trading account


  • Below is an example of how the proposed leverage reduction would affect your Forex trading account .

    下面是如何建议的杠杆削减会影响您的外汇 交易 帐户的例子。

  • You are free to decide the amount of fund in your boom trading account .

    在您的boom 交易 户口里, 投资 交易的资金、数量、次数的多少都由您作主。

  • He earned £ 250 last year trading stock on his own account .

    去年他在 自己的股票 交易上赚了25万英镑。

  • All forex robots we have tested have the same pattern everywhere many small gains with one big loss wiping out all profits and making even a loss to your trading account .

    我们已经测试过的所有外汇机器人具有相同的图案随处可见许多小的收益,与一个大的损失抹去了所有的利润,甚至出现亏损,使您的 交易 账户

  • UBS has been shrinking its balance sheet and withdrawing from trading on its own account .

    瑞银一直在收缩资产负债表,并撤离自有 账户 交易

  • Any EA 's freely available publicly will lose your trading account .

    任何免费公开提供的EA,都将使您的 交易 帐户爆仓。

  • Article 212 . The State Council will prescribe separate procedures for implementing the regulations governing clients ' funds for securities trading and account settlement .

    第二百一十二条本法关于客户 交易 结算资金的规定的实施步骤,由国务院另行规定。

  • The so-called Volcker rule would ban banks from trading on their own account and limit their ability to invest in or sponsor hedge funds and private equity .

    所谓的“沃尔克规则”(volckerrule)禁止银行从事 自营 交易,并限制他们投资或“资助”对冲基金和私人股本。

  • The term securities misrepresentation in this dissertation includes the following behaviors in the activities of securities issuing and trading : false account significant omission and misguiding statement .

    本文中的证券虚假陈述包括在证券发行及 交易中的下列行为:虚假 记载、重大遗漏和误导性陈述。

  • As the kernel part of the futures trading system futures account settlement plays an important role in the trading process .

    作为期货 交易系统的核心部分,期货 结算担负着重要的使命。

  • However the Thomson Financial figures do not capture fee data from derivatives and trading which banks claim account for the bulk of their true earnings .

    但是,汤姆森金融的数据不包括衍生品和 交易费用,而银行 声称,这些才是大部分真实收益的来源。

  • But this high-frequency trading is estimated to account for well over half of daily volume in US stocks up from estimates of 30 per cent in 2005 .

    据估计,这种高频 交易 了美国股市日 交易量的一半以上,高于2005年30%的估计份额。

  • From my experience 10 times wiping out from small forex trading account is normal .

    根据我的经验,小型外汇 交易 账户内的资金输光10次,实属正常。

  • These are very valuable resources for poor and SMART traders who would like to hone their trading skills with'play'money before opening a live trading account and risking real money .

    所有的服务都是免费的,很多“穷人”或聪明人都是先万模拟 账号后才玩真钱。

  • If DFTT is not satisfied with any documentation provided by Client will reverse the withdrawal transaction and deposit the amount back to Client 's trading account .

    如果DFTT公司不满意所提供的文件,DFTT会将拒绝办理出金,并将客户的资金重新存入客户的 交易 帐户中。

  • Applicants also need to have held a securities trading account for at least 18 months and must pass an eligibility test to show they understand the risks .

    参与者还需要开立证券 交易 账户至少18个月,并且必须通过资格测试,以表明他们明白其中的风险。

  • Rebate is deposited in the same base currency which a client deposited for trading at the CMS bank account .

    回扣将换算成与以客户存入CMS银行 账户相同的基准货币相同的货币并 记录客户在CMS 开立 账户上。

  • Groups that profit from in-house hedge funds private equity firms or trading for their own account should not benefit from implicit or explicit government guarantees .

    获利于内部对冲基金、私人股本公司或自有 账户 交易 银行集团,不应得益于明确或隐含的政府担保。

  • By opening a futures trading account you confirm that you are not subject to any legal or regulatory restrictions on dealing in futures through this website .

    阁下开设期货 交易 帐户,即确认阁下通过本网站进行期货买卖,并不受任何法律限制或监管限制所规限。

  • Our minimum account size the lowest for any brokerage of our size and reputation allows you to become accustomed to trading a real Forex account with real money before making a large investment .

    我们最低开户金额为所有与我们同级的券商中最低,令 客户可以用小量资金开立真实 账户以熟悉市场和 交易 操作,为将来进行大笔投资做好技术和心理的准备。

  • FXCM will credit client 's trading account after confirmation of funds receipt .

    fxcm收到资金确认后,会将资金转入客户 帐户内。

  • The number of active investors is thought to be closer to 20m but analysts say that the trading account figures are considered to be a good proxy for retail investor interest .

    据信,活跃的投资者数量接近2000万人,但分析师表示, 交易 账户数字被认为是一个很好的散户投资者兴趣标志。

  • The 2 % per trade risk rule takes into consideration the entry price the initial stop-loss exit price commission cost and the dollar amount of the trading account .

    交易风险规则考虑了入场价格、初始止损价格、佣金和 交易 帐户金额。

  • In fact with effective risk control you can sustain multiple losses without devastation to your trading account and emotions .

    事实上,配合高效的风险控制,你的心态和 账户能承受多次亏损。

  • If that occurs I must re-apply for options approval to maintain options trading privileges in my account .

    如果发生这种情况,若要维持我 帐户中的期权 交易权利,我必须重新申请期权批准。

  • In order to qualify for the bonus the referrer must have an active One Financial Markets trading account with a minimum account balance of $ 500 .

    为了有资格获得奖金,推荐人必须有一个活跃的OneFinancialMarkets的 交易 账户,并且最低账户余额达到500美元。

  • We stop thinking and allow our rules to trade for us ( trading becomes boring but successful ) and our trading account continues to grow as we increase our contract size .

    我们不猜市场了,而是让规则去发挥作用( 交易开始变得很成功,但有点无聊),我们的 资金也越做越大;

  • The residual dollar value of a futures option or leverage trading account assuming it was liquidated at current prices .

    一个期货、期权或以保证金形式 交易 账户在假设以目前的市场价格平仓后以货币形式计算的 账户余额。

  • You should login your forex trading account to get official price quotation for the dealing in forex / bullion transaction .

    如阁下欲取得正式报价以作外汇合约买卖,请先登入阁下的外汇 交易 网上 账户

  • If a staff opens a securities account the staff shall be required to designate the trading or custodian account in the company or declare his securities account and regularly provide trading records .

    工作人员开立证券 账户的应当要求工作人员在本公司指定 交易或托管或者申报证券账户并定期提供交易记录。