


  • A Brief Analysis of Floating Tradesman in the City Yangzhou in the Mid-Late Tang Dynasty

    简析唐中后期扬州城市 工商 流动人口

  • Every merchant manufacturer broker or tradesman who gives a customer time to pay is really loaning his customer the money .

    商人、制造商、经纪人或 零售商如果给客户的支付 留出一定的时间,实际上就是在向客户提供信贷。

  • Her husband worked in the evening making a fair copy of some tradesman 's accounts and late at night he often copied manuscript for five sous a page .

    丈夫傍晚的时候替一个 商人 账目;夜里常常替别人抄写,抄一页挣五个 铜子

  • If it is honest journeywork yet lacks purchasers at most you may call yourself a hapless tradesman .

    假如那是诚实的临时工作,但却缺少买主,那你至多可以说自己是个不幸的 工匠

  • A tradesman who sells hosiery ( and ( in England ) knitwear ) . dress morning of textile materials other than wool or fine animal hair not knitted or crocheted

    卖针织品(和(在英国)毛织品)的 商人。晨服,纺织品(羊毛或动物细毛除外)制,非针织或钩织

  • The tradesman was too anxious to sell his pens .

    这位 买卖人十分急于卖掉他的钢笔。

  • The tradesman held up a cloth bag with something moving inside it .


  • Every tradesman ought to read the contract carefully before he strikes hands with a stranger .

    每个 商人在与陌生人达成 协议之前都应细读合同。

  • China HP is Beijing foreign capital enterprise ten big pay taxes rich family And continuous many year cover whole nation foreign tradesman association evaluate top-notch joint ventures .

    中国惠普是北京外资企业十大纳税大户,并连续多年被全国 外商协会评为十佳合资企业。

  • The tradesman was poring over his accounts .

    那位 商人正在仔细查看他的账目。

  • It would be against all my principles to deal with a tradesman who goes to chapel .

    同到小教堂去的 商人 交道是违背我的一切原则的。

  • This thesis mainly analyses conduct of the direct investment enterprise of foreign tradesman and micro-enterprise .

    本论文主要是 外商直接投资企业微观企业行为的 一般分析。

  • Officers and tradesman are there to implore the gods to bless the voyage of Hamilcar .

    官员和 商人在那里求神保佑哈米尔卡一路平安。

  • Fixed Pitch ( Tradesman ) Licence

    固定摊位( 工匠)牌照

  • Once upon a time a certain tradesman was leading a caravan to another country to sell his goods .

    很久以前,有个大 商人带领商队去另一个国家卖货。

  • The Excel Centre in the Beijing Financial Street District has immediate opening for a tradesman maintenance .

    坐落于北京金融街的 卓著中心 即将 开业,急需一名 综合维修

  • The tradesman the attorney comes out of the din and craft of the street and sees the sky and the woods and is a man again .

    商贾和律师走出了街市的喧嚣和欺诈,见到了蓝天、绿树,于是又 为其人。

  • My destiny was to be born a simple man a commoner a humble tradesman with little of formal education .

    命中注定我生出来就是个简朴的人,一个平凡而 地位 底下 商人受过甚少正式的教育。

  • That honest tradesman 's manner of receiving the look did not inspire confidence ;

    那位诚实的 生意 承受这眼光的样子 人放心不

  • Crawford 's metaphor is not the journey but the journeyman the tradesman who makes his way using knowledge he has acquired from coping with physical materials .

    克劳福德的喻体不是旅程,而是 工匠,是那些利用他们与物质材料 交道所得到的知识来自食其力的手艺人。

  • He was the son of a well-to-do tradesman had been to college in london and was to devote himself to business .

    他是个 富商的儿子,在伦敦上过大学,即将投身于商界。

  • Having the natural feelings of a tradesman at finding that a job he should have been called in for had been unskilfully botched by his customers among themselves he was disposed to say no.

    他有一种 生意 的自然感情,发现本应该把他叫去做的一件事情,却叫主顾们笨手笨脚地替他做了,心里想回答她说不一样。

  • Probably a tradesman or a butcher .

    也许是个 商人或者屠夫。

  • The old woman exacted an apology from the tradesman for having questioned heR honesty .


  • CHAPTER XIV The Honest Tradesman

    第十四章诚实的 生意

  • She proved to be the daughter of a tradesman rich enough to afford her the comfortable maintenance which had ever been hers and decent enough to have always wished for concealment .

    原来,她是一个 商人的女儿,那商人 有钱,能供她维持以往那种舒适生活。

  • Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesman .

    船上的很多旅客开始与 商人讨价还价了。

  • Tool organizers pouches and holders for all types of tools designed for the tradesman .

    为工具的所有类型的工具组织者,小袋和持有者,为 商人设计了。