to the contrary

[tu ði ˈkɑnˌtrɛri][tu: ðə ˈkɔntrəri]


  • The development of the almost generally accepted opinion to the contrary can easily be explained .

    相反 意见之所以普遍发展,是很容易解释的。

  • That does not automatically mean however that the money supply has been curbed and there is considerable evidence to the contrary

    然而,那并不一定意味着货币供应量受到了限制,有大量证据表明 事实 正好 相反

  • Public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty .


  • Unless you advise to the contrary we will mark the package the same as before .

    除非你方 另有 通知,我们仍将在货包上刷以前的标志。

  • In spite of what we hear to the contrary teachers should deserve the money they earn .

    尽管我们听到 相反 意见,教师还是应得到他们的待遇。

  • I will come on Monday unless you write to the contrary .

    我将於星期一前来,除非你 写信 别来

  • She says she didn 't go there and there is no evidence to the contrary .

    她说她没有到那儿去,且没有 她的相反 证据。

  • E.g.You may be right ; there 's no evidence to the contrary .

    你也许是对的,因为没有 相反 证据证明你不对。

  • I 'll come next month unless you write to the contrary .

    我下个月来,除非你 写信叫我不要

  • In the absence of evidence to the contrary the profession of faith should be enough .

    在缺少 反面证据 情况下, 对于信仰的声明就应该足够了。

  • To the contrary we have strengthened our identity .


  • Unless there is evidence to the contrary we ought to believe them .

    我们应该相信他们,除非有 相反 证据。

  • This method despite thousands of published statements to the contrary has no damaging effects whatsoever .

    尽管人们已发表了无数 相反 说法,但这一方法绝没有任何破坏性的影响。

  • So here is my question about that how can I know this when everything he has done tells me something to the contrary ?

    因此我的问题是,当他所做的一切都告诉我他不爱我的时候,我怎么能知道他是 我的?

  • I shall continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary .

    在我未得到 相反 证据之前,我会继续相信它。

  • To the contrary I believe they were both outstanding choices .


  • We will seek to understand any concerns to the contrary .

    我们将努力理解其它任何 关切

  • And I believe that in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary we will all be okay .

    我相信即使面临铺天盖地 相反 证据,我们都会没事?

  • This though sometimes requires us to stretch our imagination and deny all evidence to the contrary .

    这有时候就要求我们在拓宽思维的同时拒绝那些 关于 事物 反面 证明。

  • In some ways to the contrary .

    从某个 相反 方向 看来

  • All evidence to the contrary .

    所有的证据都显示 相反 结果

  • To the contrary the process would become more bureaucratic and sacrifice some timeliness .


  • And now researchers have uncovered strong evidence to the contrary .

    现在,研究人员发现了强有力的证据,所证明 情况 恰恰 相反

  • I will go on with my work unless I get the order to the contrary .

    我将继续工作直到我得到 相反的命令。

  • Show me some evidence to the contrary .

    给我看看有什么 相反 证据吧。

  • I will assume that you want me to come on Monday unless you write to the contrary .

    我会认为你要我星期一来,除非你 写信 让我

  • We enlarged NATO despite our oral assurances to the contrary .

    我们扩大了北约(nato), 违背了口头的承诺。

  • Presumed to be true in the absence of proof to the contrary .

    相反 在缺乏 根据 基础上假定为真实的。