working accuracy

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈækjərəsi][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈækjurəsi]


  • The experiment result indicate the optimal preview algorithm is practical when working accuracy don 't be strictly limited .

    对实验结果的分析表明,将最优预见跟踪控制算法运用在 制造 要求不是很高的场合是完全 可靠的。

  • The application of the single board microcomputer in the experiment of working accuracy and statistic analysis

    单板机在 加工 精度统计分析实验中的应用

  • This paper describes the various of spline forming process summed up the characteristics of various processing methods working accuracy and scope of application .

    本文主要介绍了花键的各种成形工艺,总结了各种加工方法的特点、 加工 精度和适用范围。

  • Accuracy can not affect the tool 's working accuracy .

    刀具进给直线轴承运动副, 工作 性能 稳定

  • Two Ways to Decrease and Control Reverse Gap to the Working Accuracy Influence

    减小和控制反向间隙对 加工 精度影响的两种途径

  • The mechanical structure principles and ways of control and the working accuracy of three dimensional WEDM machine are discussed .

    探讨了斜度线切割机床的机械结构、控制原理和方式以及 精度 误差

  • A Method of Experimental Research and Calculation on Grinding Machine Working Accuracy and Grinding Process Accuracy

    磨床 工作 精度与磨削加工精度的试验研究与分析计算方法

  • The digital emulation shows the mechanical working accuracy is improved greatly after input the datum into the CAD program .

    输入CAD程序后,数字仿真结果表明,加入校正后的机械 加工 系统 加工 精度可以达到0.002祄。

  • The results shows that the new grinding fluid has good lubricating property it has obvious superiority in working accuracy and in life of oil stone therefore it is suitable to the power supersonic honing processing . 4 .

    完成了新型磨削液在功率超声珩磨中磨削性能的试验研究,研究结果表明:新型磨削液具有良好的润滑性能,在 加工 精度和油石寿命方面具有明显优势,因此适用于功率超声珩磨加工。

  • The parallelism between the machine guideway and the axis of spindle is an important factor of affecting the working accuracy of the machine tool as well as for the accuracy of the cylindricity measurement .

    机床导轨与主轴回转轴线之间的平行度是影响机床 加工 精度的重要因素,也是影响测量圆柱度测量精度的主要因素。

  • Analysis and Research for Improving the Working Accuracy of Double - Disc Grinder

    双端面磨床提高 加工 精度的分析与研究

  • The influence of paint viscosity air pressure electric conductivity of paint ground connection of objects high electrostatic voltage and working accuracy of disc on disc electrostatic coating process is discussed . The controlling conditions to ensure coating effect is proposed .

    讨论了涂料黏度、空气压力、涂料导电性、工件接地、静电高压及DISC 加工 精度对DISC静电涂装的影响,并提出了保证涂装效果的控制条件。

  • The adoption of the tool in the structure for working inner sphere is easy in manufacture working as well as radius adjustment and high in working accuracy .

    采用此种结构的刀具加工内球面,易于制做、加工半径易于调整、 加工 精度

  • The effective factors on working accuracy of economical NC machine tool have been summarized in this paper .

    概述了影响经济型数控系统 工作 精度的因素。

  • This paper gives a universal method of controlling mechanical working accuracy forwardly base on the research of1-5DOF mechanical working systems .

    为此,在研究了1~5自由度机械加工系统的基础上,给出了一种主动控制高自由度机械 加工 精度的通用方法。

  • Based on the present work it is useful to regulate the motion-plan and to increase the working accuracy of the precision boring machine .

    对调整和修正座标镗床的运动规划,提高该机床的 加工 精度,具有一定的指导作用。

  • Pillar type vertical drilling machines Testing of the accuracy Part 2 : Testing of the working accuracy

    GB/T4018.2-1997圆柱立式钻床精度检验第2部分: 工作 精度检验

  • Re-search showed that geometric errors and thermal errors take part in70 % in total errors . So it is necessary to compensate geometric errors for improving working accuracy .

    研究表明,几何误差和热变形引起的误差占机床总误差的70%左右。所以,数控机床空间几何误差补偿对提高机床 加工 精度很有必要。

  • The cause of thermal error and the impact of thermal error upon stability of working accuracy are analyzed the technical route is formed about modeling and compensation for thermal error .

    分析了滚齿机热误差产生原因及热变形对 加工 精度稳定性所造成的影响,并且制定了本研究关于热误差模型的建立及对热误差进行补偿的技术路线。

  • The result shows that ultrasonic vibration drilling could improve the working accuracy and efficiency and could solve the problems exited in the drilling process of small deep hole .

    结果显示,该工艺方法能大幅提高小深孔的 加工 精度和效率,很好地解决了小深孔加工中存在的难题。

  • In this paper the main factors which affect the working accuracy were analyzed in detail .

    本文详细分析了影响车削 加工 误差的几个主要因素。

  • Vehicle optical system is sensitive to vibration so vibration suppression is very important to the working accuracy .

    车载光学系统对于振动相当敏感,为了保证车载光学系统的 工作 精度,需要对光学系统进行减振设计。

  • The numerical control processing uses the computer numerical control installment and the working accuracy can be proofed and compensated through the software .

    数控加工采用计算机数控装置, 加工 精度可以通过软件进行校正及补偿。

  • The thesis takes the research of the working accuracy and the influencing factors of variable rate sprayer system used in agriculture .

    本文研究分析了农业变量喷雾系统的 作业 精度及其影响因素。

  • To guarantee the high precision request we must inspect the influence that various factors produced to the working accuracy and how is the distribution rule of the processing precision in the case of changing the machining technical parameter .

    要保证高精度的加工要求,就需考察各因素对加工精度所产生的影响,在改变加工工艺技术指标参数的条件下, 加工 精度又呈现怎样的分布规律。

  • The introduction of monitoring system enhanced the working accuracy and efficiency of rodless rotary drilling rig reduced workload of operator .

    监控系统的引入,增强了无钻杆旋挖钻机的 工作 精度和工作效率、减轻了操作人员工作量,对旋挖钻机性能的提高有着重要的意义。

  • Gives a method of active controlling mechanical working accuracy .

    给出了一种主动控制机械 加工 精度的方法。

  • The flexible cantilever is the most important component of the strain-type displacement sensors with high accuracy and high resolution . The material structure and working accuracy of the flexible cantilever influence the performance of sensors directly especially the sensitivity of sensors .

    柔性悬臂梁是高精度、高分辨率应变式位移传感器的关键部件,它的材料、结构形状和 加工 精度等因素直接关系到传感器的性能,特别是影响传感器的灵敏度。

  • Influence of Milling Cutter 's Helix Angle on the Working Accuracy Test of Milling Machine

    铣刀螺旋角对检验铣床 工作 精度的影响