trading department

[经] 贸易(商业)部门

  • I am in charge of the trading department .

    我负责公司的 贸易 部门

  • With interest rates low and the housing market booming Bear saw its share price more than triple between 2001 and 2007 as demand for high-yielding debt played to the strength of its fixed income sales and trading department .

    随着利率处于低位,且房地产市场蓬勃发展,2001年至2007年,贝尔斯登的股价上涨了3倍多,因为市场对高收益债券需求旺盛,而贝尔斯登的固定收益证券发行和 交易 部门正好很强大。

  • Engaging in trading work at foreign trade department or company to take good use of my experience and develope advantage .

    希望能从事进出口贸易 部门的对外 贸易工作,充分利用自己所积累的经验发挥自身的优势。

  • Many Americans are trading down : sales at department stores are increasing at sluggish rates not seen since the last recession while sales at discount stores are still growing briskly .

    很多美国人 经营低档商品以增加销量: 百货商店的销售增长慢得像蜗牛,这是上次衰退以来闻所未闻的;

  • In the field of securities investment because of the development of online securities trading business the function of department is degenerating gradually . More and more securities trading activities carry through centralized trading system .

    在证券投资领域,随着网上证券 交易业务的发展,营业 功能逐步退化,证券交易通过集中交易系统来完成。

  • She said trading face to face with students from the same school or even the same department makes the sale more like a charity .

    她表示,和校友甚至 面对面地做买卖更像是做慈善。

  • What the foreign investment trading company and does the foreign investment commercial department have to distinguish ?

    外商投资 贸易公司和外商投资商业 企业有什么区别?

  • The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department ( EMSD ) one of the departments in the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region became a Trading Fund operation in 1996 as a result of public sector reform in Hong Kong .

    电力气和机械服务 (EMSD),香港特别行政区政府的一个部门在1996年转变成 贸易基金运行部( tradingfundoperation),这是香港公共部门进行了改革的结果。

  • The Call Center designed in this thesis has very strong general ability to the securities trading can be applied to the securities business department of different environments or regional general headquarters after simple data encapsulation .

    本论文中所设计的呼叫中心对于证券行业有很强的通用性,通过简单的数据封装后可以应用于不同环境的 证券 营业 或地区总部。

  • But compare with other industries the development of agricultural products trading is slower and also the volume is much smaller . In the process of establishing China-Japan-Korea FTA it is the three countries ' agricultural department that each cannot easily obtain free-trade-agreement with the other two .

    但是三国农产品 贸易与其他产业 贸易相比发展缓慢,贸易规模小,在建立中日韩FTA进程中,中日韩三国农业 部门各自较难与其他两国达成自由贸易协议。

  • With the innovation of test system of national cotton quality quick test cotton fiber property has significant sense to cotton spinning enterprises and cotton trading department .

    随着我国棉花质量检验体制改革的深入,快速检测棉纤维性能对棉纺企业和棉花 贸易 部门具有重要意义。

  • A carrier of the brokerage business of the securities dealers the securities trading department is the foremost front of the securities market and faces unprecedented pressure .

    证券公司经纪业务的载体&证券 营业 ,是证券市场最前沿的阵地,面临着前所未有的压力。

  • Every time a salesperson at online trading site Alibaba signs up an important new account the entire sales department cheers in triumph .

    每当在线 贸易网站阿里巴巴(alibaba)的销售人员签下一位重要的新客户时,整个销售 部门都会发出胜利的欢呼。

  • At first there was no special clearing department . Along with the trading became more and more the special clearing department has been established .

    起初并没有专门的结算部门,随着 期货 交易日渐增多,增设了结算