


  • My trainer says I should run an hour every day .

    我的 健身 教练说我每天应该跑步一小时。

  • Deborah Hartmann is an Agile practitioner trainer and coach based in Toronto and working internationally .

    DeborahHartmann是一个敏捷实践者、 培训 、教练,并以多伦多为基地,从事国际性的工作。

  • The qualifications and abilities of sport aerobics trainer would impact directly on the development of aerobics .

    竞技健美操 教练员自身的素质和能力,将直接影响健美操事业的发展。

  • The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer

    这位网球明星与他的奥地利 教练分道扬镳。

  • A more advantageous scenario for an organization is the train the trainer model .

    对于机构来说,一个更有利的情景就是“培训和 培训 ”模型。

  • He is either a trainer or a teacher .

    他不是个 教练就是个教师。

  • Trainer : So you are happy that you made the decision to join us .


  • My trainer has never said such thing to me .

    我的 教练从来没有对我说过类似的事情。

  • Many have had major body makeovers and have a full-time personal trainer .

    他们中的很多人都有专业的修身 训练和全职的私人 教练

  • When acting as a trainer of student coaches I will clarify confidentiality policies with the students .

    当给 教练学员们做培训 时,我将向学生阐明保密政策。

  • She 's been working as a personal trainer for two years .

    她做私人 教练有两年了。

  • He works out every morning with his personal trainer .

    每天早上他都和私人 教练 一起 锻炼

  • Training equipments include the internal communication system between the trainer and the trainee ;

    训练设备包括 教练员和学员之间的内部通信系统;

  • I saved money by not paying a trainer whether I went to the gym or not .

    无论去不去健身房,我都省下了 教练的钱。

  • We should become trainer and facilitator of students'learning ability .

    教师要成为学生学习能力的 培养 和促进者。

  • He was able to serve his apprenticeship as a trainer with Eddie Futch .

    他当时师从埃迪·富齐学当拳击 教练员

  • Of course he knows . he 's our trainer .

    当然知道,他是我们的 教练

  • His trainer was handing him over to me . I had become his new mother .

    他的 训练员把他交给了我,从此我便成了他的新妈妈。

  • All right . you 've got yourself a trainer .

    好吧,你为自己 挑选了一个 教练

  • I 'm not a trainer but I can show you this too .

    我虽然不是 训练师,但我也能告诉你。

  • Use our Trainer Customizer to accomplish this !

    使用我们的 教练定制,以实现这一目标!

  • The trainer told me how to teach Queen .

    训练 告诉了我该如何教皇后。

  • But Yuri is a soccer trainer .

    但尤里是一个足球 教练员

  • He 's a world-class trainer of German shepherds .

    他是个世界级的德国牧羊犬的 训练师

  • A team of trainer and a body of extension materials will be developed .

    将开发一个 教员组和一些推广材料。

  • She knew how fast she was running because her trainer was pacing her on a bicycle .

    她知道她当时跑得多快,因为她的 教练骑着脚踏车在为她 步速。