towed vehicle


  • Design and Control Performance of the Self-Stable Controllable underwater Towed Vehicle

    自主稳定可控制水下 拖曳 的设计及控制性能

  • In order to solve the problems of complicated control mechanism and unstable attitude of conventional controllable underwater towed vehicle s a new self-stable controllable underwater towed vehicle is proposed .

    针对现有可控制 拖曳体控制机构复杂、姿态不容易稳定的缺陷,提出并设计了一种自主稳定可控制拖曳体的样机。

  • A Hydrodynamic and Control Model for an Underwater Towed Vehicle Based on Neural Network Theory

    应用神经网络建立水下 拖曳 轨迹 姿态水动力控制模型

  • Dynamic simulation of towed vehicle during ship turning maneuvers

    在回转 操纵中的运动仿真模拟

  • The towline in the towed air-launched vehicle system was researched in depth and finely . Many kinds of the towline mathematical models were founded .

    通过对 拖曳系统中拖缆细致而深入的研究,建立了多种拖缆的数学模型。

  • Violators Will Be Citied or Towed Away at Vehicle Owner 's Expense .

    占用者将被罚或 拖车并需自负 拖车费。

  • The results of the dissertation are presented as follow : ( 1 ) An underwater towed optical vehicle and the images acquisition system was developed and also an approach for image denoising and enhancement was proposed and tested .

    本文取得了以下研究成果:(1)从实用角度出发,设计了水了下 拖曳 光学成像实验 装置,完成了海底图像实时采集系统的开发及图像前期处理方法研究。

  • Depth Trajectory Control of an Underwater Towed Vehicle Based on Fuzzy Neural Network Theory

    基于模糊神经网络理论对水下 拖曳 进行深度轨迹控制

  • The precondition of getting the systems performance is to solve the issue of flight path control laws of the towed vehicle in the system .

    拖曳系统的 飞行性能是评价 拖曳系统 可行性的一项基本内容,而要求解拖曳系统的飞行性能,则必须解决 拖曳系统中 运载 的航迹控制问题。

  • Development of a Towed Underwater Vehicle

    拖曳 仪器 运载 装置的进展

  • Towed Reusable Launch Vehicle Flight Dynamics

    拖曳 重复使用 运载 飞行动力学

  • Numerical simulation result of this paper indicates that design of the depth trajectory control system for the towed vehicle is successful ;

    数值模拟计算结果表明:该系统的设计 达到了所要求的 目的

  • The trajectory of the towed vehicle can be effectively controlled by means of the proposed depth trajectory control system .

    借助这一系统,可以有效地实现对 拖曳 的深度轨迹控制。