working stroke

[ˈwə:kɪŋ strok][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ strəuk]


  • According to the working principle of two stroke gasoline engine for motorcycle the mixture formation process is discussed .

    从摩托车上使用的二 冲程汽油机的 工作原理出发,论述了混合气的形成过程。

  • In order to solve the problem that the working stroke length of servo hydraulic cylinder rod and control accuracy were not satisfied simultaneously the 2-stage electro-hydraulic position control strategy was proposed via combining speed open-loop control with traditional position closed-loop control .

    为解决大负载、长行程位置控制系统中不能同时满足伺服缸活塞杆 工作 行程与控制精度的问题,提出了速度开环控制加传统的位置闭环控制的控制策略。

  • The pre_stressed spring component could provide with a greater elastic force when the working stroke is short .

    预压缩弹簧合件可以在 工作 行程不大的条件下提供较大的弹力;

  • The maximum velocity of the slide and the ratio between working stroke and idle stroke are the important parameters for the slide of a press .

    将滑块最大速度和 工作 行程回程比作为衡量滑块运动性能的量化指标。

  • Equation for working stroke and speed of rotary forging machine

    摆辗机滑块 工作 行程速度方程式

  • Objectives : To study working memory deficit after stroke .

    目的:研究 卒中工作记忆损害的特点。

  • There is only one working stroke in four so a flywheel is needed to drive the crankshaft during the time that the engine is performing the non-power strokes .

    因为4个 工作 冲程中只有一个冲程作功,所以发动机处于非作功冲程时,飞轮带动曲轴旋转。

  • Modeling and simulation for some simple cylinder halfway stop systems were made the displacement curves of the piston in the working stroke were given and over-shoot values obtained according to each kind of halfway stop system .

    对几种常用简单气缸中间停止回路进行了建模和仿真,得出了 气缸中间停止 工作过程中的活塞位移曲线,由此得出不同中间停止系统的前冲量。

  • As the working stroke of the telescopic sleeve cylinder is longer than that of the conventional there is a clearance between the piston and cylinder bore as well as between the rod and guide sleeve which will cause cylinder break under heavy loading .

    伸缩套筒式油缸的 工作 行程大,活塞与缸体内径间、活塞杆与导向套间都存有间隙,承受重载时容易引起屈曲破坏,为此应确定整体稳定的极限力。

  • An Approach to a Mathematical Simulation of the Working Process of a Four Stroke Supercharging Diesel Engine with the Ante-Combustion Chamber

    予燃室式 增压柴油机 工作过程数学模拟计算研究

  • When the motorcycle brake is working the stroke of brake pad is short ( 1 ~ 2mm ) but the force is very large ( about 10kN ) . This brings about difficulty in selecting the sensor and testing method .

    摩托车盘式刹车制动器的在刹车时 行程较短(1~2mm),但作用力大(最大达 10kN),这个特点使得传感器的选用和测试方法的选定都较困难。

  • The experimental results show that the positioning error is in the ± 12 μ m range at 10 Hz working frequency for ± 5 000 μ m stroke .

    实验结果表明,在10Hz 工作频率、±5000μm的 冲程时,定位误差在±12μm范围内。

  • The scraping shovel is fitted on the scraping bracket breadth : 6m working stroke : 14m . Its forward traveling is the working stroke to flatten ground while the reversal traveling is the idle stroke .

    刮铲安装在刮铲架上,宽度6米, 工作 行程14米,其正向行走为整平基床的工作行程,反向为空行程。

  • The design and working principles and the advantages of equal pressure hydraulic energy controlled by by-pass and stroke were mainly discussed in this paper .

    本文主要阐述旁路调节式、 行程调节式等压力液压能源的设计、 工作原理及其优越性。

  • This paper analyses the optimun transmission force conditions of planar crank-rocker mechanisms over working stroke and gives the design equations and diagram of optimizing mininum transmisson angle over working stroke .

    本文分析了平面曲柄摇杆机构 工作 行程的最佳传力条件,给出了优化 工作 行程最小传动角γWmin的设计公式和图线。

  • The working principle of a load-belt long stroke pumping unit with mechanical reverse mechanism is introduced parameters such as counterweight mass stiffness and deformation of buffer springs and the tension of flexible belt are analyzed and an example of calculation is presented .

    介绍了机械自动换向宽带长 冲程抽油机的 工作原理,对其配重质量、缓冲弹簧刚度和变形量、柔性带张力等参数进行了分析和计算,并给出了计算实例。

  • Working Memory after Stroke


  • Therefore some corresponding special functions are applied to the system for example the load test in the P-n system measurement and evaluation of environmental pressure judgement of working stroke and anti counter-revolution .

    为此,一些对应的特殊功能被应用在该系统中,如P-n系统中的负荷检测、环境压力的测评、判 和防反转等。

  • If you keep working in such a temperature you will run a risk of getting heat stroke .

    如果你在这样的温度下继续 工作,就有 中暑的危险。

  • A new ICE working cycle with a partial isothermal compression stroke is advanced .

    本文提出了一种新的 内燃机理想循环&具有部分等温压缩 冲程的内燃机 工作过程。

  • In order to seek optimum scheme among motion schemes of working stroke which were required to fulfill whole technology movement process evaluation criteria mathematical models and solution procedure were established . 3 .

    为了在实现工艺动作过程的工作 时刻动作方案集中寻求最优动作方案,建立了最优 工作 时刻 动作方案的评价规则、数学模型和求解方法,实现了映射过程的计算机化。

  • Binding machine work pressure flow rate temperature and other parameters to determine the overall structure of the working stroke and abrasive flow machine .

    结合机床工作中的压力、流速、温度等各项参数,确定磨料流机床的 工作 行程及整体结构。

  • The optimun transmission force conditions of planar slide crank mechanism with the quick return motion are analysed over working stroke in this paper and the parameters formulas and charts of optimizing minimum transmission angle over working stroke and return stroke are also given .

    本文分析了具有急回运动的曲柄滑块机构 工作 行程的最佳传力条件,同时给出了优化工作行程与空回行程最小传动角γwmin和γmin的参数、设计公式和图表。

  • A new method of determining maximum span of graples apparatus and its maximum working stroke

    确定抓具最大开度和 工作 行程的新方法

  • Working stroke will be achieved by PLC according to dynamic head 's circulate work requirment .

    按照动力头的工作循环要求我们将用PLC来实现它的 工作 行程

  • The purpose of the paper is to carry out the simulated working process calculation of the two stroke low speed diesel engine by applying the developed calculating program .

    本文的主要目的是通过建立船用柴油机 工作过程的计算程序,对船用低速二 冲程柴油机 工作过程进行仿真计算。

  • The system consists of microcomputer and transient wave converter etc For the measurement of working parameters of drilling machine such as impact energy or frequency stroke and pressure .

    本研究系采用微型计算机、波形存贮器等技术装备组成了凿岩机械冲击能、冲击频率、 行程、压力等 工作参数的微机测试系统。

  • Working stroke of spring buffer

    弹簧缓冲器 工作 行程

  • Due to the features of advantageous like high capacity short working stroke long holdup time a novel energy-saving hydraulic press is presented .

    针对金刚石两面顶液压机吨位高、 做功 行程小、保压时间长的特点,介绍了一种新型节能两面顶金刚石液压机。