working code

[ˈwə:kɪŋ kod][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ kəud]


  • We will talk more about these requirements in future columns and as always will provide live examples and working code .

    在以后的章节中,笔者还会提出一些的具体例子和 工作 代码,来进一步讨论这些功能的实现。

  • This ensures that working code has been delivered that it satisfies current stakeholder needs and that the project is healthy .

    它确保交付了 工作 代码,满足了当前项目关系人的需求,以及项目是健康的。

  • For a complete working code example see the tablerow class overview topic .

    若想获得完整的 工作 代码示例,请参见tablerow类概述主题。

  • Most of these articles have working code examples downloads and all sorts of other goodies available for your use .

    这些文章大部分都有 可用 代码、例子、下载以及其他各种类型的资源。

  • Statement the cleanup code is separated from the working code as follows .

    语句,需要将清理代码与 工作 代码分开,如下所示。

  • In many cases this will be the second developer on a project brought in after the first one has failed to deliver working code .

    在大部分情况下;一个项目会有第二个开发者,他会在第一个开发者不能发布可 运行 代码的时候被加入到这个项目中。

  • This means you focus on test results and demonstrate working code to various stakeholders to assess how well you are doing .

    这意味着你集中于测试结果并向不同涉众演示 工作 代码,使他们可以评估你的进展。

  • When you 're writing working code nearly as fast as you can type and your misstep rate is near zero it generally means you 've achieved mastery of the language .

    当你写的能 工作 代码和你打字速度一样快,而且失策率为零,这通常意味着你正在精通这门语言。

  • You can always build design documentation that helps you do your job but your focus should always be on delivering working code .

    您通常可以构建有助于完成工作的设计文档,但您应该把重点一直放在交付 工作 代码上。

  • A working code should be formulated for treaty bodies to strengthen communication and dialogue with Contracting Parties .

    应制定公约机构的 工作 准则,加强公约机构与缔约国的交流与对话。

  • The second file is the body of the extension ; this is the working code that implements the extension .

    第二个文件是扩展的主体,是实现扩展的 工作 代码

  • Thanks to the speed at which working code can be written and the lack of a time-consuming compile cycle interfaces can be up and running in minutes and usable not long after that .

    由于可以迅速地编写 工作 代码并且不需要费时的编译周期,所以可以立即使界面启动和运行起来,并且不久便可使用这些界面。

  • Our goal as architects and engineers is to produce robust working code that provides the desired results in a scalable and secure fashion .

    我们作为架构师和工程师的目标是产生可靠、可 正常 工作 代码,这样的 代码以可扩展和安全的方式提供所需的结果。

  • Agile development methodologies are lightweight processes that seek to minimize the time lag between identifying requirements and the delivery of working code .

    敏捷开发方法是轻量级流程,追求尽可能减少标识需求与 工作 代码交付之间的时间延迟。

  • The idea of working code that proved so valuable in the development of the Internet could be put to work in the smart grid .

    在互联网发展中被证实为极为重要的 工作 概念也可以应用在智能电网上。

  • I 'll break away from the abstract to show you some working code .

    现在先暂且放下这些抽象的概念,去查看一些 实际 代码

  • Just keep in mind that it would be far better in working code to use the setParameter ( name value ) method on PostMethod for each ( k v ) tuple .

    记住,在 实际 代码中,对于每个(k,v)元组,使用 PostMethod上的setParameter(name,value)方法要好得多。

  • Some might say that Ruby 's syntax is terse and it 's that way with a purpose : this language lets you create concise working code in short order .

    有人可能会说Ruby的语法很简洁,这正是它的意图:这种语言使开发 人员可以迅速编写简洁的 代码

  • XP practitioners use test-driven development ( TDD ) and continuous integration to keep the development focus on meeting the requirements with working code .

    XP专业人员使用测试驱动的开发(Test-DrivenDevelopment,TDD)和持续的集成来保持开发目标(即使用 工作 代码满足需求)。

  • If an XML grammar could be used for generating an initial set of classes and a corresponding binding definition this would provide the benefit of getting working code quickly .

    如果可以使用XML语法来生成一组初始的类和相应的绑定定义,那么其优点就是可以快速地获取 工作 代码

  • Second propose that in the absence of a working code model from his past project he quickly build a new prototype for your project based on his past work .

    其次,提出建议,在缺少他以前项目的 工作 代码模型的情况下,让他基于以前的工作快速为你的项目建立一个新的原型。

  • This approach promotes agile practices by preferring working code over excessive documentation and delivering that code into production quickly and often .

    该方法通过在过度的文档之上提出 工作 代码,并且快速且频繁地将该代码交付生产的方式促进敏捷的实践。

  • The existence of working code is a wonderful thing for setting up a test suite that defines what the problem you want to solve is exactly .

    得到已经 正常 运转 代码是非常有用的,这样可以制定测试组件,来精确定义你到底要解决什么问题。

  • If they were practicing iterative development working code would be a natural consequence .

    如果他们一直在实行迭代开发,那么 代码将是一个很自然的成果。

  • A prototype can be many things from a Class-Responsibility-Collaboration ( CRC ) dialogue to a UI mock-up or working code .

    原型可能是各种各样的对象,从类-职责-协作(CRC)对话框到UI原型或者 工作 代码

  • I like Server clinic to show working code each month .

    我希望服务器诊所每个月都显示 工作 代码

  • Lubrication in plastic working Code for process design of aluminium processing plants

    铝加工厂工艺设计 规范金属塑性 加工工艺学

  • As a professional engineer it 's your job to deliver working code consistently even if that means you 've got to make tough choices .

    作为一位专业的技术人员,持续地开发能够 运行 代码是你的工作,即使这意味着你必须做出艰难的抉择。

  • They provided working code that exposed Web services ( SOAP & REST ) to enable a consumer to run XQueries against the published set of patient documents .

    它们提供公开Web服务(SOAP&REST)的 有效 代码,从而让客户能够运行XQuery来查找已发布的患者文档。

  • Concepts are described and illustrated with working code examples .

    这些概念将通过后面的 工作 代码示例进行描述和演示。