tower bottom

[ˈtaʊɚ ˈbɑtəm][ˈtauə ˈbɔtəm]


  • The flow entering the tower forms a strong vortex which creates a low pressure region at the bottom of tower and this low pressure makes it possible for the pressure difference water-elevating device to lift water .

    气流进入旋风 后产生强涡,在 底部形成低压区域,气压差提水装置利用此低压实现提水。

  • Condensating-Fractionating Tower system was used in the separation of gaseous mixture comprising a dephlegmator a column section and a tower bottom .


  • The water pond at tower bottom located on the side of collapse direction would be cleaned up .


  • Entrance Pipeline Design Discussion of Hot Oil Pump in Tower Bottom


  • Application of bellows mechanical seal in series in the pump at the decompression tower bottom

    串联式 波纹管机械密封在减 泵上的应用

  • Furthermore the effects of tower top pressure temperatures of tower top and bottom reflux ratio on product purity were analyzed .

    同时探讨了塔顶压强、 塔顶 温度、回流比变化对产品纯度的影响,获得了试验条件下的最佳操作条件。

  • But the dangerous point of the tower column happens at the altitude of 292.5m and the anastomosis of the soleplate and the bottom of the tower column .

    但塔柱的危险部位在高程 292.5m截面刚度突变处以及塔柱根部与 底板相接处。

  • But overall displacement of the main beam and main tower decreases while shear and moment of the bottom of piers increase with increasing water depth .

    但是总体上主 、主梁的位移有减小的趋势,墩 剪力和弯矩均随着水深的增加而增大。

  • A mid-reboiler was added to the desorption tower to combine the advantages of cold feed and heated feed the heat of the stabilized gasoline could be reused and the heat load of the bottom reboiler was reduced .

    解吸 采用中间再沸器进行改造,结合了冷进料和热进料的优点,可充分利用稳定汽油低温位热量,使 再沸器热负荷降低。

  • Through the theoretical analysis it is therefor testified that the new type of jar-shape tower caldron with bottom heater of working frequency induction is an ideal installation which will show the benefit quickly in wood chemical and other chemical enterprises .

    通过理论分析,证明这种新型的具有 釜底加热特性的罐形 釜工频感应加热设备,是林产化工企业及其它化工企业见效快的优良设备。

  • The optimal conditions of adsorption were obtained when theoretical plate number was equal to 7 the tower top temperature 47.8 ℃ the bottom temperature 51.8 ℃ and the scrubbing liquid was raw methanol ( 8mol / h ) .

    吸收 理论 板数7, 塔顶温度为47.8℃, 温度为51.8℃,洗涤液为原料甲醇(8mol/hr);

  • Under dead and live loads the shear lag effect in box girder of cable-stayed bridge with single tower and single cable plane is comparatively complex and the shear lag phenomenon in the top or bottom flange plate at positions adjacent to different web plates is variational ;

    在恒载和活载作用下,独 单索面斜拉桥箱形主梁的剪力滞效应比较复杂,在顶板或 底板的不同肋板处剪力滞现象也可能各不相同;

  • By means of allocating a diffuser and a baffle on the outlet of the tornado tower of the Tornado Type Wind Energy System the pressure coefficient at the bottom of the tower may be dropped by several times and hence increasing the power of the wind turbine .

    在旋风式风能系统的旋风 出口配以扩压器和降压挡板,可以成倍地降低旋风塔 底部压力系数,从而大幅度地提高风力透平功率。

  • As a whole the reactor is a tower . The mode of operation is half successive . Raw material oil is feeded one-time and methanol is feeded continuously from the bottom .

    反应器整体上是 塔式结构,采用半连续操作,原料油一次性进料,甲醇从 底部连续进料。

  • To improve efficiency and quality of packed tower design the modular design from top to bottom for it is done by adopting the object-oriented idea and combining the theory of expert system . And the packed tower intelligent CAD expert system is developed .

    为提高填料 的设计效率和质量,采用面向对象思想的设计方法,对 填料 设备进行 自上而下的模块化设计,同时把专家系统原理与CAD技术结合起来,实现填料塔智能CAD系统的开发。

  • In order to solve the effect problem a model of distillation process for packing tower is set up to calculate the reasonable minimum reflux ratio and bottom temperature of the tower .

    为解决分离效果问题在开车过程对填料 的精馏过程建立模型,推算出适宜的回流比和塔 温度。

  • With increasing of feeds temperature acetic acid concentration of tower top increased and acetic acid concentration of tower bottom decreased .

    随着进料位置从最佳进料位置上移或下降,分离效果降低。(5)随着进料温度的升高,塔顶醋酸浓度升高, 醋酸浓度降低,分离效率变差;

  • The infection of the washing liquid used in the pump at the decompression tower bottom to the medium was introduced .

    采用串联式波纹管机械密封代替 原单端面机械密封,解决了减 泵机械密封冲洗液对介质的影响问题。

  • In this paper the design points of petroleum chemical equipment such as tower top side and bottom piping manholes layout and the nozzle position are introduced briefly .

    本文对石油化工装置设计中 塔顶 侧面和 管道的设计,人孔布置及管口方位的设计要点做简要介绍。

  • Suggestions of reducing scum oil amount change injection place from the coking tower bottom steam injection line to the coking tower top main oil and steam line were proposed .

    提出减少浮渣油含量、将浮渣从焦炭 吹汽给水线注入改从焦炭塔顶大油气线上注入等措施。

  • The tower has carbon steel shell lined with ceramic tile except demister section and gas outlet nozzle which are fabricated in 316L stainless steel and has global bottom with a central hole for acid discharge .

    除捕沫层简体及出气管为316L不锈钢外,其余 均为碳钢内衬瓷砖结构。 底为球形 ,中心排酸。

  • With increasing of initial concentration of acetic acid acetic acid concentration of tower top and bottom increased .

    进料中醋酸含量增加时, 塔顶 醋酸浓度均随之增加。

  • Replacement of Tower Bottom for 500 kV Transmission Lines

    500kV送电线路更换 铁塔

  • It is shown by solving the mathematical model that the cost target function can be minimized by controlling the heating power in the reboiler at the tower bottom so that the online optimization is realized .

    数学模型求解后的结果表明:控制丙烯精馏 塔塔 再沸器的加热量,可以使成本目标函数达到最小值,从而实现该 的在线优化。

  • The desorption tower in absorption and stabilization System of 0.8mt/Y DCC unit in Jingmen General Petrochemical Works was revamped with middle reboiler technology . The purpose of revamp was to decrease the quantity of heat of the bottom reboiler and reuse the heat of stabilization gasoline .

    荆门分公司0.8Mt/年DCC-Ⅱ装置吸收-稳定系统解吸 采用中间再沸器节能技术改造,以回收稳定汽油余热,降低解吸塔 再沸器热负荷。

  • Repair of Final Absorption Tower for Its Wornout Bottom

    第二吸收 腐蚀穿 的修复

  • Data imitation and test research of tower bottom isolation of buildings with lower two stories frame and upper multi-tower

    底部二层框架上部多 塔楼 隔震数值模拟与试验研究

  • Double tower structure is big chassis for big chassis the bottom upper adopts two tower as the main body structure ; When the upper tower because the function or modelling requirements through one or multiple connections body connected it formed a big chassis conjoined twin towers structure .

    大底盘 双塔 结构是 底部为大底盘、上部采用两个塔楼作为主体的结构;当上部的塔楼由于功能或造型要求通过一个或多个连接体相互连接就形成了大底盘双塔楼连体结构。

  • Reason analysis on inlet valve failure for vacuum tower bottom pump

    减压 泵入口阀失效原因分析