

n.试金石, (检验)标准

  • The Touchstone was a small pebble that could turn any common metal into pure gold .


  • Confession remained the touchstone of guilt or innocence .

    供词仍旧 作为有罪与无罪的 检验 标准

  • Job security has become the touchstone of a good job for many employees .

    工作稳定性已成为很多员工 衡量一份工作好坏的 标准

  • Love be the touchstone of virtue .

    爱情是德行的 试金石

  • The touchstone of a contract is the notion of equality .

    检验契约的 标准是平等的观念。

  • In recent years her story became a touchstone for film histories television dramas a novel and an opera & all in some way exploring national identity in Asia .

    近年来,她的故事为若干历史 题材的电影、电视剧,以及一部小说与一部歌剧提供了 素材,而 它们 主题都与在亚洲探索国家身份认同有关。

  • The greatest touchstone of any work is time .

    时间是 检验一切的最好的 试金石

  • She would know said Touchstone making a face & but at the prospect of raw carrots and green absinthe not Sulyn .

    “她会知道的,” 塔齐斯顿说,做了个鬼脸&但是在生胡萝卜和绿色的苦艾酒的期望上,不是萨莱恩。

  • In business having a large share of the market is often assumed to be the touchstone for success .

    在商业中,占有很大的市场份额常被认为是 衡量成功的 标准

  • Love is the touchstone of virtue .

    爱情是美德的 试金石

  • The touchstone maintains the weather on this planet .

    这个 试金石 维持该行星上的气候。

  • As long as both sides are really in love distance is a test of their touchstone .

    只要双方是真心相爱,距离就是考验他们的 试金石

  • Homosexuality might not be gold but it must be the touchstone of black and white of beauty and ugliness in this day and age .

    同性恋也许不是金子,但肯定是这个时代黑白美丑的 试金石

  • Are you suggesting that sg-2used the second gate to steal the touchstone ?

    你真的认为sg-2利用第二道门去盗窃了 试金石

  • Success a touchstone of opportunity amBition and aBility ;

    成功是机遇、野心和能力的 试金石

  • If the gate is there it makes sense that the touchstone has at least been there .

    如果门是在那儿,看起来 试金石似乎也在那儿。

  • Efficiency can never serve as the basis for ethics ; on the contrary ethics must be the guide and touchstone for any consideration of efficiency .

    效率永远不能作为伦理的基础;相反,伦理才是一切效率考量的指导和 检验 标准

  • As the touchstone tries gold so gold tries men .


  • The first serious touchstone for the improvement of Benzema is the next day14 in the Super Cup of Spain .

    对于本泽马说,第一 试金石就是接下来14号的西班牙超级杯。

  • To seek truth from facts we must proceed from reality in all things link theory with practice and hold practice to be the touchstone of truth & that is the ideological line of our party .

    实事求是,一切从实际出发,理论联系实际,坚持实践是 检验真理的 标准,这就是我们党的思想路线。

  • When the world was falling apart you were my constant my touchstone .

    当世界都四分五裂,你是我的永恒,你是我的 试金石

  • A poor man read the secret of the Touchstone from a book .

    一个穷人从一本书上读到“ 试金石”的秘密。

  • Taking revenge will not return the touchstone for we did not take it .

    只想着报仇 无法找回 试金石的,我们并没有偷。

  • When a gold coin is rubbed on a touchstone it leaves a stripe of a particular color .

    将试金石与金币摩擦,金币会在 试金石上留下一条有特殊颜色的 条痕

  • Fine . where 's the damn touchstone ?

    好吧,那该死的 试金石在哪儿?

  • We can fight our way back to the embassy ! Retorted touchstone .

    我们可以冲回大使馆! 塔奇斯顿反驳。

  • Efficiency therefore can never serve as a utilitarian touchstone for law or for public policy .

    因此,效率绝不能作为法律或公共政策的功利主义 标准

  • Not for the first time Touchstone wished that he could reach the Charter and draw upon it for strength and magical assistance .

    这已经不是第一次了, 塔奇斯顿希望他能够召唤 契,利用力量和魔法相助。

  • Harry Potter is such a cultural touchstone for children and adults the world over that it 's easy to forget that the characters and the world they live in doesn 't actually exist .

    对于孩子和成年人来说,哈利波特无疑是世界的文化 试金石。人们甚至太容易忘记,这些角色和他们生活的世界其实并不存在。