traffic jam

[ˈtræfɪk dʒæm][ˈtræfik dʒæm]


  • We were stuck in a traffic jam on our way to the airport .

    我们去机场的路上 交通 阻塞了。

  • I was stuck in a traffic jam for an hour yesterday .

    昨天我 堵车 了一个小时。

  • There 's another traffic jam on the highway .

    公路上又 堵车了。

  • There was a traffic jam on the way otherwise I would have arrived an hour ago .

    路上 堵车,要不然我一小时前就到了。

  • There was a traffic jam because two cars were tailgating .

    交通 堵塞是因为两车追尾。

  • We were delayed by a traffic jam on the highway this morning .

    今天早上我们给公路上 交通 阻塞耽搁了。

  • We can go this way to avoid a traffic jam .

    我们可以走这条路以避免 塞车

  • Oh we are in a traffic jam !

    倒霉啊,我们遇上 交通 堵塞了。

  • He was caught in a traffic jam and was late .

    他遇上了 交通 阻塞,来晚了。

  • I was caught in a traffic jam .

    我碰到了 交通 堵塞

  • I can 't help it . I was in a traffic jam .

    我也没办法, 上了 塞车

  • I 'm afraid I have to be a little late because of traffic jam .

    因为 交通 堵塞,我恐怕得晚点到了。

  • There is a traffic jam .

    交通 阻塞

  • We got stuck in a traffic jam .

    我们遇上 交通 堵塞了。

  • I was on the highway yesterday in a terrible traffic jam .

    我昨天咋高速公路上出了起严重的 交通 堵塞

  • I was delayed by a traffic jam .

    交通 堵塞耽搁了时间。

  • When I went home I was caught in a traffic jam .

    当我回家的时候,我碰上了 交通 堵塞

  • We are in the major traffic jam . What 's wrong ?

    我们陷入了 交通 阻塞。出什么事了?

  • We were caught in a traffic jam this morning .

    今天早晨 堵车了。

  • Yesterday a car accident caused the traffic jam on Jayuro .

    昨天自由路发生了交通事故,所以导致了 交通 堵塞

  • I 'm terribly sorry for being late . I was caught in a traffic jam .

    很对不起我迟到了,我在 路上遇到了 塞车

  • I was stuck in a traffic jam .

    我被困在了 交通 堵塞的情况中。

  • The traffic jam interrupted the flow of the cars .

    交通 阻塞中断了小车的行驶。

  • Oh there 's a traffic jam .

    哦, 堵车了。

  • But I can 't reach there on time due to a traffic jam .

    但是由于 交通 阻塞我不能按时到那儿了。

  • There was a traffic jam so my bus was delayed .

    有个 交通 阻塞 事件,所以我搭的公共汽车被耽搁了。

  • A 25 mile traffic jam clogged the northbound carriageway of the M6

    长达25英里的 交通 拥堵阻塞了M6号高速公路的北行车道。

  • The traffic jam is breaking up so we can drive on .


  • Due to a traffic jam I was late for work .

    因为 交通 堵塞,我上班迟到了。

  • Sorry I 'm late & I got stuck in a traffic jam for half an hour .

    对不起我迟到了&我被 交通 堵塞 了半个小时。