working fund

[ˈwə:kɪŋ fʌnd][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ fʌnd]


  • Throughout their working life 80s babies will have to fund an ever increasing pensions burden from previous generations .

    在整个 职业生涯中,80年代生人都不得不 肩负起比前几代人愈渐沉重的养老金负担。

  • Conclusion In order to improve the rural residents'health level we should increase the medical workers'quality adjust the working mode of the primary health care and increase the fund devotion for health care .

    结论:提高农村卫生人员的素质,对农村初级卫生保健的 工作模式也应当作相应的调整,加大农村卫生事业 经费的投入,提高该地农民的健康水平。

  • The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has been working frantically to address problems raised by international fund managers who have had concerns over the legal status of investments held through Stock Connect and their ownership of those shares at various points during the trading cycle .

    香港交易所(HongKongStockExchange)一直 致力于解决国际 基金公司提出的问题,后者担忧通过沪港通持有的投资的法律地位以及交易周期内不同时点所购股份的所有权问题。

  • Building off the ongoing work of the IHP + to support national strategies the Bank is working with the GAVI Alliance Global Fund WHO and others to implement the Health Systems Funding Platform .

    依托国际卫生合作计划当前正在开展的支持实施国家战略 工作,世行也 同全球疫苗免疫联盟、全球 基金、世界卫生组织以及其它机构开展合作,实施卫生系统筹资平台计划。

  • Dr Maidment said it was most common among those working for banks fund managers and financial service companies or whose jobs involve frequent travelling .

    这家诊所的医生 Maidment博士说,来这里就诊的,大部分是在银行、 基金公司以及金融公司就职的人,还有就是那些经常出差的人。

  • Larry pitkowsky and Keith trauner were happy working with Bruce Berkowitz at the fairholme fund .

    拉里•皮考斯基和 基斯•特劳纳对与Fairholme 基金(Fairholme Fund)布鲁斯•贝克维兹的 合作非常开心。

  • He is now working for - you guessed it - a hedge fund .

    你猜到了,那个男孩正为一家对冲 基金 工作

  • Consultancy firms including Mercer are already working on the detailed planning for how the fund should work and what its legal status should be .

    包括美世(mercer)在内的咨询公司已 研究关于该 基金应该如何运作以及它的法律地位等细节性的问题。

  • Status of advances to the working fund ;

    周转 基金预缴款缴纳状况;

  • Aman who suffered an emotional breakdown while working for a greedy hedge fund manager came to me for psychotherapy .

    阿曼(Aman)曾来我这里做心理治疗。他在一名贪婪的对冲 基金经理手下 工作时,被折磨得精神崩溃了。

  • It is also working closely with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria and the international community on increasing access to treatment .

    它还和抗艾滋病、结核病和疟疾全球 基金,以及国际社会密切 合作,提高治疗的可获得性。

  • Working group of government experts to review the United Nations Revolving Fund for natural resources exploration ;

    审查联合国自然资源勘探循环 基金政府专家 工作组;

  • The traditional inner auditing working mode to supervise limited amount of educational fund cannot live up to the requirement of the new situation .

    沿用传统的内部审计模式监督教育事业 资金 使用,已难以满足新形势发展的需要。

  • The site borders Nigeria . Working with the World Wide Fund for nature we designed the bridge in London .

    该项目工地与尼日利亚接壤,我们与世界自然 基金 (worldwide fundfornature) 合作,在伦敦设计了桥架。

  • Given the challenges of working with such a body especially in cases where the fund has only recently been established this is not a market for everyone .

    考虑到与这样一个机构 合作所面临的挑战,尤其是在 主权 基金刚刚成立的情况下,这个市场并不适合所有的管理公司。

  • I had been an analyst at an institutional LP & working for the General Motors pension fund .

    我曾经是机构有限合伙人& 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)退休 基金的一名分析师。

  • We offer the very person good working surrounding insurances hoursing fund pension and good career development opportunities .

    我们将会提供良好的 工作环境,社会保险,住房 公积金和良好的发展机会。

  • Working Group on Review of Emergency Relief Fund

    检讨紧急救援 基金 工作小组

  • We should reform the present family planning management system : carrying out social plan to the fund adjusting and enriching the basic working personnel supervising the fund investing Uniting the service charge standard .

    对计划生育现行的管理体制必须进行大胆改革:计划生育费应实行社会统筹;基层计划生育 工作人员应作调整与 充实

  • Now I am working on a social impact fund that will invest on the ground and there are some great organizations that try and highlight local leaders and amplify their work .

    现在我在为一个具有社会影响力的 基金 工作,它能够在当地进行基础的投资,还有一些大型机构选择与当地领导人联手,扩大其影响力。

  • The working fund for cost supervision and examination shall be incorporated in the fiscal budget at the corresponding level .

    成本监审的 工作 经费,列入同级财政预算。

  • The article alsoexplores in a relative depth the special items on working out whole cost and fund operation in organizing medical group etc.

    对于医院的全成本核算和组建医疗集团的 资本运作等专题本文也 进行了较为深入地探讨。

  • Through floats a loan the current liabilities to meet the working capital need massively reduces enterprise 's fund cost .

    通过大量举借短期负债来满足 营运资金需求,降低企业的 资金本钱。

  • I am working as an intern with acumen fund a global social venture fund .

    正在以实习生的身份,供职于全球社会风险投资基金acumen fund

  • At every level the answer is the same : we need that money working again to fund retirements and drive economic growth .

    在每一个层面,答案都是一样的:我们需要让资金再次 运作起来,为退休积累 资金,推动经济增长。

  • Objects and range of supervision of social security fund mainly include supervision of collection investment and working payment and other procedures of social security fund .

    社会保障基金监管的客体和范围主要包括对社保基金征缴的监管、对社保基金投资 运营的监管、对社保 基金支付等环节的监管。

  • Officials are also working to beef up a fund that facilitates low-cost loans for struggling EU countries .

    此外,欧盟官员们 正在采取措施充实一项 基金,以便向麻烦缠身的成员国提供低息贷款。

  • UBS the Swiss bank is working with a leading philanthropic consultancy to launch an investment fund for wealthy individuals willing to accept modest financial returns in exchange for supporting private healthcare projects in Africa .

    瑞银集团(ubs)正与一家主要的慈善咨询机构展开 合作,打算针对这样的富人推出一只投资 基金:他们愿意接受少量经济上的回报,换取对非洲私人医疗保健项目的支持。

  • In 1976 the Government began to transfer the fiscal reserves of its General Revenue Account ( apart from the working balances ) to the fund .

    由一九七六年起,政府把一般收入账目中的财政储备( 营运资金除外)转拨外汇 基金