to step forward

[tu stɛp ˈfɔrwəd][tu: step ˈfɔ:wəd]


  • A team of executives may be inspired to step forward with unique but drastic solutions to these global problems .

    执行的团队会受激发,独特的但激烈的 进一步解决这些全球问题。

  • From the integrated physiologic signal phenotype to genotype & to step forward into the new times for biomedical signal processing

    整体生理信号表现型到基因型& 跨入生物医学信号处理的新时代

  • In that year Haizi was embracing childlike state to step forward ; he seemingly heard the summons in far .

    那一年的海子,是怀着孩子般的心态 上路的,他仿佛听到 遥远召唤。

  • The reason is that the absence of stories in the compositions of junior middle school students made them hard to step forward just like a boat in the desert .

    究其原因,正是故事在学生作文中的缺席,让初中生仿佛失去了赖以活命的沙漠之舟, 一刻都 举步维艰

  • The World Youth Assembly is our opportunity to step forward and take responsibility .

    世界青年大会 我们来说是 前面、履行自己职责的重要机会。

  • To succeed however they need international support encouragement and technical assistance and that 's what prompted us to step forward and offer our help .

    但要取得成功,中国也需要得到国际上的支持、鼓励和技术协助,因此基金会 决定 中国提供帮助。

  • The time has come for us to step forward with quiet pride in our hearts to create a new country he said .

    现在该是我们 前进的时候了,心中充满平静的自豪感,去创建一个新的国家,他表示。

  • He gestured to me to step forward .

    他示意我 向前

  • She says she hopes these offers will inspire other airlines to step forward .

    她希望,这几 家业者提供的免费服务,将鼓励其它公司也 前来提供 协助

  • By way of comparative study we are able to see through legal phenomenon to grasp the general connotation which is used to push our legal system to step forward Meanwhile we can perfect our own theories through communicating and drawing on experiences of other countries .

    通过比较研究方法,我们可以把握住法律现象的共同内涵,并加以分析和认识,推进人类整体性的法律 进步,同时也通过法律研究的交流与借鉴,以完善我们自身的理论研究。

  • So I always felt free in fact I felt encouraged when I had a disagreement to step forward and make my case .

    所以我总觉得很自由,事实上,我觉得经常被鼓励 提出不同意见, 出来,陈述自己的观点。

  • Their aim was to step forward and intervene when the belligerents had worn each other out .

    其目的在于 使战争的双方互相消耗, 然后自己 出台干涉。

  • Stand-on-hands held on to the old tree but no longer be able to step forward only to stand a long time .

    站在河畔,手扶着老槐树,脚步却 无法向前,只能久久地伫立。

  • This is the reason of this study . Undoubtedly new curriculum reform is a huge project which needs the joint participation collaboration and efforts of everyone on all levels to step forward .

    这成为本文研究的缘由。毋庸置疑,新课改是一项浩大的工程,需要所有层面上的所有人共同参与、合作、努力 才能 步步 向前 推进的。

  • But when I tried to step forward I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over .

    而当我试着 向前 迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。

  • In this land of mythic tales it 's time for some new heroes to step forward .

    在这片孕育过希腊神话的土地上,新一代英雄 前台的时候已经

  • In order to ensure that new and old system cohesion smoothly and shall also have to step forward gradual of competitive sports in China of the whole system reform and innovation .

    为了确保新旧制度衔接顺利,还应有 步骤地、渐进式地 推进中国竞技体育制度的整体改革和创新。

  • A number seem willing to step forward although it may be hard to accommodate students enrolled on courses specific to London met .

    很多大学似乎都 愿意伸出 援手,尽管要安置那些所学课程为伦敦都市大学独有的学生可能并非易事。

  • You may have to step forward to compensate for wind speed .

    你可能 需要 向前走来抵消风的速度。

  • The organizing committee are appealing for volunteers to step forward .

    组织委员会号召志愿者 自告奋勇

  • Developing countries have the chance to step forward and revolutionise the world in a way no-one thought possible until now .

    发展中国家有机会 向前 迈进并会以一种今天没有人认为可能的想法去改革这个世界。

  • The police have asked for witnesses of the accident to step forward to help with enquiries .

    警察让事件的目击者 出来,为调查者提供帮助。

  • Richard had the presence of mind to step forward and pick it up .

    理查德镇定自若 上前去把它捡了起来。

  • The small product big market marketing situation of lobster sauce industry has reached a bottleneck state companies need bold innovation if they want to step forward .

    豆豉小产品,大市场的行业营销现状已经到了需要大胆创新 才能 大步 前行的瓶颈状态。

  • When it came the time for the master of ceremony to announce the new owner and asked him to step forward everyone was amazed .

    当主持人宣布新的总裁是谁并请他 前来,所有的人都惊讶了!

  • KEVIN RUDD made a pact with the voters of Australia last night to step forward with them and forge a new future for the nation .

    凯文 卢克昨晚与他的支持者做了一个约定,将 他们 携手建造一个崭新的未来。

  • During a comic introductory chorus he was supposed to step forward with the shouted interpolation oh Mrs gibson !

    在滑稽的开场合唱中,他应 大声地插话道:“哦,吉布森夫人!”

  • Paul Scholes'uncharacteristic error enabled Danny Murphy to step forward and beat Tomasz Kuszczak .

    斯科尔斯不可思议的失误让墨菲 能够轻松的击败 库什萨克。

  • One man dares to step forward and declare .

    一个人勇敢的 迈出 并宣布。