town talk

[taʊn tɔk][taun tɔ:k]


  • In recent years a series of public opinion supervision events brought by internet are becoming the town talk among people .

    近些年,由网络传播引发的一系列舆论监督事件不断成为人们 街谈巷议 话题

  • On the foundation the paper take Peking Tongzhou New Town construction for example suggest to new town construction of big city in our country further talk about the primary factors which will influence new town construction of big city in china in the futher .

    在此基础上,以北京通州新城建设为例,对我国大城市 新城建设提出了意见 建议,并对未来影响中国大城市新城建设的主要因素进行了 探讨

  • Taking courtyard house of He family in Jianchuan Jinhua town as example to talk about elements of ancient residential architecture

    以剑川金华 何氏院落为例 古民居建筑要素

  • He and others in town talk about ways to expand the economic base beyond turkey and the local Baldor Electric Company small-engine plant .

    他和 人们讨论扩大除火鸡之外的经济基础产业,以及当地 巴尔多电气公司的小型发电机厂。

  • The media has become the optimal carrier of getting information and spreading information and it also provides much town talk for our leisure time .

    媒体已经成为我们获得信息和传播信息的最佳载体,而且它也为我们茶余饭后提供了很多 谈资

  • Mary very soon got into town to see Doctor Ed and then she had a talk with her boys and set a guard over Rosicky .

    玛丽很快了 进城看医生埃德,然后她与她的孩子们 交谈,并设置了罗西基的一名警卫。

  • In New England and in some other parts of the United States citizens of the town meet and talk overall local problems .

    在新英格兰和美国的一些地方, 城镇公民开公 讨论所有地方问题。

  • One day afternoon Malena and her husband came back to the town all people talk about how dare they come back .

    一天午后,马莲娜和她老公再一次出现在 小镇的广场上,全镇的人小声 议论他们怎么有脸回来。

  • They have been the town talk ever since their elopement .

    他们自私奔以来就一直是人们 闲谈 话题

  • The excitement about the new power plant was merely town talk .

    关于新发电厂的纷纷 议论只不过是桩 传闻