
[wɚk ʃaɪ][wə:k ʃai]


  • Today 's youth may be web-savvy but they also stand accused of being unread bad at communicating socially inept shameless dishonest work-shy narcissistic and indifferent to the needs of others .

    现在的年轻人也许都熟悉网络,但是他们也要承担诸多指责,比如说无知,不善于沟通,社交能力低,脸皮厚, 言而无信工作 懈怠,自我 感觉 良好以及对他人的需求漠不关心这些。

  • In fact studies suggest that the problem with French employees is less that they are work-shy than that they are poorly managed .

    事实上,研究表明法国人的工作问题更多 出在糟糕管理上而非职工本身 怠工

  • He is a morose work-shy layabout .

    他是个整天 垂头丧气、游手好闲的人。

  • These people are often labeled as ` work-shy ' .

    这些人常被归入 ` 工作'的一

  • But for those on the other side of what became a national debate Frank 37 came to embody the work-shy who abuse Germany 's welfare state .

    但在 右翼人士眼中,现年37岁的弗兰克已经成为了那些肆意享用德国 优厚的社会福利 待遇从而 懒于 工作的人的典型代表。

  • He 's not ill ; he 's just work-shy !

    他没病,他只是 偷懒

  • For some an out-of-office reply is seen as a tool of the work-shy .

    在一些 看来,不在办公室( out-of-office)的回复被视为 逃避 工作的一种手段。