traffic lights

[ˈtræfɪk laɪts][ˈtræfik laits]

n.红绿灯红绿灯( traffic light的名词复数 )

  • POLICEMAN : Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights .

    警察:沿着这条街走一直走,到了第二个 绿灯

  • See those traffic lights ?

    看到那些 交通 指示 了吗?

  • Just follow your nose until you reach the traffic lights and then turn left .

    一直往前走到第一个 交通 信号 地方,然后向左拐。

  • He halted the car at the traffic lights .

    他在 绿灯前停住了汽车。

  • All the vehicles stopped as the traffic lights changed to red .

    红灯一亮,所有的 机动车辆都停下了。

  • Obey traffic lights and stop signs .

    遵守 交通 指挥 和停车信号。

  • Walk straight on and you 'll see the traffic lights .

    一直向前走,你就会看见 交通 了。

  • If buses or trucks are in front of us we cant see the traffic lights .

    如果公共汽车或卡车在我们眼前,我们看不到 交通

  • You can walk through the zebra crossing only when the traffic lights turn green .

    只有当 交通 变成绿色时,你才可以通过斑马线。

  • There are traffic lights at each crossing .

    每个十字路口都有 绿灯

  • I have a few traffic lights and sidewalks I would like to add .

    我想添加一些 交通 和行车道。

  • As we were waiting at the traffic lights another car drew up alongside ours .

    当我们在 交通 等候的时候,另一辆汽车和我们并排停靠在一起。

  • Just past the Barlby roundabout there 's temporary traffic lights .

    在刚过巴尔比环岛的地方,有一个临时 绿灯

  • Cross with care at the traffic lights .

    横穿马路时要留心看 交通 指挥

  • Instead of a four-way intersection with traffic lights a circular bit of road appeared .

    取代了四面相通、有 交通 的十字交叉路,一个圆形的路出现了。

  • I had to stop at the traffic lights and put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light .

    我不得不在 绿灯 停车,然后放下遮阳板来遮挡阳光。

  • We drove through red traffic lights the horn blaring .

    我们鸣着喇叭,闯过 红灯

  • This paper explores programming method of PLC by traffic lights control system and result by emulation is given .

    交通 信号 控制系统为例阐述了PLC的编程方法,并通过仿真给出了结果。

  • Turn right at the second traffic lights you can see it on your left .

    在第二个 绿灯右转。你就可以在左边看到了。

  • It 's the first left after the traffic lights .

    绿灯后第一个左 转弯即是。

  • The traffic lights are red now but Harry is thinking and he can 't see them .

    交通 是红的,但哈里王子的思想和他不能见他们。

  • Go straight along this street to the traffic lights .

    沿着这条街一直走,走到 交通 那里

  • There are no multi-lane roads . No traffic lights .

    这里没有多车道公路,没有 交通 信号

  • Cross over at the traffic lights where the road is safe .

    交通 指挥 那儿过马路,那儿安全。

  • And I know to watch the traffic lights carefully .

    我也知道要仔细观看 交通

  • The optional integrated gate arm and traffic lights provide added safety .

    防护栏上安装了栏木和 交通 ,增强了安全性能。

  • Please look out for traffic lights when cross you the road .

    当你过马路时请注意 交通

  • Traffic lights turn red before they can get across the street .

    还没等他们走过马路 交通 就变红了。

  • Carry straight along Park Road you 'll come to a major crossroad with traffic lights .

    沿着公园路一直走,你将走到一个有 绿灯的主要十字路口。

  • This road has no many traffic lights .

    这条路 绿灯不多。