


  • In other words unless his ideas are adopted the worker-peasant alliance has no hope of success national construction cannot make headway and there will be no hope for socialism !

    就是说,如果不采纳梁漱溟的意见,就没有希望搞好 工农联盟, 不好国家建设,社会主义也就没有希望了!

  • The worker-peasant alliance will be further consolidated and developed on the new basis of socialist modernization .


  • Chapter ⅱ clarifies the development process of the worker-peasant accelerated middle school in Jiangsu Province .

    第二章以江苏的 工农速成中学为 重点 考察 对象,对省内 工农速成中学进行 整理,以厘清其发展过程。

  • AS a result neither the one nor the other neither the poor nor the rich will trust us and the worker-peASant alliance will become quite shaky .

    结果两下都不相信,穷的不相信,富的也不相信,那 工农联盟就很不巩固了。

  • Liang Shu-ming asserts that the worker-peasant alliance is in ruins and there is no hope for national construction .

    梁漱溟说, 工农联盟破坏了,国家建设没有希望了。

  • For new China how to implement worker-peasant educational policy how to both maintain the value of education and the revolutionary spirit at the same time to meet the needs of industrialization were the topics needed to be discussed .

    在开展 工农教育的同时,如何做到既保持教育的价值和革命精神,又与工业化建设的需要接轨,对新中国而言, 无疑是一次 艰难的选择。

  • The worker-peasant alliance refers to the political alliance formed between workers and peasants under the leadership of worker 's party based on certain common benefits and for certain strategic goals .

    摘要 工农联盟是指工人阶级和农民群众在工人阶级政党的领导下,为实现一定的战略目标,在一定共同利益的基础上结成的政治联盟。

  • Enhance the education of peasants to stimulate the enthusiasm of the peasant revolution and self-consciousness with the spiritual weapons which is necessary precondition for the establishment and consolidation the worker-peasant alliance .

    加强对农民的教育,以精神的武器激发农民革命的积极性和自觉性,是建立和巩固 工农联盟的必要前提。

  • The early days the worker-peasant class as the leading class of the new China generally felt short of knowledge when doing daily work .

    建国初期,作为新中国的领导阶级 & 工农阶层,在开展日常工作中,普遍感到知识匮乏、 文化 水平 不够

  • If you don 't get on the horse quickly there will be the danger of breaking up the worker-peasant alliance and danger there certainly will be .

    如不赶快上马,就要破坏 工农联盟,的确是要破坏的。

  • Although this era was called the age of the worker-peasant class they were but a flat symbol existing in the art works stout men and sturdy women without exception .

    虽然,这个时代号称是 工农 阶级的时代, 工农阶级却只能作为扁平化的符号存在,在美术作品中,男人无一例外的粗壮憨实、 孔武有力,女人 千篇一律 淳朴 壮硕

  • Our Party has stood for the worker-peasant alliance for more than three decades .

    我们党 了三十几年 工农联盟。

  • Seen in one of them are a soldier of the Korean People 's Army and a member of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards determined to crush down at a stroke the U.

    说得很清楚,一个 图案是“朝鲜人民军士兵和 工农 赤卫队成员决心粉碎美 对朝鲜的 侵犯”,以及“朝鲜人民决心 清算日本 反动 的无可 抵赖的罪行”。

  • The class base of the new economic policy was worker-peasant alliance which was the basic force for socialist construction .

    新经济政策的阶级基础是 工农联盟, 工农联盟是建设社会主义的基本力量,但长期 实行新经济政策会 破坏 工农联盟。

  • Worker-peasant alliance is the basic of the united front .


  • Inheriting Marx and Engels ' concept on the united front and placing times features on it Lenin made it clear that Russian revolution should be led by the working class and rely on worker-peasant alliance .

    列宁继承和赋予马克思恩格斯统战思想以时代特征,提出俄国革命必须由无产阶级领导,依靠 工农联盟的思想。

  • In face of intervention the working class and farmers should consolidate domestic political and military alliance . The worker-peasant alliance can transport personnel and supplies to the frontier .

    在面临 帝国 主义 武装干涉的时候,要巩固国内工人阶级和农民阶级的政治军事联盟,通过 后方 巩固 工农联盟 不断 前线输送人力和物资,这样才能使前线的 胜利获得保障。

  • A New Probe on the Paper Money Issued by the Southeastern Hubei Worker-Peasant - Soldier Bank

    鄂东南 工农兵银行纸币发行新探

  • On the Role of the Thought of Worker-Peasant Alliance in Lenin 's New Economic Policies
