touch down

[tʌtʃ daʊn][tʌtʃ daun]


  • Conductors today barely touch down long enough to influence the sound .

    如今, 指挥家们很少 任职很长时间,因此不能对乐团的声音造成影响。

  • Officials said the find showed that the entry descent and landing sequence for Beagle 2 worked and the lander did successfully touch down on Mars on Christmas Day 2003 .

    这一发现显示,小猎犬2号探测器2003年圣诞节成功在火星 着陆,下降和着陆程序没有问题。

  • It 's my brother ! Don 't touch him ! - Get him down !

    那是我弟弟!别 他!-把他 下来

  • With the Remote Zero Option testing and reporting are accomplished without reaching to touch the instrument or setting down the probe for even greater operator efficiency .

    以遥控零选择,测试和报告是成功的,无需到达 接触仪器的或 探针为更加了不起的操作员效率。

  • The shuttle is pulled away from the International Space Station and is expected to touch down on Wednesday .

    该航空飞机驶离国际航空站,预计将于星期三 着陆

  • Your the toe head that can touch you not gone down on the knees ?

    你不 屈膝 你的脚趾头吗?

  • Right leg draws shank positively is the key to keep body and its center of gravity moving inertia in the phase of from right ankle moving away from ground to its touch down land . Exercise .

    在右脚距离地面& 右脚着地瞬间,右腿主动收拉右小腿是 保持身体运动惯性,维持身体重心继续移动的重要环节。

  • Expertise tinged with a touch of humility goes down far better .

    专长加上一 谦卑的效果好地多。

  • Application of TOUCH DOWN PCR technique in the research of detecting gene point mutation in LDL-R gene


  • The first large contingent of troops touches down on American soil today .

    第一批分遣大部队今天在美国 着陆

  • As such Civil Aviation had to implement international regulations and allow the planes to touch down he added .

    因此,民航必须执行国际规则,并允许飞机 降落,他补充说。

  • And I needed to touch down just above our minimum flying speed but not below it .

    我还需要 降落 速度刚刚高于最低飞行速度,而不能低于它。

  • According to the Beijing Times quoted by South China Morning Post China 's space agency plan to touch down on Mars by 2020 .

    据《南华早报》援引《 京华时报》消息,中国航天局计划在2020年登陆火星。

  • The metal contact cannot touch the down electrode when the switch is applied DC voltage due to the residual stress in the thin film so the signal cannot transmit .

    本文制作出的开关由于悬梁中存在残余应力,开关在加直流电压后触点不能 下降 的高度与 电极 接触,尚未实现开关的导通。

  • My plane would touch down just long enough to let me off .

    我坐的飞机 降落 只停留很短的时间,让我在那里走下飞机。

  • And then there 's his triumphant Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Texas a palisade of glass pavilions that touch down mysteriously on a broad reflecting pool .

    接着是他功成名就的作品德克萨斯州的现代艺术博物馆“沃斯堡”,一排栅栏环绕的玻璃亭 倒映在宽阔的建筑群,神秘莫测,引人入胜。

  • Autumn years the harvest season I wish the most sincere smile with you deeply wishes you happy National Day cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN !

    笨阅光阴,歉支的时令,愿我最朴拙的笑容陪伴您,深深的恭喜您,国庆节快悲欣乐,手蔚灿烂 腾达

  • Being able to witness so many supporters the moment we touch down at the airport the feeling was truly awesome and unbelievable !

    亲眼见证到这麽多人在迎接我们,从我们 机场的那壹刻开始,这感觉真的很可怕也很难以置信!

  • Combining with the typical flying accident the primary factors causing airliner landing performance penalty in actual flight are discussed in this paper which are excess approach airspeed and altitude at runway threshold faulty touch down technique and braking system operation .

    结合典型飞行事故案例,讨论分析了在实际飞行中导致民航客机着陆性能恶化的主要因素,即高高度大速度进场、不正确的 技术以及刹车使用不当等。

  • But touch down in beijing the capital of china China rising China booming China building and all bets are off .

    但是等到飞机在北京 降落后,我们会猛然意识到这是个绝然不同的国都。

  • So we need to keep the nose attitude all the time and need some power during touch down to transfer the weight of the airplane from the wings to the main gear .

    要求我们时时刻刻保持机头的姿态,同时在接 的过程中使用 油门,让飞机的重力作用点从机翼转移到主轮。

  • The plane should touch down at two o'clock .

    这架飞机应在两点钟 降落

  • Once you touch down put your feet up .

    一旦你 接触 下来,把你的脚。

  • Upon touch down the flight is then handed off to Ground Control .

    飞机接 ,即被移交给地面管制单位。

  • There are some similarities between 《 Sow Sheila 》 and 《 Deformation Notes 》: They all adopt the story style of human becoming animal and touch down to dissimilation issue in modern society .

    《母猪女郎》与《变形记》在故事类型上有相似之处,都采用了人变动物的故事类型;在主题上,也都 涉及 现代社会中的异化问题。

  • She wouldn 't let me touch her down there .

    她不让我 下面

  • Running the length of the field he was able to touch the ball down just in time . A fanned-out circuit . For example from a terminal control unit to one terminal .

    他从球场的一端跑到另一端,及时 带球到对方球门线后 触地得分。一种成扇状分叉的电路。如从一个终端控制单元到另一个终端。