

[法] 引渡,让与,文付

  • Traditio Stipulatio of Roman Law and the Formation of Non-Causation in Private Law

    罗马法的 traditio、stipulatio与私法上无因性概念的形成

  • Image retrieval was proposed by CHANG firstly in1980 and can be regarded as expansion of traditio .

    影像检索 Chang于1980年提出,是 传统 信息 检索的扩展。

  • Modern western philosophy isn 't scientific philosophy for not establishing consciously practical way of thinking although it attaches importance to man 's realistic activity and does criticize and assail severely traditio nal metaphysics .

    现代西方哲学虽然注重人的现实活动,对 传统 形而上学理论 展开了猛烈的批判与抨击,但没有自觉地建立实践思维方式,因而是不科学的。