town hall

[taʊn hɔl][taun hɔ:l]


  • The plans of the new development are on show at the town hall .

    镇公所 大厅展出了新开发平面图。

  • In European countries it is the custom to decorate churches and town hall with flowers .

    在欧洲国家,人们习惯用花果装饰教堂和 市政厅

  • Next week he 's doing a two-hour primetime town hall here on ABC .

    下周,他又要在ABC电视台的黄金时间做一场两个小时的 市政厅演讲。

  • The government gave them a concession to sell food in the town hall .

    政府给了他们一个可以在 市政厅出售食品的特许权。

  • President Obama addressed the people of France this morning during a town hall style meeting in Strasbourg .

    奥巴马总统今天早上在法国 斯特拉斯堡 市政会议上做了演讲。

  • Look it 's the Secretary from the town hall !

    看, 市政厅的书记来了!

  • President Obama plans to hold more town hall meetings in Montana and Colorado later this week .

    奥巴马总统计划本周在蒙大拿和科罗拉多召开更多的 市政会议。

  • Two large-scale exhibitions were staged in Sha Tin Town Hall .

    年内,沙田 大会堂举行了两个大型展览。

  • I directed them towards the town hall .

    我指引他们到了 市政厅

  • I directed them towards the town hall . Please direct me to the exhibition center .

    我指引他们到了 市政厅。请指引去展览馆的路。

  • Leaders want to meet her . And the town hall meetings do make a difference with public opinion .

    外国领袖希望见她,而那些 市政厅会议的确对舆论产生了实质性影响。

  • He is in Montana this morning where he held a town hall meeting yesterday .

    今天早上他在蒙大拿,昨天刚刚在这里举行了 市政厅会议。

  • So you 've finished your dirty work at the Town Hall have you ?

    你已经结束了在 政府的肮脏勾当,是吗?

  • On Wednesday evening we went to the Town Hall .

    星期三的晚上,我们去了 市政厅

  • He held two town hall meetings on the issue in Montana and Colorado on Friday and Saturday .

    他于上周五和周六分成别在蒙大拿州和科罗拉多州针对该问题(problem)举行了两次 市政厅会议。

  • She was told to present herself at the Town Hall at 11.30 for the induction ceremony

    她被告知于11点30分在 市政厅参加就职仪式。

  • I caught a glimpse of the town hall clock as we drove quickly past .

    就在我们快速驶过 市政厅时,我瞥见了 那里的大钟。

  • The rooms in the town hall were as grand as the exterior .

    市政厅 的房间与其外表一样富丽堂皇。

  • The Obama administration had hoped that this month 's town hall meetings would smooth the way for healthcare reform .

    奥巴马(Obama)政府本希望,本月的 市政厅会议将为医疗改革铺平道路。

  • When the result was declared the great crowd outside the town hall cheered wildly .

    当选举结果揭晓时, 大厅外人山人海,大家疯狂似地欢呼。

  • What else beside the town hall ?

    除了 镇公所外还 了什么?

  • Police were on guard at Barnet town hall .

    警察在巴尼特 市政厅值守。

  • He was last seen walking into the town hall .

    上一次有人看见他走进 市政厅

  • I could do nothing but followed her to the town hall .

    我没办法,只好跟她一起去 市政厅了。

  • This bus runs from here to the Town Hall .

    这班公共汽车从这里开往 市政厅

  • The car pulled in and double-parked in front of the town hall .

    车在 市政 大厅前靠边并排停下了。

  • The town hall clock struck midnight .


  • This only widened the gulf between the town hall and the tenants .

    这反而扩大了 镇公所同租户之间的隔阂。

  • They were under or-ders to shellthe hospital and the town hall .

    他们接到了炮轰医院和 市政厅的命令。