total trade

[ˈtotl treid][ˈtəutəl treid]

[经] 贸易总额,总贸易额

  • For example total imports and exports smaller in relation to developed coastal areas export structure are based mainly on resource-intensive and labor-oriented export markets are too focused on services trade has low share in their respective total trade volume .

    比如进出口总额相对于沿海发达地区偏小,出口商品结构以劳动和资源密集型为主,出口市场过于集中,服务贸易在各自的 贸易 总额中所占比重较低等。

  • China 's wildlife trade develops quite fast : by now there has been altogether 1200 species entering the international trade over 400 of which are regular trading species and the total trade volume up to nearly USD 10 billion .

    我国野生动植物贸易发展迅速。目前进入国际贸易的物种 总数达到1200个,经常性贸易物种达400多个,国际 贸易额近100亿美元,在国民经济中占有重要地位。

  • Processing-related imports and exports have fallen by about 10 percentage points as a share of total trade over the past decade as production has become more integrated within China .

    过去十年,中国境内生产的整合程度越来越高,加工相关进出口在 贸易 总额中的比重下降了10%左右。

  • This paper mainly discusses the developing characteristics of the Sino-Indian trade cooperation since 1990s including total trade volume balance of trade trade intensity index and the merchandise structure of trade .

    本文主要从中印贸易合作 总量、贸易差额、中印双边贸易密切度以及商品贸易结构四个方面论述了20世纪90年代以来中印 贸易发展特征;

  • Hong Kong is one of the most open economies in the world with total trade in goods and services – imports plus exports – equal to about 300 per cent of gross domestic product .

    香港是全球最开放的经济之一,产品和服务的 贸易 总额(进口加上出口)相当于本港GDP的300%。

  • Several theories such as the labor value theory the externality value theory the intergenerational equity theory as well as mining rent theory have been applied in analysis of the total trade cost of rare earth .

    文章运用劳动价值论、存在价值和外部性理论、代际公平理论以及矿山地租理论对资源性 商品主要 贸易 成本的理论依据进行了深入阐述。

  • Secondly the value added balance of each category is less than the total trade balance to varying degrees .

    第二,增加值余额在绝对值上均不同程度地小于 贸易余额。

  • Through establishing the Error Correct Model ( ECM ) this paper studies the dynamic adjusting process from un-equilibrium to long-term equilibrium condition between FDI and total trade amount of imports and exports total amount of exports and total amount of imports .

    通过建立的误差修正模型,研究了FDI与进出口 贸易总额、出口总额、进口 总额之间由非均衡向长期均衡状态动态调整的过程。

  • The EU is a traditional market for China 's exports and the export to the EU is holding an increasing percentage of China 's total trade .

    欧盟是中国产品出口的一个传统市场,在我对外 贸易 比重不断上升。

  • During the first 10 months of 2009 trade with the US accounted for 13.6 per cent of China 's total trade whereas Africa and the 10 nations of the Association of South East Asian Nations ( Asean ) accounted for a combined 13.5 per cent .

    2009年前10个月,对美贸易占了中国 贸易额的13.6%,非洲和东盟(Asean)十国合计占了13.5%。

  • Russia accounts for only 3 % of Germany 's total trade so the losses were easily made up in higher exports elsewhere .

    而俄罗斯仅占有德国 贸易 总额的3%,所以在高出口的地方更容易出现损失。

  • China 's currency has become increasingly popular in settling total trade .

    人民币在 贸易 结算中已获得越来越广泛的使用。

  • The analysis of the trade payments in service and goods indicates that the total trade payments in service and goods are complementary but the balance of payment in service is substitute for that in goods .

    对相关主要国家货物 贸易和服务贸易的数据分析表明,服务 贸易和货物 贸易 总量上呈现出互补性特征,但是在各自差额上却呈现明显的替代性。

  • One third of the trio 's total trade is now among themselves triple the level 15 years ago when China embarked on its economic reforms .

    它的 贸易量的三分之一是在三者之间进行的,为中国在15年前开始经济改革时的三倍。

  • Food and energy : China provides North Korea with most of its food and energy supplies and accounts for 60 % of the reclusive nation 's total trade .

    食物和能源:中国供应了朝鲜大部分的食物和能源,占了这个离群的国家 贸易量的60%。

  • As for Europe while it is true that it has maintained relatively balanced total trade accounts for many years its trade deficit with Asia particularly China is soaring .

    至于欧洲,它确实在许多年里一直维持着相对平衡的 总体 贸易账户,但它与亚洲(特别是中国)的贸易逆差也在飙升。

  • In2005 total trade between Africa and China surged again to $ 40bn .

    2005年双方 贸易再次惊人提升, 总额达到了400亿美元。

  • In 1996 total trade between the two places amounted to over HK $ 1 trillion only after the trade between Japan and the US .

    一九九六年,两地 贸易 总额超越一万亿港元,仅次於美日两国的贸易额。

  • Today cooperation between our two countries has become the engine driving China-EU cooperation with China-Germany trade taking up roughly 30 percent of Chinas total trade with Europe .

    目前,中德合作已成为中欧合作的龙头,双方贸易额占到中欧 贸易 总额的30%左右。

  • The result is that Taiwan has just five accords with diplomatic allies in Latin America accounting for less than 1 per cent of its total trade .

    结果是台湾只与拉丁美洲的外交盟友签订了5项协定,还不到其 贸易 总额的1%。

  • In 1999 the Mainland was still Hong Kong 's largest trading partner accounting for 39 per cent of Hong Kong 's total trade .

    在一九九九年,内地仍然是香港最大的贸易伙伴,占香港 贸易 总额的39%。

  • The total trade structure of two parties can be explained in the frame of H-O theory .

    双方 总体 贸易结构基本可以在赫克歇尔俄林的理论框架下来解释。

  • Harbour traffic Hong Kong 's success is reflected in the volume of its total trade and the sophistication of its exports in recent years .

    海港货物进出港数量本港近年来的庞大 贸易 总额及高质素出口产品,是本港 商贸佳绩的明证。

  • Total trade in goods and services having initially bounced back from the global financial crisis has slowed sharply .

    全球金融危机过后,世界商品及服务 贸易最初 强劲反弹,但之后又急剧放缓。

  • The strong growth has prompted the emergence of a relatively large spot market accounting for at least 10 per cent of the total trade according to conservative estimates .

    这种强劲的增长催生了一个规模相对不小的现货市场。据保守估计,在铁矿石 交易量中,现货市场至少占到了10%。

  • Ceramics for daily use throughout the world total trade accounted for 30 % of the volume of trade impact of the international ceramics trade has become a major exporter .

    在整个世界日用陶瓷 贸易 总额中占达30%的贸易量,成了影响国际陶瓷贸易的主要输出国。

  • For2005 china 's trade volume with these countries and regions was us $ 344.5 billion accounting for one forth of china 's total trade for that year .

    2005年,中国与这些国家和地区的贸易量是3445亿美元,占中国 贸易 总额的四分之一。

  • The total trade volume with these ten large partners was 272.16 billion US dollars accounting for 83.7 % of China 's total foreign trade .

    与这十大伙伴的 贸易 总额为二千七百二十一点六亿美元,占中国外贸总值的百分之八十三点七。

  • Total trade volumes have more than halved since a year ago say market participants .

    市场人士表示,如今的 交易量比一年前减少了一半以上。