trade investment

[treid ɪnˈvɛstmənt][treid inˈvestmənt]


  • Both sides will adopt active measures to facilitate trade and investment cooperation between enterprises of the two countries .

    双方将采取积极措施为两国企业开展 贸易 投资合作提供便利。

  • Trade and investment offers a big loophole for Chinese and foreign firms .

    贸易 投资 领域中,中外企业找到了一些大漏洞。

  • Government should also institute feasible policies and measures gradually reduce and abolish unnecessary trade and investment barriers ;

    政府应该制定具体可行的政策和措施,逐步减少和消除不必要的 贸易 投资壁垒;

  • Considerable progress has been made in trade and investment .

    贸易 投资方面,我们已经取得了相当程度的进展。

  • In the future APEC will possibly develops along different directions such as to develop from loosely to a closely related economic cooperation organization or move towards Asian and Pacific free trading area or advance the APEC trade investment liberalization as an Pathfinder Approach .

    未来,APEC可能会沿着不同的方向发展,或发展成一个由松散到紧密关系的经济合作组织,或走向亚太自由贸易区,亦或以探路者方式推进APEC 贸易 投资自由化。

  • The sector will also actively participate in regional economic cooperation and explore and study the ways to achieve free and convenient trade investment in certain regions .

    积极参与区域经济合作。探讨和研究在一定区域内实现 贸易 投资自由化、便利化。

  • After this project goes into operation it will become a new economic growth point of plantation in xinjiang widen the trade investment field of our country and drive the development and export of fragrant plant serial products in our country .

    该项目投产后,将会成为新疆种植业一个新的经济增长点,拓宽我国 行业 投资领域,带动我国芳香植物系列产品发展和出口。

  • Major progress has been achieved in trade investment facilitation and substantial agreement has been reached in many special topics such as access facilitation cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises trade investment promotion e-commerce and transparency of legal affairs .

    贸易 投资便利化方面已取得了重要进展,在许多专题上,比如通关便利化、中小企业合作、贸易投资促进、电子商务、法律透明度等都达成了实质性的协议。

  • Trade and investment both public and private must focus on productivity and innovation .

    公共和私营领域的 贸易 投资必须将效率与创新作为核心。

  • The two countries have signed agreements to boost bilateral trade and investment .

    两岸签署了多项推动双边 贸易 投资的协议。

  • Improve FDI environment from preferential policy to laws action industry guidance technology standard to broaden the foreign trade investment scale and upgraded level to provide guarantee .

    改善外商直接投资环境正从优惠政策转到法律执行、产业导向、技术标准等方面,?为 外商 投资规模扩大和水平提高提供了保证?

  • This would include financial cooperation as well as trade and investment deals .

    这将包括金融合作,以及 贸易 投资协议。

  • Hubei Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Investment & Management Ltd is a large-scale and state-owned company which was established in1996.It is located in Wuhan of central China .

    湖北省对外 经贸 投资管理有限公司是于1996年成立的一家大型国有独资公司。

  • Investment strategy : Investment in fixed assets makes negative correlation with stock in trade investment ;

    投资战略:固定资产投资与 存货 投资间存在负相关关系;

  • Is it analyse to electrolytic aluminium structure and characteristic of trade confirm its trade investment value to go on on one hand ;

    一方面对电解铝行业的结构和特点进行分析,确定其 行业 投资价值;

  • As a kind of regional economic and trade arrangement under the frame of WTO CEPA has standardized the relevant contents such as the tariff and non-tariff measures of trade in goods the liberalization of trade in service and the convenience of trade investment .

    CEPA就有关货物贸易的关税与非关税措施、服务贸易自由化和 贸易 投资便利化等内容进行了规范。

  • The consultations have proceeded smoothly . The consultations focus on the following : first facilitation measures for trade investment ;

    整个磋商过程是顺利的,我们磋商的主要内容一是就 贸易 投资的便利化措施进行研究;

  • Second to be conducive to global economic development and trade and investment facilitation ;

    第二,有利于世界经济的发展和 贸易 投资便利化;

  • This is only one example of how China 's hesitancy is hindering freer trade and investment .

    这只是中国的犹疑妨碍 贸易 投资进一步自由化的例子之一。

  • Both benefit from stable markets open to trade and investment .

    如果市场稳定,双方对 贸易 投资持开放态度,两国都能从中获益。

  • The negotiations have a wide-ranging scope with emphasis on trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation .

    谈判涵盖的范畴广泛,重点是 贸易 投资的自由化及便利化。

  • Strengthening regional economic integration and expanding trade by advancing next-generation trade and investment issues ;

    通过推进“下一代” 贸易 投资问题,加强地区经济一体化和扩大贸易;

  • International joint venture the stock right transfer new investment methodology slowly changed to be an important method for foreign trade investment ;

    跨国购并、股权转让等新的投资方式逐步成为 外商 投资的重要方式;

  • Second speed up liberalisation of trade and investment .

    其次,加速 贸易 投资自由化。

  • You have opened your nation to trade and investment on a large scale .

    贵国为大规模 贸易 投资敞开了大门。

  • Recent years the tax avoidance problem of foreign trade investment enterprises in China is getting more serious and this is harm for the financial benefit of our country .

    近年来,在华 外商 投资企业避税问题日益严重,避税手段呈多样化特征。外资企业避税对我国财政利益、中方投资者合法权益和公平竞争的税收环境,都造成了危害。

  • Build Trade Platform and Boost Internationalization of Wood Industry - 2007 China Wood Based Panel Trade Investment Conference

    搭建行业对话平台力促行业国际化进程&聚焦2007中国人造板 投资 贸易洽谈会

  • The latest stage of the relationship has meant fast-growing trade and investment in industry and services .

    中国和西班牙关系进入了一个新阶段,意味着在工业和服务业 贸易 投资都在快速增长。

  • Recent year between both countries trade and the investment expands day by day specially China unceasingly rises to North Korea 's investment scale has become the North Korean biggest trade investment partner .

    近些年来,中国与朝鲜都把吸引外国直接投资作为发展本国经济的重要措施,特别是中国对朝鲜的投资规模不断上升,已成为朝鲜最大的 贸易 投资伙伴。