to tell lies


  • Recently I 've discovered that he 's started to tell lies .

    最近我发现他 开始 说谎了。

  • I have never known her to tell lies .

    我一直不知道她 说谎

  • He did not feel any temptation to tell lies to her .

    他压根儿没 对她 说谎

  • If you continue to tell lies you will forfeit the good opinion of everyone .

    你如果 继续 撒谎,就会失掉大家对你的好感。

  • It is not that he wants to tell lies but that he dare not speak the truth .

    不是他 愿意 说谎,而是他不敢说实话。

  • You are trustworthy and we have never known you to tell lies they answered .

    “你是最值得信赖的,我们决不知道你 说谎,”他们回答。

  • It 's bad to tell lies .


  • Sometimes he tells the truth too . Besides I don 't think it necessary to tell lies about this kind of thing . Don 't you think so ?

    有时候他也说真话,而且我认为他没有必要 这种事情 撒谎,难道你不这样认为吗?

  • You are quite right ; it is wrong to tell lies .

    得对, 说谎是错误的。

  • Some people think that it is OK for sales staff to tell lies to make a sale .

    有些人认为销售人员 为了卖出东西而 说谎是可以接受的。

  • Tom was so foolish as to tell lies to the police .

    汤姆太傻了,竟对警察 说谎

  • Not every student likes to tell lies .

    并不是每个学学生都喜欢 说谎

  • Because I 've decided to tell lies I 've told many lies in my life but I think it is the most wonderful lie !

    因为我已经决定 说谎,我已经告诉很多谎言,在我的生活中,但我想这是最美妙的谎言!

  • He taught the children not to tell lies .

    他教他的孩子 不要 说谎

  • When I catch that boy I 'll teach him to tell lies to me .

    要是我抓到那个小孩,我要好好治治他,看他还 不敢 对我 撒谎

  • It is not good to tell lies .


  • Why is it a surprise to find that people other than ourselves are able to tell lies ?

    当你发现其他人比自己更会 说谎时,没有必要感到吃惊。

  • And still there are times when we have to tell lies in order not to hurt others .

    而且在一些时候为了不伤害他人我们 不得不 撒谎

  • Sometimes we are forced to tell lies and other times we find people who are dishonest can enjoy great pleasures while honest people have to suffer failures .

    有时,我们被迫 撒谎,还有些时候,我们发现不诚实的人得到了利益而诚实的人得到的却是失败。

  • My parents taught me never to tell lies .

    我父母告诫我千万不要 说谎

  • Besides he likes to tell lies but that 's another story .

    另外,他还喜欢 说谎,不过那是题外话了。

  • I promise on my honor not to tell lies .

    我发誓我不会 说谎

  • It 's wrong to tell lies .


  • I don 't have to tell lies to her and we work very well together .

    我也没有 必要 假话,我们一起合作得非常默契。

  • So why do we continue to tell lies ?

    那我们为什么 继续不断 说谎呢?

  • It is wrong to tell lies .


  • When I told him that it was wrong to tell lies he just laughed at me .

    当我告诉他 说谎不好时,他只是对我笑一笑。

  • It 's a sin to tell lies .
