total insurance

[ˈtotl ɪnˈʃʊrəns][ˈtəutəl inˈʃuərəns]


  • Each or each insurance belongings must not exceed what guarantee slip states to keep the specified number amount must not exceed total insurance amount .

    每一项或每一件保险财产不得超过保单列明的保额,总额不得超过 保险金额。

  • Calculating Annual Total Reserve for Insurance Company

    保险公司每期 准备金计算

  • As is the specific target age group for the analysis reflects the total economy of pension insurance so the conclusions more normal . 5 in all of the personal accounts of factors yield the greatest impact .

    由于是以特定的年龄组为分析对象,体现了养老 保险 共济性,所以得出的结论比较正常。5、在所有对个人账户的影响因子中,收益率的影响最大。

  • Part 5 : The total premium of health insurance .

    第五部分:健康 保险 保费。

  • An insurance company engaged in life insurance shall set aside a reserve for future claims equal to the total net value determined actuarially on the total life insurance policies in force .

    人寿保险精算准备金经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司,应当按照有效的人寿 保险单的 全部净值提取未到期责任准备金。

  • The Enacted Risk Responsibility and Force Majeure The Total Insurance and Countermeasure of Lump Work for Engineering

    关于风险包干与不可抗力关于 总价包干工程的 风险及对策的探讨

  • Since 2003 auto insurance premium income ratio of total property insurance premium has been maintained at above 60 % Operating conditions of auto insurance property direct impact on business profits of property insurance companies .

    2003年以来,机动车辆保险保费收入 产险保费收入比例一直维持在60%以上,机动车辆保险经营状况好坏直接影响着财产保险公司的商业利润。

  • Currently the vehicle insurance is a major part up to 60 % of the total insurance industry . For some newly founded insurance companies it is even up to 90 % of its business .

    目前,机动车辆保险(简称:车险)占整个 财产 保险业务的60%以上,个别新成立公司的车险保险费收入占比已达90%以上,车险支撑着 整个 财险业的发展。

  • The state puts forword the policy that the total coverage of social insurance should be realized in June 1999 . But the work makes little progress in South Zhejiang with its particular situations .

    国家提出了1999年6月份实现社会 保险 覆盖的政策,由于浙南山区的特殊情况, 社会 保险覆盖面工作进展不尽人意。

  • This paper preliminarily studies the distribution of the total loss fees of insurance and the upper confidence limits of the mean total loss fees of insurance .

    对保险 公司关注的 保险 损失费的分布和平均总损失费的置信上限进行了初步研究。

  • During the development in more than 30 years our insurance industry has made remarkable achievements . On the one hand the total size of the insurance has maintained rapid growth . On the other hand the level of the insurance market has increased gradually .

    我国保险业经过30余年的发展,取得了令人瞩目的成就, 保险 总量规模一直保持快速增长,保险市场化水平逐步提高。

  • The total amount of insurance premium must be equal or less than the customs declare value .

    客户 投保 额度不得高于货物申报价值额度。

  • According to the data from the China Insurance Regulatory Commission Web site terms the insufficient solvency of insurance companies account for about 11.7 % of the total number of insurance companies the Insurance Solvency become a hot issue to discuss community once again .

    由保监会网站上的数据来看,偿付能力不足的保险公司约占 保险公司 总数的11.7%,保险偿付能力再次成为社会各界讨论的热点问题。

  • In 2008 Chinese insurance industry achieved a total insurance premium income of 978.41 billion yuan amount to a growth of 39.1 percent year-on-year which is the fastest growing since 2002 .

    2008年,中国保险业 实现 保费收入9784.1亿元,同比增长39.1%,是2002年以来增长最快的一年。

  • Motor vehicle insurance is an important part of property insurance ; the premium income of motor vehicle has always accounted for more than 70 % of total property insurance premium income therefore its profit and loss has a great impact on property insurance .

    机动车辆保险是财产保险中的主要险种,机动车险保费收入 产险公司总 保费收入的70%以上。

  • The trip cost a total of $ 250 insurance included .

    旅费 总共是250英镑, 保险费包括在内。

  • Upper Confidence Limits of Mean Total Insurance Loss (ⅱ)

    平均 保险损失 的置信上限(Ⅱ)

  • Research on Total Risk Management System in Insurance Agents

    保险公司 全面风险管理系统研究

  • Through further analysis using Malmquist this article finds out that total factor productivity of insurance groups and their subsidiaries declines slightly mainly due to technological regress .

    进一步利用Malmquist指数分析发现, 保险集团及子公司的 要素生产率略有下降,其主要原因是技术退步。

  • Due to the constraints of operational management product design technology and solvency margin limits the catastrophe management system in China is central government-driven with fiscal support and catastrophe insurance business is only a fraction of the total insurance business in China .

    由于受到经营管理、产品技术设计开发以及偿付能力限制等因素制约,目前我国实行的是由国家财政支持的中央政府主导型巨灾风险管理模式,巨灾 保险业务仍只占了较小的 比重

  • They face grossly inadequate numbers of staff shortages of medicines and funds and a sometimes total lack of insurance schemes to protect patients from catastrophic health care costs .

    其卫生系统薄弱,医务人员严重不足,药品和资金短缺,有的甚至 毫无 医疗 保险计划,患者为此不得不支付极为昂贵的医疗费用。

  • For insurance business that reinsures with other parties the turnover of the initial insurance business shall be the total insurance premiums after deduction of the premiums paid to the reinsurers .

    保险业实行分 保险的,初保业务以 全部 保费收入减去付给分保人的保费后的余额为营业额。

  • The total loss fees for insurance are analyzed by using the statistics theory and method .

    旨在获得危险事故 保险 损失费的分布密度函数.利用统计学中的有关理论和方法,对 保险 公司关注的 保险 损失费进行了初步研究。

  • Extortionate risk of compensation will increase the cost of total social insurance ( including commercial insurance ) .

    过高的赔偿风险将极大地增加 整个社会 保险(含商业保险)的成本;

  • Secondly under the assumption that each person 's loss fee is a random variable with the distribution of exponential type and the number of the insured persons with the distribution of Poisson type the distribution density of total loss fees for insurance is derived .

    其次在各 投保个体损失费为独立同分布于指数分布的随机变量,投保个体数服从泊松分布时,导出了 损失费的分布密度函数。

  • Assuming that the number of the insured persons is a discrete random variable the distribution and mathematical expection of the total loss fees for insurance are derived in the two cases that every person 's mean loss fees is all equal and not equal .

    基于投保人数为服从某一离散型分布的随机变量,在每个投保人的平均损失费所服从指数分布的参数全相同和各不相同两种情况下导出被 保险损失费的分布密度;

  • Total Factor Productivity of China Insurance Industry

    中国 保险要素生产率增长分解与分析

  • The bancassurance in our country develops shortly but quickly accounting for 1 / 3 of the total life insurance premium income after the development of only three or four years .

    我国银行保险发展的时间短、速度快,在短短的三四年间银保业务收入已经占到了 寿险 保费收入的1/3。