work specification

[wɚk ˌspɛsəfɪˈkeʃən][wə:k ˌspesifiˈkeiʃən]


  • Introduction of the Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Work Specification in Our Hospital

    我院药品不良反应监测 工作 规范介绍

  • The modeler uses concepts and patterns as Entities Value Objects Unit of Work Repository Specification and Aggregates .

    建模器使用到的概念和模式包括实体、值对象、 工作单元、仓库、 规范和集合等。

  • A scope provides for a clear understanding of which elements need to be mapped and how much work remains on an in-progress mapping specification .

    一个映射范围可清晰提供哪些元素需要映射以及一个进行中的映射 规范还有多少剩余 工作

  • Requirements specification is a documentation work for requirements analysis . Software requirements specification is very important in software system development test quality guarantee and project management .

    需求说明是对需求分析结果所进行的文档化 工作,其 工作结果&需求 规格 说明在系统开发、测试、质量保证、项目管理中起着重要的作用。

  • When I started work there was no exact specification of what my job would entail .

    我在开始 工作时,并没有详细的上作 说明可供参考。

  • In the current section painting scheduling process a lot of uncertain factors influence scheduling such as weather uncertain arrival time fluctuation of efficiency of work groups and obvious specification differences among sections .

    在目前的船舶分段涂装调度过程中,有很多的不确定性因素影响着调度过程,比如天气原因、分段的到达时间不确定、涂装 组效率的波动、分段 规格的明显差异等。

  • Custom attributes may be added to the work item type in the process specification .

    可以在流程 规范中向 工作物件类型添加自定义属性。

  • The competent leadership behavior has a significant impact to hotel interns ' work values . High specification and high care type leadership style were favorable for the formation of hotel interns work values . 5 .

    主管领导行为对酒店实习生的 职业价值观有显著的影响,高 规范、高关怀型的领导方式有利于酒店实习生职业价值观的形成。

  • Wireless Application Protocol ( WAP ) is a result of continuous work to define an industry-wide specification for developing applications that operate over wireless communication networks .

    无线应用协议(WAP)是人们为定义适用于开发无线通信网络上运行的应用程序的行业 标准而不懈 努力的结果。

  • Objective : To work out preparation technology and quality specification of Fuyanxiao Effervescent Suppositories and to observe its clinical curative effect .

    前言:目的: 制定妇炎消泡腾栓的制备工艺及质量 标准,并观察其临床疗效。

  • Work area wiring-Sectional specification

    工作区布线电缆分 规范

  • They work from a specification of the service interface provided by either the Software Architect or another Developer .

    他们以软件架构师或另一个开发人员提供的服务接口 规范为基础 开展 工作

  • Problem analysis for wellhead and christmas tree standard in the enterprise standard adoption work Specification for drilling equipment

    对《井口装置和采油树设备 规范 企业 采标中几个问题的分析

  • In modern land management work the job specification and business demands of land management departments constantly change so the traditional land management methods have been unable to meet their needs .

    在现代土地管理 工作中,土地管理部门的工作 性质和业务需求不断地发生变化,传统的土地管理方法已经不能满足其工作需要。

  • This paper is introduced work principle and specification characteristic and behavious parameters for developed W-type and U-type regenerative ( HTAC ) fired-gas radiant tube combustor by use of high temperature air combustion .

    介绍了应用高温空气燃烧技术研制开发W型和U型蓄热式燃气辐射管燃烧器的 工作原理、 技术特点和性能指标。

  • Prepare paper work including : technical specification contract bidding document fax and minutes of meeting .

    整理 项目有关的资料和文件,包括:技术 说明,合同,标书,传真,会议纪要等。

  • A deliverable is a measurable verifiable work product such as a specification feasibility study report detailed design document or working prototype .

    可交付成果是某种有形的、可验证的 工作成果,例如, 技术 规定 说明书、可行性研究报告、详细设计文件或可以工作的样品。

  • This paper first overall introduced the work principle and technical specification of the LNB divided into five modules according to its performance low noise amplifier ( LNA ) image-reject filter dielectric resonator oscillator ( DRO ) mixer and IF amplifier .

    本文首先从整体上介绍了高频头的 工作原理及技术 指标,对整个高频头按照性能分为五大模块:低噪声放大器、镜像抑制滤波器、介质振荡器、混频器和中频放大器。

  • In addition it also explains the work package the product tree the product matrix the statement of work and technical specification through some practical examples .

    对工作包、产品树、产品矩阵、 工作说明和技术 规范也有详细的 描述,并通过实例说明了 编制方法。

  • The scheme of work is produced from the syllabus or specification .

    工作计划根据教学大纲/ 说明来制订。

  • Secondly those of the simulation system such as the work mode the main technique specification the interface regulation are confirmed .

    确定了仿真系统 运行 工作模式、主要技术 指标、接口之间关系;

  • When designing the stencil aperture itself common practice is to work backwards from the bump specification .

    设计钢网孔本身时,一般的做法是凸起 要求往后 作业

  • The work principle and specification of belt burden balance controlling by microcontroller were introduced the hardware frame diagram and the hardware unit electric circuit principle diagram were given the principle of its controls and measures were discussed the thought of software design was put forward .

    介绍单片机控制的皮带配料称的 工作原理及 性能 指标,给出了硬件框图和硬件单元电路原理图,阐述了其控制和测量原理,提出软件设计思想。

  • The contractor is responsible for all and shall ensure that all components to be incorporated into the work meeting this specification .

    承包商应负责并确保将所有部件纳入满足本 规范 工作

  • Note that dc and cc are prefixes to work properties to indicate the source of specification .

    注意dc和cc是 作品属性的前缀,用来表明 规范的来源。

  • The paper introduces a new type of intelligent solid flexible self-starter for motors and expound its apply extension work principle and specification .

    介绍了一种新型智能电机软启动器的适用范围、 工作原理及 技术 参数等。

  • If you provide a development service where customers order development work or features by specification then the process is more visible .

    如果您在客户按 规范定购开发 工作或功能的情况下提供开发服务,则流程就更加可见了。

  • Note : project work also includes the specification selection run-off installation and introduction of new processes & equipment .

    同时,项目 工作也包括新工艺及设备的 规范、挑选、测验、安装及引进。

  • It can customize work process by specification and realize computer assistant control .

    系统可以依据特定的 规范定制 工作流程,实现计算机的辅助控制。

  • Work area wiring-Sectional specification spatial variation in rainfall

    工作区布线电缆分 规范雨量分布的地区性差异