


  • A former loafter he is now an advanced worker .

    他这个昔日浪子,今日成了先进 工作者

  • The society was looking for a capable research worker .

    该协会在物色一位有能力的研究 人员

  • The company employs six full-timers and one part-time worker .

    这家公司聘有6名全职员工和1名兼 职工

  • But you 'd find him a good worker if you showed him what to do .

    但是只要教给他怎么做,就会发现他是个不错的 员工

  • The social worker would try to get her to see she was acting against the boy 's interests .

    这位社会 工作者会设法让她明白她这么做对这个男孩没有好处。

  • Thus the first worker 's league came into being .

    第一个 工人联盟就这样产生了。

  • The worker of today is different from the worker of yesterday .

    如今的 工人和以往的不同了。

  • She was an industrious and willing worker .

    她是个勤劳肯干的 员工

  • The term ' industrial democracy ' is often used as a synonym for worker participation .

    “工业民主”这个词常被用作“ 工人参与”的同义词。

  • He was a tireless worker for justice .

    他是个为了正义不知疲倦地 工作的人。

  • Wages have been frozen and workers laid off .

    工资已被冻结, 工人也下岗了。

  • Meyers is a diligent and prolific worker

    迈耶斯是个勤奋多产的 工人

  • I know you 've been a conscientious worker content with your lot and not giving any trouble .

    我知道你是个好人,你是 安分守己的。

  • I 'm a factory worker who grossed £ 12 last year

    我是个工厂 工人,去年的总收入为12英镑。

  • He is a hard worker and a skilled gardener


  • She is a methodical worker .

    工作很有 条理

  • The agreement encourages worker participation in management decisions .

    该协议鼓励 工人参与管理层的决策。

  • He has become a skilled worker .

    他已经成为一名熟练的 工人

  • At the meeting each old worker told what he or she had suffered in the dark old days .

    每个老 工人都在会上述说了他在旧社会的悲惨身世。

  • Even the cheapest car costs the equivalent of 70 years ' salary for a government worker .

    即使是最便宜的汽车,价格也相当于一个 公务员70年的薪水。

  • She expressed resentment at being interviewed by a social worker

    她表达了对被一位 社工采访的愤恨

  • A first-class worker she operated the difficult Jacquard looms .

    她技艺 高超,操作着复杂的提花织布机。

  • Following qualification he worked as a social worker .

    通过资格考试认证之后,他做了一名社会 工作者

  • The man offering help is a field worker .

    主动帮忙的人是个野外 工作 人员

  • To give the devil his due he is quite a conscientious worker .

    平心而论,他 工作还是认真的。

  • He substituted for the worker who was ill .

    他顶患病的 工人 干活

  • The veteran worker ranks high in public love and esteem .

    那位老 工人深受大伙的爱戴。

  • He 's not a slacker he 's the best worker they 've got .

    他可不是个会偷懒的人,他是他们最好的 工人

  • At work he was regarded as a miracle worker the man who took risks and could not lose .

    工作中他被看作一个 奇人,冒了不少风险却从不会失败。

  • I only pull in 15 a year as a social worker .

    作为一名 社工,我每年仅挣15。