traffic injury

[ˈtræfɪk ˈɪndʒəri][ˈtræfik ˈindʒəri]


  • A Simulating Experimental Study on the Injury Model of Motorcycle Traffic Injury

    摩托车 交通 伤模型的实验研究

  • Objective : To approach the characteristic of children traffic injury and to improve the level of first aid .

    目的:探讨儿童 交通 伤害的特点,提高院前急救水平。

  • Time-series Analysis on Road Traffic Injury in China

    中国道路 交通 伤害的时间序列分析

  • Male injury causes the first three followed by falling down / fall blunt injury traffic injury .

    男性伤害的发生原因前三位依次是跌倒/坠落、钝器伤、 交通 伤害

  • It might be used as a new parameter on clinical study of vascular active peptides during traffic injury .

    因此,血浆ADM含量测定可为 交通 血管活性肽的临床研究提供一个新指标。

  • The causes of injuries were fall down injury ( 10 patients ) sports related injury ( 8 patients ) traffic injury ( 4 patients ) and high falling injury ( 1 patient ) .

    摔倒伤10例,运动相关损伤8例, 车祸 4例,高处坠落伤1例。所有骨折均为闭合性损伤;

  • A key point in road traffic injury prevention : pedestrian road safety education

    道路 交通 伤害预防的一个关键点:行人道路安全教育

  • Death of traffic injury in kunming 2004 .

    2004年昆明市居民 交通 事故死亡分析。

  • The high risk age of craniocerebral traffic injury was from 30 to 40 years ;

    结果颅脑 中以男性比例最大:高危年龄段为 30-40岁;

  • The Analysis of Traffic Injury Surveillance in Qingdao City in 2007

    2007年青岛市 交通 事故 伤害监测资料分析

  • More traffic injury ( 96.9 % ) happened on the road / street and most of the falling ( 50.7 % and 31.5 % ) and blunt injury ( 42.5 % and ( 34.5 % )) happened at home and in school .

    交通 事故(96.9%)多发生在公路/街道,跌落(50.7%和31.5%)和钝器击打(42.5%和34.5%)多发生于家里和学校。

  • This section provides some general statistics on the road traffic injury accidents and resulting casualties in Hong Kong for the past ten years .

    这部分载列了过去十年涉及 伤亡 交通意外数字和伤亡人数。

  • The main features of thoracic traffic injury were the fracture of ribs contusion and hemorrhage of lungs .

    胸部 交通 主要为肋骨骨折和肺挫伤出血。

  • Analysis of 128 cases of traffic injury in morning exercise

    晨练 交通 128例分析

  • Study of traffic injury of rear crash in rabbits

    兔追尾 交通 的实验研究

  • Preventing and decreasing the road traffic injury and falling injury were the major measure of injury prevention and control in Penglai .

    预防和减少 交通 伤害、跌落的发生是蓬莱市伤害预防控制的主要措施。

  • Review implementation progress of the World report on road traffic injury prevention and related resolutions ;

    审议《世界预防道路 交通 伤害报告》和相关决议的实施进展情况;

  • Conclusions : Lateral frontal orbit traffic injury is characteristic of high incidence .

    结论:一侧额眶部 交通 发生率高。

  • Results The chief cause of death in pre-hospital trauma is traffic injury and injury by falling . The first two causes of sudden death is sudden death of unknown cause and cardiovascular disease .

    结果中青年院外创伤死亡原因主要为 交通 伤及坠落伤,猝死病因前两位是不明原因猝死及心血管疾病。

  • Conclusions The traffic injury child injury and occupation injury were the priority areas in injury prevention and control .

    结论 交通 伤害、儿童伤害和农民职业伤害已成为肥西县伤害预防控制的重点领域。

  • Prehospital Nursing Training on Traffic Injury for Improvement of Nurse 's Emergency Salvage Capability

    交通 院前急救护理培训提升护士应急救治能力

  • WHO also provides guidelines that highlight good practice in road traffic injury prevention and then supports governments to implement the suggested programmes or policies .

    世卫组织还提供指导方针,突出预防道路 交通 伤害的良好作法,并支持政府落实所建议的方案或政策。

  • Road traffic injury death rates are highest in the low-and middle-income countries of the African and Middle Eastern regions .

    非洲和中东地区的低收入和中等收入国家发生的道路 交通 伤害死亡率最高。

  • Road traffic injury is a major cause of death and disability globally .

    道路 交通 伤害是全球死亡和伤残、失能的一个重要原因。

  • Objective To study the traffic injury character in rear crash .

    目的探讨汽车追尾碰撞 交通 伤情特点。

  • Objective : To explore the clinical features and treatment of severe lateral frontal orbit traffic injury .

    目的:探讨一侧额眶部严重 交通 的临床特点及救治。

  • Injuries reasons : 42 cases of traffic injury sports injuries in 12 cases falls in 6 cases .

    致伤原因: 交通 42例,运动伤12例,跌伤6例。

  • Conclusions : The serious craniocerebral traffic injury characterize severe multiple injury very commonly and complex injury .

    结论:重型颅脑 交通 伤情重、复合伤多、伤情复杂。