to the bone

[tu ði bon][tu: ðə bəun]


  • Some of his comments about her appearance were a bit close to the bone .

    他对她外貌的一些评论有点太 露骨了。

  • Let 's try to make the best use of our resources and cut the production costs to the bone .

    我们要充分利用资源,最大 限度地降低产品成本。

  • Please refer to the Bone and Joint Health section for more information about osteoarthritis .

    更多详情请参阅 骨头和关节健康相关章节。

  • The cold wind chilled me to the bone .

    冷风吹了我个 透心儿凉。

  • What I saw chilled me to the bone .

    我看到的景象 不寒而栗

  • The information you have got has been cut down to the bone .

    你所得到的这个信息是已经经过压缩 整理的。

  • We went to build a snowman but before it was half finished I was chilled to the bone .

    我们去堆雪人,但还未堆完一半时,我已感到寒气 刺骨了。

  • The cells migrate to the bone marrow and start producing blood cells and immune system components .

    干细胞迁移 骨髓,开始生成血细胞和免疫系统组分。

  • Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving .

    为了维持资金周转,利润率已被降 最低

  • The workers worked themselves to the bone for the capitalists .

    工人们为资本家 卖命

  • His comments about racism may be too close to the bone for some people .

    他对种族歧视的评论对于有些人来说也许太 露骨了。

  • We 're cutting the language down to the bone .

    语言 我们砍剩了 骨头

  • I 'll work my fingers to the bone till I pay back all my debts .


  • A vicious price war between manufacturers has cut margins to the bone .

    制造商之间的恶性价格战已将利润削减 最低

  • My barren thoughts have chilled me to the bone .


  • I heard a scream that chilled me to the bone .

    我听到了-一声 毛骨悚然 尖叫声。

  • When father lost his job our living expenses had to be cut to the bone .

    父亲失业后,我们不得不把生活费用减低 最低 限度

  • It has survived by cutting its costs to the bone

    它通过最大 限度地降低运营成本生存了下来。

  • She was forced to work her fingers to the bone .

    她被迫 苦干

  • You burnt that doctor to the bone .

    你把那位大夫烧 了只剩 骨头

  • I 'm frozen to the bone out here .

    我在这里快 冻死了。

  • Our budget has been pared to the bone .

    我们的预算已削减 最低限度。

  • We cut our prices to the bone but still couldn 't sell enough to recover our costs .

    我们把价格压 最低 限度,但是仍然不能收回成本。

  • The bus service has been cut to the bone .

    公共汽车服务已经削减 最低 限度

  • The government has cut our funding to the bone .

    政府已经尽可能多 削减 我们的资金。

  • I waited for the bus for so long that I was frozen to the bone when it arrived .

    我等公共汽车等了很久,当车子 时,我都 冻僵了。

  • The cold wind chills one to the bone .

    寒风 刺骨

  • But let 's hope he cut her to the bone .

    希望他切 了她的 骨头