total information

[ˈtotl ˌɪnfɚˈmeʃən][ˈtəutəl ˌɪnfəˈmeiʃən]


  • You could use a modified version of the Perl script for example to provide total user-time information and charge it back to a user or department .

    例如,您可以使用Perl脚本的修改版本,以提供 的用户时间 信息,并以此向相应的用户或者部门收费。

  • Finally this article in view of the A Corporation actual situation utilizes the total information relative plot appraisal model analysis and proposes promoting the A Corporation core competitive power the way and the suggestion .

    最后本文针对A公司实际情况,提出并计算A公司的各项指标,运用 全息雷达图评价模型分析和评价A公司核心竞争力, 疏理出目前存在的问题,提出了提升A公司核心竞争力的途径及其建议。

  • This paper discusses the content and essence on total information principle and information concept of system engineering points out some kind of pattern of thinking in developing information resources process .

    通过讨论系统工程中的 信息原则及信息概念的内涵与实质,指出在开发信息资源过程中应注意运用的几种思维方式。

  • Generally the main part of the total information and content expressed by a map is related to relief so the rational terrain expression on 2 dimension is greatly significative and important to the information expression and transmission of maps .

    在一幅地图中,地貌通常占了 整个图幅极大部分的 信息内容,所以科学合理地在二维空间上表示地形对地图信息的表达传输能力有着重要的影响。

  • And it is the design art that conveys the total information .

    而将 信息 完整地传达就是依靠设计的艺术。

  • How to carry out the multi project management information system based on single project management information system is discussed a total information solution of multi project management information platform including demand analysis total function validate module function design are presented .

    针对河北省高速公路管理局在单项目信息化管理的基础上实现多项目管理信息化的项目需求,提出多项目管理信息平台的 技术解决方案,主要内容包括需求分析、 总体功能定位、模块功能设计等。

  • This paper first discusses the disadvantages of existing network information auditing systems with single host architecture . Then gives out a new auditing system architecture which has a shared port for the total information and processes two-level information flow .

    指出常见基于单一主机结构的网络信息审计系统的不足,提出了一种具有 全局 信息共享接口的两级信息流处理的审计系统结构;

  • The process of information transfer that between human and human human and machine or machine and machine is actually a process of interaction in which the power of information each other owned will be strengthened and therefore the total information will be increased .

    信息传递过程实际上是一种交互过程(包括人与人的交互,人与机的交互,机与机的交互),信息的 能量在交互中得到加强,从而实现 信息的增值。

  • And inspection is an important way to obtain bridge information . However the inspection information is nothing but some samples of bridge total information the repair decision-making made by such samples may result in an unreasonable result .

    检查是获取桥梁信息的重要手段,但是检查信息只是桥梁 总体 信息中的部分样本 信息,仅根据部分样本 信息制定维修决策,可能导致不合理的结论。

  • Asked how Google might look in five years ' time Mr Schmidt said : We are very early in the total information we have within Google .

    在被问及五年后谷歌会是什么样的时候,施密特说:我们对于所拥有 信息的处理仍处于非常初步的 阶段

  • The total information of each unit was been calculated and drew the Isogram of prospecting symbol information . 2 .

    计算每个单元的 信息总和,绘制找矿标志信息量等值线图。

  • An analytic method for computing the free distance of convolutional codes and the total information weight from all paths of the same Hamming weight is proposed .

    本文提出了一种计算卷积码的自由距离和各等重(汉明重量)路径 信息重量的解析方法。

  • Four extracted principal components accounted for 69.595 % of the total information principal component 1 accounting for up to 43.656 % of the total information .

    主成分分析表明,各性状间相关性强,提取了4个主成分, 信息 总量的69.595%,其中第1主成分所占信息量就达43.656%。

  • In office automation word processing / office system is a term referring to the total information handling system of an organization .

    字(词)处理/办公室系统是办公室自动化的一个术语,指一个办公机构的 信息处理系统。

  • According to the properties of it composites parts which include the whole information of total feature information shape feature information and forming process information are classified based on feature .

    根据复合材料制件的特点,基于特征对其分类,采用 总体特征 信息、形状特征信息和工艺信息三者相结合的方法来完整描述制件的全部信息。

  • Thereby the translator should be of both bilingual and bicultural competence to achieve a satisfactory translation & the conveyance of the total information of the source language by means of the target language .

    为了真正达到翻译的目的&原语 信息 完整再现,译者应该既通两国语言又通两国文化。

  • The model regards information package transmission process through Internet as a two stages queue system and optimizes the total information flow by minimizing the total cost caused by refusing users accessing Internet and network overloading .

    该模型将互联网信包传递过程抽象为一串联排队系统,通过对由于拒绝用户接入和网络拥塞而产生的总成本函数的优化,来实现对 信息流量的最优控制。

  • Total information principle and information developing of system engineering

    系统工程中的 信息原则与信息开发

  • With the help of the projection pursuit regression analysis 5 optimal monitoring sites were selected out of 12 monitoring sites polluted by 3 items of atmospheric pollutants in Chengdu Urban the effective information content of which is 90 % of total information content in 12 monitoring sites .

    用PPR分析法从成都市3项大气污染物的12个环境测点中,优选出5个测点,其保留 信息量约占 全部测点信息量的90%。

  • Five principal factors were selected by principal factor analysis and they represented 90.4 % of total information .

    通过主因子分析,选出5个主因子,它们代表了 整体 信息量的90.4%;

  • According to the principal component analysis for 15 nest 's sites the characteristic values of first five principal components were greater than 1 and the cumulative percentage reaches 83.15 % indicating that the five principal components contained the total information of all the 14 parameters .

    对15个巢址主成分分析表明,前5个主成分特征值均大于1,累积贡献率高达83.15%,说明前5个主成分已经基本包含了所有参数的 信息量。

  • At temporal scale the contribution rate of the first and second vectors reached 90.26 % of total information . There was a single peak in desertification which indicated that the influence of landscape structure was simple during the past four decades .

    在时间尺度上,第一和第二分量占 信息量的9026%,说明在过去40年中景观结构对沙漠化的影响相对简单,只有一个峰值。

  • Based on Multi_sensor Multi_model information we present a new algorithm based on total information fusion estimation on target state . We prove the validity of this algorithm by computer .

    基于多传感器多模型信息,给出了目标状态基于 全局 信息融合估计的一种新算法,并通过计算机仿真验证了这种算法的有效性。

  • The Research on Enterprise Total Information Management Based Informatization Capability

    基于信息化能力的企业 全面 信息管理研究

  • To get summary information in other words the total space used by a specific user you can use awk to total the information and print out the final value

    要获得摘要信息,换句话说,即某个特定用户所使用的总空间,您可以使用awk对该 信息进行 总计,并打印出最后的值

  • The information government used is over 85 percent of total information of the country or the region 85 percent of which is related to spatial positioning that is 72 percent of information government used is concerned to space .

    政府使用的信息 整个国家或地方有效 信息的85%以上,而这些 信息的85%和空间定位有关,即政府使用的信息的72%与空间有关。

  • Then gives out a new auditing system architecture which has a shared port for the total information and processes two-level information flow .

    系统 框架由区域审计子系统和全局通信认证代理组成;