trade gap

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  • China should manage its currency better for its own economic good and to address the widening trade gap he said .

    他表示,为了中国自身的经济福祉及解决欧盟日益扩大的 贸易 逆差,中国应该更好地管理其汇率。

  • Yet concerns over nasties in shopping baskets could add to a wider climate of concern in the US over a yawning trade gap and military rivalry .

    然而,对购物篮中商品质量的担心,可能会加剧美国对不断扩大的 贸易 逆差和军事竞争的担忧。

  • But the ever-growing demand of US consumers for foreign goods continued to contribute to a widening trade gap .

    但美国消费者对外国商品不断增长的需求继续造成 逆差 缺口扩大。

  • The trade gap with China hit a record-high of nearly $ 296 billion for the year and is likely to focus more attention on this political issue in the United States .

    美国对华 贸易 赤字2011年又创下近2960亿美元的新高。这个问题很可能成为美国更加关注的一个政治议题。

  • But analysists say they don 't expect the United States trade gap with China to shrink any time soon .

    但是分析家声称,他们不期望美中 贸易 差额在短时间内缩小。

  • The trade gap between imports and exports remained high .

    进出口 贸易 差额依然很大。

  • The persistent US trade gap had narrowed in the initial months of the recession from late 2008 but analysts said yesterday the swelling shortfall could knock a percentage point from gross domestic product in the second quarter .

    美国持续多年的 贸易 逆差曾在始于2008年底的本次衰退的头几个月里收窄,而分析师们昨日表示,不断膨胀的贸易逆差可能会使美国二季度国内生产总值(GDP)减少一个百分点。

  • Trade income gap becomes wide in China which attracts the attention of academe .

    我国 行业收入 差距呈不断扩大的趋势,该现象引起了学术界的广泛关注。

  • So China supports its enterprises to increase investment in India and encourages Chinese companies to expand trade in services . Through these and other ways we can narrow the trade gap in goods .

    中方支持本国企业加大对印投资,鼓励企业间扩大服务贸易,通过多种途径弥补两国间货物 贸易不平衡的 缺口

  • The EU says the trade gap is compounded by the myriad restrictions on EU companies trading in China including strict licensing laws discriminatory rules and laws forcing foreign companies to create joint ventures with local partners .

    欧盟指出,在华经商的欧盟企业遭遇的种种限制,也加剧了欧盟对华 贸易 逆差,其中包括严格的许可法、歧视性规定,还有迫使外企与当地合作方成立合资企业的法规。

  • In recent years many theorists studied the current situation criterion reasons and suggestions of trade income gap which have gained some research achievements .

    近几年理论界对 行业 收入 差距的主要现状、判断标准、 行业收入 差距产生的原因、 缩小 行业收入 差距的对策进行了广泛的研究,取得了一定的研究成果。

  • But the US wants the Chinese currency to increase further not least because of the worrying trade gap between the two nations .

    但是美国要求中国的货币能够继续升值,尤其是因为对两国间 贸易 出现 逆差的担心。

  • A smaller trade gap due to growing exports and slowing imports combined to add3.1 percentage points to the GDP 's growth rate in the second quarter .

    出口增长和进口放缓导致了 贸易 逆差的减少,这为第二季度的GDP增速贡献了3.1个百分点。

  • Analysis of the Foreign Trade Gap and the Cause between the South and North of Jiangsu Province

    苏南苏北对外 贸易 差距及原因分析

  • The US trade gap plunged by 28.3 per cent in February to $ 26bn the lowest level in nearly 10 years as Americans ' once voracious demand for the world 's goods continued to collapse .

    美国 贸易 逆差2月份大幅下降28.3%,跌至260亿美元,为近10年来最低水平。美国人对世界产品一度旺盛的需求继续剧减。

  • Plunging domestic demand for oil and foreign cars unexpectedly narrowed the US trade gap in January official figures showed yesterday lifting hopes for stronger economic growth in the first quarter .

    昨日发布的美国官方数据显示,由于对石油和外国汽车的国内需求大幅下降,1月份美国 贸易 逆差意外收窄,这 加大了美国第一季度经济增长走强的希望。

  • America 's trade gap widened

    美国的 贸易 逆差加大了。

  • The EU has become increasingly vocal about China 's trade gap an area where Washington has often taken the lead .

    欧盟日益成为 填补中国 贸易 空白的大户,而它以前常常曾是华盛顿的 贸易大户。

  • The two have agreed that the solution to the trade gap between the United States and China is not to restrict imports from China but to promote balance he said .

    他说:解决美对华 贸易 逆差的措施不是限制自中国的进口,而是在积极发展 双边 贸易中促进平衡。

  • The trade gap for the year is expected to reach an unprecedented $ 130 billion .

    今年的 贸易 差额可望达到前所未有的1300亿美元。

  • Income gap is too large the trade gap is too large too large regional disparities in some of the uneven distribution of economic phenomena .

    经济上主要是收入差距过大, 行业 差距过大,区域差距过大等一些分配不平均的现象。

  • India is more concerned than ever about its yawning trade gap with China as The Wall Street Journal detailed in a front-page story today .

    《华尔街日报》今天头版详细报道过,印度不断扩大的对华 贸易 逆差让它越来越感到担忧。

  • A Survey of the Research of the Trade income Gap in China

    中国 行业收入 差距研究综述

  • The US trade gap widened in March for the first time in eight months as exports fell faster than imports the Commerce Department said yesterday .

    美国商务部昨日表示,由于出口降幅大于进口,美国3月份 贸易 逆差8个月来首次扩大。

  • In short it is of great significance to objectively understand and evaluate the trade income gap for the future economic development in China .

    客观的认识和评价 行业收入 差距,对我国未来的经济发展具有重要的意义。

  • The US trade gap swelled by the highest amount in more than a decade in July owing to a surge of imports driven by a jump in demand for foreign cars oil and consumer goods official figures showed yesterday .

    美国昨日公布的官方数据显示,由于对外国汽车、石油和消费品的需求激增导致进口量飙升,美国7月份 贸易 逆差创下了10多年来最大增幅。

  • The decline was less severe than original projections due to slower liquidation of inventories and the narrowing trade gap .

    由于清理库存的速度放缓及 贸易 逆差不断收窄,这一降幅没有最初预测的那么严重。

  • The US trade gap grew wider than expected in February as greater domestic demand lifted imports of computers and other consumer products official figures showed on Tuesday .

    周二发布的官方数据显示,2月份美国 贸易 逆差增幅大于预期,原因在于美国国内需求的增长提高了电脑和其它消费类产品的进口量。