working frequency

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈfrikwənsi][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈfri:kwənsi]


  • It also gives out the criteria for selection of system parameters and studies the limit mode of over-voltage of working frequency under different conditions .

    给出了系统参数选择的依据,研究了 工频过电压在不同条件下的限制方式。

  • The working frequency of a thermoacoustic engine has effect on the matching mode of engine with the acoustic load .

    热声发动机 工作 频率关系到与负载的匹配情况,是热声发动机声能输出的重要评价指标。

  • With the working frequency increasing the switching losses gradually become a serious problem .

    工作 频率的不断提升,由于高频造成的开关管的开关损耗逐渐成了一个严重的问题。

  • Depolarization discrimination at different working frequency different rain rate and different propagation distance is calculated .

    计算了不同 工作 频率、不同降雨率、不同传播距离等情况下的去极化分辨率。

  • This system uses a high-low supply voltage and a series resistance for increasing the working frequency of the step motor .

    本系统采用了高低压驱动电源和串联电阻法,以提高步进电机的 工作 频率

  • The thermal noise of resistance could be overcome by reducing the physical temperature choosing appropriate working frequency band low noise elements etc.

    可通过降低 电路的物理温度、择合适的 工作 频带及低噪声元件等措施,克服电阻热噪声。

  • However it 's difficult to calibrate the errors of ASMRs with large aperture and high working frequency .

    但是,随着系统 工作 频率的提高和阵列尺寸的扩大,校正难度越来越大。

  • Phase shifter is added into the oscillator forcing the working frequency of the sensors close to the center frequency so the stability and the dynamic range of the oscillation circuit are improved .

    在原有振荡电路中增加了 移相环节,使传感器 工作在中心频率下,提高了振荡电路的输出稳定度及动态响应范围。

  • The results show that loss characteristics of ridge waveguide are related to structure parameters and working frequency .

    研究结果表明,脊波导的损耗特性变化与结构参数和 工作 频率有关。

  • An easy and rapid way is proposed to measure the working frequency of angle probe .

    提出了一种简便、快速测试斜探头 工作 频率的方法,并进行了理论分析与公式推导。

  • In this technique the signals which are emitted by every part of the node are analysed and forecasted and then enactment the manage speed for processor based on the forecasted signal a appropriate working voltage and working frequency is enactmented .

    该方法首先必须对节点各部分发出的信号进行分析和预测,并根据预测后的信号对处理器设定处理速率,最后,设定合适的工作电压和 工作 频率

  • In succession discussed the radiation condition of Leaky Coaxial Cable three working frequency bands of radiating wave .

    接着,讨论了泄漏同轴电缆的辐射条件、辐射波的三个 工作 频段

  • Working frequency from18M to30M not take up cable channel resources .

    工作 频率为18M到30M,不占用有线电视频道资源。

  • The utility model has high working frequency high output voltage high output power low cost easy to maintain and is widely used for various large and medium size O3 generator .

    工作 频率高,输出电压高,输出功率大,成本便宜,维修简单。可广泛应用于各种大中型臭氧发生器中。

  • With the development of semiconductor technology the working frequency of microprocessor gets higher and higher .

    随着半导体技术的进步,微处理器的 工作 频率越来越高。

  • A scheme of electrohydraulic vibration exciter using a2D valve to control a hydraulic actuator was proposed to enhance the working frequency to a large scale .

    为了提高电液激振 频率,提出一种采用2D阀控制液压缸实现激振的新方案。

  • This circuit improves the working frequency decreases the loss and the size of power .

    新型开关电源的 工作 频率得到了大幅提高,有利于减小功率损耗和电源的体积、重量。

  • With the use of 4 bytes input in parallel and pattern strings grouping we improved system input bit-width and system working frequency .

    再通过4字节并行输入设计和模式字符串分组,提高了系统输入位宽和系统最高 工作 频率

  • Small size low weigh and high working frequency are the characteristics of multilayer ceramic microwave filter and it is now being employed in communication and electric products application .

    多层陶瓷微波滤波器是一种基于低温陶瓷共烧技术的新型滤波器,具有小型化、轻便化和 高频化特点,在通信、汽车、数字化家电等产品中已得到广泛应用。

  • This work can be guidance of selection for the length of the capillary and the working frequency of the transducer .

    这对实际键合中,换能系统末端的劈刀安装长度的选择以及换能杆 工作 频率的选择有指导意义。

  • Measures to Suppress Transient Overvoltage at Working Frequency Using UHV Magnetically Controlled Reactor

    特高压磁阀可控电抗器抑制 工频暂态过电压的研究

  • The chip adopts the peak current controlling method ; PWM mode and the working frequency are 300 kHz and 500 kHz .

    芯片采用峰值电流控制,PWM调制模式, 工作在300kHz和500kHz两种 频率下。

  • The transceiver can change its working frequency by switching-over the button on its panel like TV set .

    该装置可以象电视机那样通过切换装置面板上的按钮将该装置的 工作 频率切换。

  • According to the modal analysis the natural frequency is not coincident to working frequency so there would be no resonance occur during work .

    由模态分析看出,筛箱固有频率和 工作 频率不重合,因此在工作中不会产生共振。

  • The results show that the ignition delay time decreases when the working frequency increases .

    实验结果表明:随着脉冲爆轰发动机 工作 频率的提高,点火延迟时间逐渐减少。

  • Finally the maximum working frequency of the circuit is analyzed .

    最后对电路最大的 工作 频率进行了分析。

  • The changes of measuring results arising from the transformation of the working frequency are calculated .

    本文还对由 工作 频率变化引起的测量结果的改变作了讨论。

  • Maximum allowable tank filling limit The Maximum permissible error when the working frequency of Resistor is equal to or lower than the measurement frequency .

    电阻箱的 工作 频率等于或低于测试频率上限时的最大允许误差。

  • The influences of the arrangement and diameters of inlet and outlet the Oring layout and the chamber height on the optimal for flow rate working frequency were studied experimentally .

    测定了压电泵的进出口布置方式、进出水管管径、密封圈布置方式、腔体高度对压电 流量最佳 频率的影响规律。

  • The utility model provides an energy saving electromagnet which has the advantages of strong practicability high working frequency and longer service life .

    本实用新型提供了一种实用性强, 工作 频率高,使用寿命更长的节能电磁铁。