yellow cake

[ˈjɛlo kek][ˈjeləu keik]


  • In the southeast the sun hung on the edge of the desert behind a white pall as yellow and lack-luster as a burnt corn cake .

    太阳在东南沙漠边上悬挂着,被一层白色的烟尘遮挡住,像一个焦糊的玉米面圆 ,显得 而暗淡。

  • The precipitation efficiency of uranium is 99 % and uranium content of yellow cake is 60.3 % .


  • Pale yellow essential oil obtained from bitter almonds by distillation from almond cake or meal .

    从杏仁 、杏仁粉蒸馏得到的苦杏仁中获取的 灰黄色香精油。

  • To take it as producing yellow cake will save investment simplify operation and cut down the consumption of raw materials and energies . It is more competitive than ion-exchange or solvent extraction in the process of extracting-purifying and preparing yellow cake .

    新工艺投资省、操作简单、消耗低,它比用离子交换法及溶剂萃取法提纯并最终制取 的工艺更具有竞争力。

  • Mix egg yellow sugar completely then slowly adding one cup of cake flour .

    完全地混合蛋 黄色,糖,那么慢慢地加一个杯子 蛋糕面粉。

  • Data processing and error analysing for yellow cake products were discussed .

    通过编制专门的计算机程序,对 产品分析结果进行数据处理和误差分析,找出误差来源,最终提出解决办法。

  • The applicability of fluoride volatility process to producing uf_6 from yellow cake

    采用氟化物挥发法从 生产UF6的适应性

  • A new technique for production of yellow cake with double precipitation

    两步法沉淀生产 饼新工艺的研究

  • As a new production technique of yellow cake resorption with loaded resin elution with acid ammonium nitrate precipitation in two steps is studied .

    研究了负载树脂再吸附-酸性硝酸铵 淋洗-二步沉淀生产重铀酸盐的新工艺。

  • The results show that the produced yellow cake by the new production technique has better performance of settlement filtration and dehydration .

    结果表明,该工艺生产的 具有良好的沉降过滤和脱水性能。

  • By bench scale test pilot test and expanding test optimum proportion of various constituents in the mixed extractant and process flow and process parameters for preparing nuclear power level U_3O_8 using yellow cake as raw material is determined .

    通过小型试验、台架试验和扩大试验,筛选出混合萃取体系的最佳组成,同时确定了以 为原料制备核电级U3O8的工艺流程和工艺参数。

  • It was a moist pineapple filled yellow cake with a light creamy frosting .

    蛋糕 黄色的,有菠萝,上面是一层奶油糖霜。

  • Application of precipitation process of returning slurry in production of yellow cake

    返晶浆沉淀工艺在 生产中的应用