train it

[tren ɪt][trein it]


  • We use neural network model to implement correction part train it using the samples of history disaster data and correct the computing result of the former then get the ideal result which improves the prognostication precision .

    灾情修正部分采用神经网络模型,以历史灾情情况 样本进行 训练,对前面计算的结果进行修正,从而得到理想的结果,使得预测精度进一步提高;

  • Another much faster express train which it can 't foiiow .

    另一辆更快的 快车你追不上的。

  • And throwing him out the back of a train makes it right ?

    把他丢出 列车就对

  • What a waste that we would bring this talent to America train it and then invite it to leave he commented .

    他评论道,太浪费了,我们将人才引入美国,进行 培养,然后任由他们离开。

  • I like to travel by train . It 's cheap and safe .

    我喜欢 火车旅行。 便宜,又安全。

  • One of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself is to obedience train it .

    你能为狗和你自己做的最好的事情就是 驯服

  • You must do some practice to evoke it train it and cultivate it .

    你必须做一些练习唤醒它, 训练 并且培养它。

  • I staggered on that lousy train while it was moving .

    我在那台糟糕的 火车上站不稳, 动的时候。

  • My team initially suggested I go by rail but as there is no high speed train it would be Five hours each way .

    本来我的同事建议我坐火车前往郑州,但是因为没有高速 铁路,单程 要用大约5个小时的时间。

  • Not have a great capacity for liquor I do not know them from time to practice to how to train it ?

    没有酒的巨大能力,我不知道他们的时间实践,对如何 培养

  • If you board the wrong train it is no use running along the corridor in the right direction .

    如果上错了 火车就是在车厢内跑对了方向也没用。

  • It 's very difficult to train it to peck to escape a situation .

    训练鸽子通过 啄,来脱离某种情境是很困难的。

  • You can train it to flap its wings to escape a situation but it 's very difficult to get it to flap its wings for food .

    你可以 训练鸽子, 通过扇动翅膀来脱离某个情境,但却很难通过 训练鸽子扇动翅膀来进食。

  • No you need not to change train it 's a through train .

    不,你不必 换车是一列直达车。

  • I tried to got on the8:45 train but it was full .

    我想乘8:45的 火车,但 里面已坐满了人。

  • Passengers should not alight from the train until it has stopped .

    火车停车 以前乘客不应下车。

  • If I went on the train it 'd be cheaper .

    如果我乘 火车去, 要便宜一些。

  • Yes I hate going by train ; it takes too long .

    是啊,我很讨厌坐 火车费时间了。

  • Don 't forget to take a ride on the bullet train . it 's incredibly fast .

    别忘了乘一下高速 列车可真是快得不可思议。

  • I suggest you get back on that train before it leaves .

    我建议你马上坐这 火车 回去

  • The $ 100 Rocket the Wonder Dog has a microchip that allows a child to train it to respond to human voices .

    微型芯片;机器狗使用微型芯片 可以对人们发出的声音 指令做出各种不同的动作。

  • I get on the train when it comes .

    火车来了我就坐 上去

  • You might get a seat on the train but it 's a chance in a million .

    火车上你也许能找到座位,但是 希望很小。

  • No sooner had we got onto the train than it began to draw out from the station .

    我们刚上车, 火车 启动开出了车站。

  • Besides answering how to train it I have expounded the goal level and principles of cultivating sense of language too .

    部分除了回答怎样 训练 语感,还论述了语感培养的目标、层次和原则。

  • And you could use that rewarding quality in order to train it .

    你可以利用这种奖励的性质来 训练

  • The other is to seek it out will it to appear train it to arrive on time and on command .

    另一种方法是主动寻找,使他出现, 训练灵感随心所欲的来去。

  • If you have a tame rat you can train it with small obstacles .

    如你有一驯服的耗子,你能 训练 越障碍。

  • We can train it but still if they go to school if they go out they will be affected by the society .

    我们可以 训练 他们,但是当他们去上学或出去外面时,还是会被社会影响。

  • I like travelling by train . it 's more interesting .

    我喜欢 火车旅行。乘 火车更有趣。