


  • Enough of fantasy the workaday world awaited him .

    天马行空地幻想了一 之后,等待他的是 平淡无奇 现实世界。

  • Instead it dawns on a familiar workaday place still in need of groceries and sewage disposal .

    胜利的曙光还是洒在一个熟悉的, 平凡 庸碌的地方,仍需要食品杂货和污水处理的地方。

  • When the number of machines climbs workaday tools such as Secure Shell ( ssh ) scp and sftp become cumbersome .

    在管理大量计算机时,SecureShell(ssh)、scp和sftp等 常用工具用起来非常麻烦。

  • Yet even among the workaday ( or wannabe ) wealthy marrying for money has become a popular pursuit .

    然而,即便是在 朝九晚五、发财 上班 中,为钱 婚也已经成为了一项颇为流行的人生追求。

  • But the pretence was maintained that the shuttle was a workaday craft .

    但是太空飞船只是一 普通飞机的假设 需要维护。

  • But now the more workaday strategies are getting a new look-in .

    但是如今越来越多 平常的计划正在取得新的突破。

  • Playday and workaday photograph are compared the change that sewage quantity and contaminant chroma follow time all lesser .

    休息日和 工作 相比,污水量及污染物浓度随时间的变化均较小。

  • Even so singular a politician will struggle to make the transition from the soaring poetry of the campaign to the workaday prose of government .

    即使是如此非凡的政治家,也难以将竞选中的高歌, 改写平凡的政府 工作 文件

  • Mars will be beautifully oriented toward this full moon and this energy planet will be based in your sixth house of workaday assignments most of the month .

    火星 姿态优雅地向本次满月 近乎,本月大多数 时候这个精力充沛的行星将位于你 象征 日常 工作的第六

  • Our company are a center with quality management each management job is increasingly perfect ; attach most importance to a heart with new product is developed and be being applied technical force increases ceaselessly ; company worker team builds workaday beneficial to rise .

    本公司以质量管理为中心,各项管理工作日益完善;以新产品开发和运用为重心,技术力量不断增强;企业职工队伍建设 工作 日益提高。

  • Her portrayal of an Istanbul where the old clashes with the new is more workaday than evocative .

    她将伊斯坦布尔现代与传统的冲突描绘得 淋漓尽致

  • In other words Ham the astro-chimp may have been the first monkey in space but if we keep chipping away at the workaday problems of living in the void he won 't be the last .

    换句话说,含的天文黑猩猩可能是第一次在太空的猴子,但是如果能不断琢磨的生活在虚空 触目所及的问题了,他也不会是最后一次。

  • Compared to the extravagance and glamour of last winter 's clothes this season 's collection look simple almost workaday .

    与去年冬季服装的奢华艳丽相比,本季展览的时装看上去很简朴,几乎 普通

  • Then too this eclipse and Mercury ( ruler of Gemini ) will receive a very hard glance from Uranus planet of unexpected developments and the beam of Uranus will emanate from your workaday sector .

    然后太,这次日食和水星(双子座的统治者)将收到来自天王星,地球上的意外发展很难一眼,天王星的光束将产生于你的 事业

  • The practical workaday world of ... ordinary undistinguished things ( Lionel Trilling )

    普通平凡事物的实际 世俗的世界(赖恩内尔特里林)

  • An intentionally careless manner . It dawns on a familiar workaday place still in need of groceries and sewage disposal .

    它洒在一个司空见惯, 平凡 庸碌的地方,一个仍然 无法 摆脱食品杂货,污水处理的地方。

  • In this workaday world

    在这 平凡 乏味的世界里

  • The workaday Christian who does make the effort to delve into the findings of the critics will probably be frustrated .

    普通 基督徒若是去尝试了解批评家的新发现,很可能会徒劳无功。

  • I 'm in the real world of ordinary people just living their ordinary colorless workaday lives .

    我真实的生活在 平凡人普通的生活中,过 单调的日子。