian growth train off the rails he says .

    不过他表示,流动性过剩、汇率紧张局势、通胀或第二轮金融危机等可能导致亚洲增长 脱离 正轨

  • Many people were injured when the train came off the rails and ploughed into the bank .

    火车 冲出铁轨撞上斜坡时,很多人受了伤。

  • No sooner had we reached the station than the train was off .

    我们一到车站, 火车

  • They had barely pulled the train off the ferry-boat when he settled back with a sigh .

    火车刚开 渡轮,他就放心地吸了口气,安坐下来。

  • The train will take off at7 this evening .

    火车今晚7点钟 离开

  • The train moved off .


  • Hardly had we put down our luggage when the train started off .

    我们还没来得及放下行李, 火车

  • When did the train set off to shanghai ?

    火车什么时候 开往上海?

  • This train stops to let off passengers on signal .

    火车按信号停车让旅客 下车

  • The train slowly steamed off making a lot of noise .

    火车在轰鸣声中徐徐 启动

  • The new trains went into official operation on Friday meaning that now there is a bullet train setting off every one and a half hours .

    周五,新增列车投入了正式运行,这意味着现在每一个半小时 有一趟子弹头 列车 发车

  • The doors shut and the train moved off .

    门关上后, 火车开走

  • Take the uptown A train and get off at the next station .

    坐往北去的A 线 ,下一站就 下车

  • Take the No.6 train and get off at Astor place .

    坐6路上,然后在亚士都站 下车

  • The paper introduces the newly-designed locking device - a set of hook apparatus which can be used as a rescue tool to solve the problem of a train or carriages off the track that cannot be directly linked to the rescue locomotive .

    锁闭套钩装置是一种救援专用工具,它可以解决 脱轨 机车、车辆的车钩不能直接与救援机车车钩连挂的问题,操作简便,安全快捷。

  • A few minutes later the whistle sounded and the train began to move off .

    几分钟后,汽笛响了, 火车启动

  • The train moved off leaving a crowd of reporters on the platform .

    火车 徐徐 开走 ,留下一群记者站在站台上。

  • The train shoogles me off into a light slumber punctuated by squeaks and grinding noises .

    行进中的 火车 我摇进了浅浅的梦境,不时地被咯吱咯吱的摩擦声响打上标点符号。

  • You should take the A train and get off at Broadway station .

    您应该乘a 线 ,在百老汇站点 下车

  • A packed temporary passenger train set off from Beijing West Railway Station on Friday afternoon as the transport peak for the2007 Spring Festival kicked off .

    本星期五下午作为今年春运高峰的开始,这 满载旅客的临时 列车从北京西站 出发

  • At this time two women police officers at the entrance to the car one of whom shouted you go for another train this car off to let the workers go first .

    这时,两个女警察来到车门口,其中一位喊道,你们下去,换另一 班车,这车要让 下班的职工先走。

  • Hundreds of people were injured when the train went off the rails . before jamming on the brakes so that it would not run out of track .

    火车 出轨时,数百人受伤。

  • Students were hanging from the windows nearest them . A great number of faces both on the train and off seemed to be turned toward Harry .

    学生们涌向了离他们最近的车厢,无数张脸, 里的 的,似乎都转向了哈利。

  • The train whistled and steamed off .
