training period

[ˈtrenɪŋ ˈpɪriəd][ˈtreiniŋ ˈpiəriəd]


  • If so where do they go after the initial training period ?

    如果是这样,她们在 初期 培训后都去了哪里?

  • Schooling consists of6 years of primary education followed by a3-year general or vocational training period and a3-year academic or vocational program .

    学校教育包括6年的小学和3 的普通职业 培训,或3年的学院或者职业课程。

  • Many apprentices are paid from the start though at a lower rate than they 'll earn once their training period is complete .

    虽然一开始,大部分学徒的工资都是很低的,但在他们的 培训 期满了以后,工资会有所增加。

  • For this reason experts on IELTS training call attention of the candidates that three focal points should be paid extra attention to in autumn training period .

    因此,在一年一度的雅思秋季 培训 周期即将开始之际,雅思培训专家提醒考生,需注意以下三个方面的问题。

  • An Analysis on the Training of China Professional Football Club in the Concentration Training Period

    中国职业足球俱乐部队 集训 训练分析

  • There is a ten-week training period for new staffs .

    新员工要接受 10个星期 培训

  • Study on Archery Athletes ' Endocrine and Amino Acids Levels in Blood during Different Training Period

    射箭运动员不同 训练 时期血液内分泌和氨基酸变化的研究

  • The work will last from early April to November 2010 and a five-day training period will start in March 2010 .

    另悉,工作人员将作为康格株式会社的员工进行雇用,工作 期限为2010年4月上旬至11月上旬。日本馆将在2010年3月中旬,在日本进行5天左右的集中工作 培训

  • Meditation is a training period to prepare ourself to the real death .

    冥想可以 训练我们如何让自己充分准备好面对死亡。

  • Balance incurred due to changes in period and numbers of participants in aforementioned design liaison meeting technical service and training period shall be deducted from the total price of the contract thereof .

    因上述设计联络会、技术服务和 培训 期限和参加人数变化而产生的结余将从合同总价中相应扣除。

  • The Characteristics of BUN Changing of Elite Canoeing Players during Short Cycle Training Period

    优秀皮划艇运动员小周期 训练 期间血尿素氮的变化特征分析

  • If there 's not enough support for that language or technology you might as well start updating your resume now and start your training period .

    如果那种技术或语言已经没有足够支持,那你还不如现在就开始更新你的简历,并启动 培训计划

  • The results show : after a training period the athletes have the relative values of maximal oxygen uptake increased significantly anaerobic threshold velocity increased very significantly ;

    结果显示:经过一个 训练 周期,运动员的最大摄氧量相对值具有显著性提高,无氧阈速度具有非常显著性提高;

  • And although during the training period all patients learned to move the arm some never learned fine movement control .

    虽然在 训练 期间,所有患者都学会了手臂的使用,但有一些始终无法学会细节控制。

  • The training period for apprentice lawyers shall be two years .

    实习律师的 实习 为两年。

  • The training period is one year .

    训练 期间 一年之久。

  • To qualify a candidate 's training period may range from six months to five years . Very often trainee 's assignments are rotated among various departments to help the newbie get familiar with the whole organization and its various functions .

    为了 培养出一位合格的管理人员,管培生 培训 从半年到五年不等。很多时候,管培生会被安排在多个部门间轮岗,以帮助这些新人熟悉整个组织结构和不同部门的职能。

  • That would increase the supply as well as possibly attract candidates turned off by the longer training period .

    这会吸引那些可能因为过长的 培训 时间而放弃该专业的学生们。

  • After that foreign doctors can receive a visa to stay in the United states at least for the training period .

    考试通过后,外国医生方可获得至少可以保证住院医师在 培训 期间驻留美国的签证。

  • Analysis of Annual Training Period Features And Training Charge of Excellent Male Mid-long Distance Runner in Gansu Province

    甘肃省优秀男子中长跑 运动员年度 周期特征及训练负荷分析

  • Methods : We measured several indexes such as blood testosterone and Cortisol of the elite kayak athletes during heavy training period by radioimmunoassay .

    采用放射免疫等方法对优秀皮艇运动员在大负荷 训练 期间血睾酮、皮质醇等多项指标进行监测与分析。

  • You will be put on probation during your training period which means your employment may be terminated at any time until you have completed the program and we feel that your are competent .

    在你 接受 训练 期间是试用 阶段,意思就是说,在你受训结束之前,你可能随时被解聘。

  • Training for personnel who will infiltrate enemy-occupied areas is most important but the training period should be short the content simple and the assigned task clear and uncomplicated .

    对打入人员的训练是很重要的, 训练 时间要短,内容要简单,任务要明确而不复杂。

  • According to the test on30 canoeing athletes this research has discussed the relation between canoeing athlete physiological load and the BUN during short cycle training period .

    研究以30名国家皮划艇运动员为监测对象,探讨了皮划艇运动员小周期 训练过程中运动负荷与血尿素氮( BUN)之间的关系。

  • Demanded rule of law and constitution criticized provisional constitution of training period ;

    要求“法治”、宪法,批评《 时期约法》;

  • This process involves several tests before a person can receive a visa to stay in the United States for the training period .

    这个过程包括得到在美 训练 期间的签证之前的几个考试。