trade off

[treid ɔf][treid ɔf]


  • Preparing for the future can mean present sacrifice and many leaders are not willing to set this trade off .

    为未来做准备意味着现在的牺牲,许多领导不情愿 取消 交易

  • But be aware that there is a trade off .

    但注意这是有 代价的。

  • The trade off isn 't so bad when you think about it .

    你仔细想一想就会发现,这种 交易并不是那么糟糕。

  • In practice this trade off will have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for each application and each common library or module .

    在实践中,应该对每个应用程序、通用库或模块逐一进行 权衡和评估。

  • One of the biggest problems is that women face a warmth / competition trade off she says .

    布兰兹说,最大问题之一是女性面临着女人味与竞争力的 取舍

  • And it 's one of the things you may want to trade off .

    这可能是你想要比较 权衡的事情之一。

  • If you leverage a packaged application for example you may be able to deliver a solution faster and at a lower price but you may have to trade off many of your requirements .

    例如,如果你使用一个包装好的应用程序,你可能能够更快,并以更低的价格发布方案,但是你不得不 牺牲很多需求。

  • As a QA manager you must make a trade off between which steps are to be automated and which steps are to be executed manually .

    作为一个QA管理员,您必须就哪些步骤应该得到最大化,以及哪些步骤应该手动执行之间做出 权衡

  • This is a trade off between making data available where it was not in the past and making it perform well .

    这是使过去不可用的数据变得可用和使数据性能良好之间的一个 权衡

  • Typically there is a trade off between sophisticated models and simple models or between variance and bias .

    往往需要在复杂模型和简单模型之间进行 折中

  • In fact maybe we could trade off encourage and help each other !

    事实上我们可以 互相帮助彼此,互相学习!

  • There is a trade off between this approach and using real DOM elements .

    这种方法与使用真实DOM元素各有 利弊

  • Politics is a trade off .

    政治是一场 交易

  • All in all a good trade off .

    总的来说是一种好的 平衡

  • There is a possibility of being able to trade off information for a reduced sentence .

    有可能以情报 换取 减刑

  • You 're searching three or four things but nonetheless you have to do that trade off .

    你只是在三个或四个数据中进行查找,但是即使如此,你也必须做一些 权衡

  • There can be some trade off between die temperature cavity filling time and the temperature of the molten metal .

    在压铸模温度、腔充填时间和金属熔化温度之间可能要做某些 权衡

  • Investing is essentially a risk-return trade off .

    投资主若是一种风险回报 权衡

  • I may not want to do the full range of this but I may decide I have to use a lot of gigabytes of space in order to do a trade off .

    哈希成一个整数,我不想完整的去做这件事,但是我可以想像我需要用许多G的空间,去完成空间和时间之间的 权衡

  • Near lossless compression is a trade off between lossy compression and lossless compression .

    近无损压缩是在无损压缩和有损压缩之间的一种 折衷

  • And he took it out in trade off both of us .

    就带我们俩出场 交易

  • They would be able to trade off their looks and manage on that alone .

    他们将能 利用 自己的外表,并且单靠这一点就可以。

  • We learn in childhood that things are a value for value trade off .

    我们在孩童时期就学到了每件事都是有价值的,都可以当作是 谈判 筹码

  • They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling

    他们 见利忘义地试图以减少屠杀海豚数量作为交换条件,重启商业捕鲸。

  • The president decided to declare his readiness to trade off our atmospheric series .

    总统决定宣布,他随时准备让美国 放弃大气层核试验。

  • Two products with substantially different prices may be in the same market if consumers make a price-quality trade off .

    如果消费者对商品的价格和质量做充分考虑,那么在一个市场中可能存在价格相差很多的同种 商品

  • This is called trade off I wish that I will be successful .

    这就是所谓的 贸易 小康,我想我一定能圆满成功。