


  • My idea of luxury used to be going out on the town and coming back in the early hours of the morning

    我过去对奢侈的概念是夜晚在 闹市通宵玩乐到清晨才回来

  • Parking can be tricky in the town centre .


  • When the car stopped in the town square it was surrounded by soldiers and militiamen

    当汽车停在 城镇广场时立刻被士兵和民兵包围了。

  • A new town has grown up in this industrial district .

    在这个工业区兴起了一座新 城市

  • The circus is in town .

    马戏团到了 城里

  • We really went to town on it turning it into a full three-day show

    我们下了真 功夫,把它办成了一场内容丰富、为时三天的展览。

  • Using tanks and heavy artillery they seized the town .


  • Their first port of call will be Cape Town .

    他们的第一个停靠港将是 开普敦

  • You 've hit it this time . He 's gone to town .

    你这次猜对了。他是 进城去了。

  • We met in Dorchester Dorset 's bustling county town .

    我们在多塞特熙熙攘攘的郡 首府多切斯特相遇。

  • More people are going to want to escape from the town into the country

    更多的人将会想要逃离 城市到乡村去。

  • Last Saturday I was out on the town with my mate

    上个星期六我和老友晚上去 闹市玩乐了。

  • I walked around town

    我在 市中心 了逛

  • Social activities might include barbecues on the beach and walking tours of the Old Town .

    社交活动可以包括沙滩上的烧烤和老 城区的步行游览。

  • He is an old flame of Sarah 's from her days as a single girl about town .

    他是萨拉的旧情人,是她作为单身时髦女郎时的 旧爱

  • I caught a bus into town .

    我赶上辆公交车去了 市中心

  • Tim was just arriving home from a long night on the town .

    蒂姆在 外面 了一宿,刚刚到家。

  • He has moved back to his home town of Miami .

    他已经搬回了自己的 家乡迈阿密。

  • I have a distant relative in this small town .

    在这个 小镇 我有一个远亲。

  • Town planning and land allocation had to be coordinated .

    必须协调 城市规划和土地分配之间的关系。

  • He admits he doesn 't even know when his brother is in town


  • It had the advantages of town and country combined .

    它兼具 都市与乡村的优势。

  • We went for a drive around in town .

    我们乘车在 城里兜了一圈。

  • The papers got hold of it and went to town on it

    报纸抓住这件事 大做文章

  • She left town .

    她离开了自己生活的 城镇

  • attractive and fun loving Americans new to town .

    刚来 的富有魅力、寻求乐趣的美国人

  • I 'll be leaving town in a few weeks

    过几周我就离开 城里了。