traffic pilot

[ˈtræfɪk ˈpaɪlət][ˈtræfik ˈpailət]


  • After reviewing literature extensively consulting epidemiologists and traffic policemen referring the statistical table for traffic accident pilot study and considering the demands of case-crossover study the questionnaire was designed and revised .

    调查问卷是在广泛复习文献、参考 交通车祸统计登记表以及向流行病学专家、交通警察咨询和 调查的基础上,结合病例交叉设计的特点而制订的。

  • There are many measures to avoid traffic accident happened besides strengthen management perfecting statutory and improve pilot quality Using automobile electronic products in cars installation to improve road traffic safety has become the consensus of people .

    避免 交通事故发生的措施有很多,除了完善法规,加强管理,提高 驾驶员素质之外,通过科技手段,利用汽车电子产品在汽车上的安装来提高道路交通安全已经成为人们的共识。

  • By using computer vision to extract and recognize the traffic environment the results of recognition can be used directly for auxiliary pilot or automatic pilot .

    用机器视觉方法对 交通环境 信息进行提取和识别,获得的结果能够直接用于 智能 车辆的辅助 驾驶或自动导航中。

  • Anyone who buys a private jet must sign an expensive management agreement with a commercial airline and pay fixed annual and hourly fees to cover maintenance air traffic control and pilot costs .

    任何购买私人喷气式飞机的人,都必须与一家商业航空公司签署一份昂贵的管理协议,支付固定的年费,以及按小时计价的维护费、空中 交通管制费和 驾驶员费用。

  • If the pilots are distracted doing something else then talking to air traffic controllers is not a priority said John Cox a former commercial airline pilot who is now CEO of Safety Operating Systems .

    如果飞行员因为做其他事情而分心,那他就不会优先选择和空中 交通控制员通话,安全操作系统的CEO约翰考克斯说,他曾经也是一名民航 飞行员

  • Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System ( TCAS ) is very important to flight safety it can instruct the pilot to avoid the danger through detecting the nearby aircraft conflict and predicting potential hazard in future and help the crew maintain the safety interval with other aircraft .

    空中 交通预警与防撞系统TCAS对飞行安全非常重要,它能够通过对附近的飞机进行冲突检测,预测未来可能发生的危险,提示 飞行员避免危险,帮助机组维持与其他飞机之间的空中交通安全间隔。

  • Traffic signs in the area put forward the principle of starting from the pilot visually the layout of traffic signs and small highly optimized text .

    交通标志方面,提出了从 驾驶员视觉原理出发,对交通标志的版面大小、文字高度进行优化设计。

  • It is known that this traffic accident is because the freight vehicle pilot is careless and the vehicle speed creates too quickly .

    据了解,该起 交通事故是是由于货车 驾驶员疏忽大意且车速太快造成的。