


  • I feel that this sheds further light on this subject and remove some of the apparent inconsistencies between the toxicological data and practical experience .

    我觉得这棚进一步了解这个问题,消除 毒性之间的数据和实际经验的一些明显的不一致。

  • Objective : Safety evaluation of germanium-enriched barley seedlings ( EGBS ) was conducted by investigating the toxicological effect of EGBS in mice .

    目的:通过研究富锗大麦苗对小鼠的 毒理作用,对其进行安全性评价。

  • Research Advances in Toxicological Effects of External Pollutants on Earthworms

    外源污染物对蚯蚓 毒理作用研究进展

  • Results : Toxicological assay of Wankeling per os showed no toxicity .

    结果:小鼠经口 毒性试验未显示毒性。

  • The no-fire cigarette and filtering medium are prepared from various natural medicines and plant extract toxicological harmless and beneficial to human health .

    无火烟和过滤液是选用多种对人体 无毒害且有益于人体健康的天然药物和植物精华配制而成。

  • A wide variety of modification is possible through genetic manipulation and the potential for the introduction of toxic compounds unexpected secondary effects and changes in nutritional and toxicological characteristics gives rise to safety concerns .

    通过基因操纵可能发生各种转变,并且有毒化合物的引入的危险,无法预料的副作用,以及营养和 毒理学的特征变化,产生了对食品安全性的关注。

  • Toxicological Effects of AF on Blood and Bone Marrow Cell in Mice

    黄曲霉毒素对小鼠血液和骨髓细胞的 毒性效应

  • Both DIM and genistein are being developed for use in the prevention and treatment for breast cancer although more extensive toxicological studies are necessary she says .

    她表示,虽然DIM和异黄酮都被开发用于预防及治疗乳癌,但需要更广泛的 毒理学研究。

  • Toxicological Effects of Veterinary Drugs in Soil on the Inhibition of Root Elongation of Wheat and Chinese Cabbages

    兽药污染土壤对小麦和白菜根伸长抑制的 毒性效应

  • There are tens of thousands of synthetic industrial chemicals pesticides metals and other substances for which toxicological information is limited or nonexistent .

    数以万计的合成工业化学试剂,杀虫剂,金属和其他物质的 毒性 研究资料是有限的或者根本不存在。

  • Perform research and update toxicological analytical and regulatory databases .

    研究和更新 毒物学、分析和规则数据。

  • The toxicological experts and their learned textbooks .


  • They are not toxicological studies which would involve analysing the animal tissue for toxic effects or studies of other safety aspects such as the rate of horizontal gene transfer .

    它们不是 毒理学 研究。毒理学研究涉及分析动物组织研究毒性作用,或其他安全方面的研究,如横向基因转移率。

  • Evaluation of biological pesticide and chemical pesticide for the laboratory toxicological test to fall webworm larvae

    生物农药与化学农药对美国白蛾幼虫室内 毒力评价

  • The source of formaldehyde and its toxicological property as well as treatment and control measures was introduced .

    介绍了室内 标志 污染物之一甲醛的来源、 毒理性质及其治理方法和控制措施。

  • Pharmacodynamic & Toxicological Study on Therapy of Occlusive Soft Tissue Injury with Injury Pain-killing Ointment ;

    伤痛膏治疗闭合性软组织损伤的药效学及 毒理学研究本膏药系传统伤药,活血止痛有特效。

  • Since silane is spontaneously flammable in air its toxicological properties are difficult to determine .

    由于硅烷在空气中是自燃的,它的 毒物学性质难以确定。

  • Toxicity : The major hazards of silane stem from its ability to spontaneously ignite on contact with air and its toxicological properties .

    毒性:硅烷的主要危险来自它接触空气可以自发燃烧的能力和它的 毒物学的性质。

  • The Study of Straw Water Extract on the Mouse in Toxicological Experiment

    桔梗水提取物对小鼠的 毒性试验研究

  • Results of toxicological tests indicated that theAlpinia oxyphylla is a safe health food .


  • This paper reviews some progress relating to the toxicological mechanisms of this kind of alkaloid .

    目前,对乌头碱的研究多局限在 临床 救治方面, 缺乏对乌头碱 毒性 作用机制 研究

  • Drug metabolism determines several pharmacological and toxicological properties of pharmaceuticals and is catalyzed by drug metabolizing enzymes .

    药物代谢是在代谢酶催化下完成的,它决定着药物的药理学和 毒理学特性。

  • Extensive formal toxicological tests are required before new drugs can be used on patients .

    新药只是在经过广泛的正规 毒性试验后才可用于患者。

  • Does the biocides directive approach to risk analysis fit the toxicological risk analysis paradigm ?

    风险分析用杀虫剂指示是否适合 毒理学风险分析范式?

  • Toxicological and electrophysiological studies have demonstrated the presence of Kdr-type resistance in many pyrethroid-resistant insects .


  • Detects the toxicological action of Aloe by acute toxicity test maximum dosage and long-term toxicity test .

    采用最大给药量及长期毒性测定芦荟 毒性作用。

  • Toxicological Effects and Micromechanism of Heavy Metals Pollution on Wheat

    重金属复合污染对小麦的 毒理效应及其微观机制

  • We already know that traditional toxicological assays and models can produce conflicting and often irreproducible results for nanomaterials .

    我们已经知道传统的 毒物学化验和模型可能对纳米材料产生相互冲突而且常常不能重复的结果。