World Bank


  • The World Bank has lowered its growth expectations for the region possibly in response to the dispute .

    可能是对争端的回应, 世界 银行已经降低了该地区的增长预期。

  • WHO is organizing the campaign jointly with the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and the World Bank .

    世卫组织和联合国国际减灾战略以及 世界 银行共同组织了此次行动。

  • As China 's development has accelerated the World Bank 's role has changed .

    随着中国的发展速度不断加快, 世界 银行的作用也发生了变化。

  • Social and environmental campaigners now have a trickier target than the World Bank .

    社会和环境运动人士现在有一个比 世界 银行还棘手的目标。

  • IBRD income also pays for World Bank operating expenses and has contributed to IDA and debt relief .

    IBRD收入也支付 世行经费,同时还用于IDA和减债工作。

  • The government 's plan for fighting poverty is supported by the world bank and the international monetary fund .

    圣普政府消除贫困的计划得到了 世界 银行和国际货币基金组织的支持。

  • For more information on the Bank 's bonds and notes go to the World Bank Debt Securities .

    如需了解世行债券和票据的更多信息,请访问 世行债券网页。

  • The World Bank and many rich countries have doubled the money they put into poor countries'farming .

    世界 银行和富裕国家对贫穷国家的农业投资额增加了一倍。

  • The World Bank and three United Nations agencies worked together on the report .

    世界 银行和三个联合国机构一起发布了这个报告。

  • And I want to especially thank the World Bank Group staff who have risen to this challenge .

    这一数字打破了所有的历史记录。因而我要特别感谢挺身应对这一挑战的 世界 银行集团的工作人员。

  • Results were aggregated by World Bank country income group and World Health Organization region .

    数据结果由 世界 银行国家收入小组和世界卫生组织区域办公室进行合计。

  • It has promised to co-operate with the World Bank in its development efforts in Africa .

    它已答应与 世界 银行合作共同发展非洲。

  • The World Bank should pull out of the project

    世界 银行应从该项目中撤出。

  • But the World Bank already had a team working on the issue .

    好在 世行已经组建了一个工作组,就这一问题开展工作。

  • Dual executive director : Executive director of Both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund .

    兼任执行董事:同时担任 世界 银行和国际货币基金组织的执行董事。

  • Here too the World Bank and regional banks have programmes to help .

    在这方面, 世界 银行和各区域银行同样制定了提供帮助的方案。

  • The World Bank Group and the regional development banks can assist .

    借助 世界 银行集团和区域性开发银行的力量,上述状况将得以改善。

  • According to World Bank figures 41 per cent of Brazilians live in absolute poverty

    根据 世界 银行的统计数字,41%的巴西人生活在赤贫中。

  • China can share its experience with other countries through institutions like the World Bank .

    中国能通过 世行等机构,与其它国家分享经验。

  • The World Meteorological Organisation and the world bank are already helping but more is needed .

    世界气象组织(wmo)和世界 银行 world bank 已在这方面提供帮助,但我们还需要更多的帮助。

  • But Britain has lost control of how it delivers its aid because its aid goes through the World Bank .

    但是英国失去了对如何提供援助的控制,因为它的资助是通过 世界 银行提供的。

  • The World Bank says most developing countries have made important progress toward the United Nations'Millennium Development Goals .

    世界 银行说大多数发展中国家在联合国的千年发展目标上取得了重要进展。

  • A second proposal under consideration comes from IFC the World Bank Group member that promotes private sector development .

    理事会将审议的第二个提议来自国际金融公司(IFC),即 世界 银行集团推动私营部门发展的成员机构。

  • It established the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund .

    根据该协定建立了 世界 银行和国际货币基金组织。

  • The World Bank 's full name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development .

    世界 银行的全称是国际复兴与开发银行。

  • The World Bank 's is indirectly involved in helping developing nations advance and spread technology .

    世界 银行间接地参与了帮助发展中国家推进技术进步和技术推广。

  • The World Bank with its poor environmental record is an easy target for blame .

    世界 银行由于在环境保护方面表现不佳而常常遭受诟病。