training microcomputer

[ˈtrenɪŋ ˈmaɪkrokəmˌpjutɚ][ˈtreiniŋ ˈmaɪkrəʊkəmˌpju:tə]

[计] 教学用微型计算机

  • It is inefficient to fill in operation orders manually and there exist the disadvantages of inflexibility and no training functions in microcomputer operation order system that can call typical orders or create reasoning based operation order automatically .

    基于动态数据复制的操作票生成系统人工填写操作票效率低,而调用典型操作票或计算机自动推理开票的 微机操作票系统存在使用不灵活和无 培训功能等缺点。

  • The Reform and Practice on Training Lessons System of Single Chip Microcomputer

    单片机 实训课程体系的改革与实践

  • The analogue switching operation order system developed in light of the operation characteristics of electric equipment adopts computer graphic technology and innovatory reasoning mechanism and integrates intelligent operation order expert system with training system thus improving the current microcomputer operation order system .

    根据电气设备的操作特点设计开发的模拟式电气设备倒闸操作票系统,运用计算机图形技术及创新的推理机制,将智能操作票专家系统与 培训系统相结合,完善了目前的 微机操作票系统。

  • A new software configuration was proposed and realized in turbo C + + for chemical engineering process training simulators based on microcomputer net .

    本文提出了一类基于 微机网络的化工过程仿真 培训器的软件构造模式及用面向对象的C++语言的实施方法。

  • The system is applied for training power-utility personnel and provides an effective way to improve their skills in operating and maintaining microcomputer protection device .

    适合应用于电力运行人员的 培训,为提高相关人员 微机保护技术水平提供了简单易用的手段。