


  • A bathrobe made of toweling .

    毛巾 做的浴衣。

  • Sift the anthers onto unglazed permeable paper such as newspaper or paper toweling for drying .

    将花药筛到无光的、具渗透性的纸上,如报纸或 卫生 ,以便 花药干燥。

  • James came out of his bedroom toweling his wet hair

    詹姆斯从卧室出来, 毛巾 着他湿漉漉的头发。

  • Finally sanitary paper has been developed for use in tissue paper paper toweling and paper napkins .

    最后,清洁纸张被发展成卫生纸、纸 毛巾和餐巾纸。 这里是餐巾纸和 牙签可能 有用的。

  • My mother pressed it between two sheets of paper toweling in a dictionary laughing as she did it that we were perhaps the only people who would press such a sorry-looking weed .

    母亲将花接了过去, 两张纸巾将它 压平在了一本字典里。她一边 忙碌着,一边笑,想到也许只有我们俩会珍藏这么一朵打了蔫的野草花。

  • He lay with face upward having kicked toweling coverlet to one side .

    他仰躺着,将 毛巾被踢在一旁。

  • Remove the lettuce from its store packaging . Then wrap it in paper toweling and place it in an open storage bag .

    去掉 生菜包装,用 厨房纸包好,放进打开的包装袋中。

  • Mite-Proofing and Antimicrobial Finishing of Toweling Fabric


  • Add fish strips several at a time and deep-fry until golden ( less than a minute ) . Drain on paper toweling and serve at once .

    放入鱼条炸至金黄,不到一分钟 即可 厨房 纸巾 吸干 食用