total sum

[ˈtotl sʌm][ˈtəutəl sʌm]


  • The total sum includes eight million pounds of assets already in his wife 's name with the remainder to be paid to her in a lump sum .

    补偿 总额包括已经置于其妻名下的价值800万镑的资产,剩下的差额要一次性付给她。

  • You 'll have to pay a total sum of 285 dollars for duty .

    你要付的关税 总额为二百八十五美元。

  • What 's more the total amount of value of all commodities is equal to the total sum of prices .

    而且,“一切商品的价值总量是与价格 总和相等的。”

  • The total sum paid to the Contractor shall include only such amounts for the work supplies or services to which the Provisional Sum relates as the Employer shall have instructed .

    付给承包商的 金额只应包括雇主已指示的,与暂列金额有关的工作、供货或服务的应付款项。

  • The total sum of 11 scores was defined as functional status index of daily life .

    将11项指标的得分 总和定义为日常生活功能状态指数。

  • The proportion of the registered capital in the total sum of investment shall conform to relevant provisions of the state .

    注册资本与投资 总额的比例,应当符合国家有关规定。

  • Indeed the total sum of assets which it is monitoring is worth $ 12000bn . That is almost the size of the US economy .

    事实上,贝莱德目前所监控的资产 总额已达12万亿美元,几乎 美国经济总量不相上下。

  • A financial analyst may want to know What is the total sum of all loans that are currently in the closing step ?

    财务分析师也许想知道:“当前处于结账步骤的所有贷款的 总额是多少?”

  • Appointed Page : Clients need to pay extra fifteen percent of total sum for the assigned advertising page after signing the contract .

    指定页面:客户于合约签订后,须额外负担 金额百分之十五的费用。

  • The output message must contain a summary of the whole output that states how many slices were present in the input the total number of Quantity values it carried and their total sum .

    输出消息必须包含整个输出的汇总信息,包括输入中有多少个数据片、包含的Quantity值的总数及其 总和

  • The total sum of foreign trade for nonferrous metals has doubled since China entered the WTO

    加入WTO三年来中国有色金属外贸进出口 总额翻番

  • The total sum of the individual match results in each component match shall be accumulated to declare an overall tournament winner .

    由累积个别大赛成绩的 总和来产生出整场锦标赛的冠军。

  • Results The utilization rate of anti-infectious agents was 8.35 % accounting for 1.09 % of the total sum of money for the prescriptions .

    结果抗感染药使用率为8.35%,占处方 金额的1.09%;

  • The insurer shall reimburse the expenses incurred by the purchaser or assured for fulfilling his duty subject to the preceding paragraph even though the total sum of the said reimbursement and the indemnity of the insurance exceed the value of the subject matter insured .

    保险人对于要保人或被保险人,为履行前项义务所生之费用,负偿还之责,其偿还数额与赔偿 金额 合计虽超过保险标的价值,仍应偿还之。

  • Assume your children are Becker-Barro altruists . This means that they care not about how much cash they give but about the total sum their children receive from all sources .

    假设你的子女都是贝克-巴罗式的利他主义者,这意味着他们关心的不是自己赠予多少钱,而是他们的孩子能够从各种来源获得的 总额

  • You have to balance the speed at which you can process information into working memory against the total sum of your experiences you can bring to bear on that decision says Mathews .

    “你必须在信息处理的速度与做决定时能够依赖的经验之间达到一定的平衡,” 马修斯指出。

  • The total sum is considerable .


  • The total sum of match results attained by each competitor at component matches specified by the league organizers shall be accumulated to determine a league winner .

    累积各个选手在由联盟主办单位所指定的个别大赛成绩 总和以决定出 整个联盟的冠军。

  • I will be gladly to give you25 % of the total sum for your assistance input .

    我会很乐意给你25输入您的协助 金额%。

  • GDP – the total sum of the goods and services we produce – not only fails to reflect the distribution of income it also omits feelings not easily reducible to monetary values .

    GDP是指我们创造的商品和服务的价值 总和。它不仅未能反映出收入的分配,而且还忽视了人们的感情需求,这种感情需求不能被简单地以货币价值衡量。

  • How much is the total sum of dollars in traveler 's checks ?

    旅行支票的美元 总数为多少?

  • It has concluded self-supporting agreements with these and other plants for the total sum of4.7 million hryvnias .

    它与上述制造厂和其它厂家达成了 总额470万乌元的协议。

  • Please fill in the exchange memo your passport number and the total sum and sign your name .

    请填写交流备忘录,您的护照号码和 金额,并签署姓名。

  • This amount is one nineteenth of the total sum .

    这个量是 总数的十九分之一。

  • To evaluate fracture instability the total sum of stresses due to residual welding or rolling stresses dead load and live loads must be considered .

    计算断裂失稳性时,必须考虑焊接或轧制残余应力,恒载应力和活载应力 总和

  • Add these numbers and the result is the total sum of your consumption .

    这些数字叠加 起来就是您消费的 金额了。

  • Or those who attract foreign funds in a total sum of US $ 10 million or RMB 80 million yuan or more for single project contracts .

    或单个项目合同外来资金 总额在1000万美元或8000万元人民币及以上的社会引资者。

  • The spokesman for the prosecutors ' office yesterday said the funds K1 Global and K1 Invest had been used to help defraud thousands of private investors and several major banks of a total sum in excess of € 300m .

    检方发言人昨日表示,K1Global和K1Invest基金用来帮助欺诈数千名私人投资者和几家大型银行, 被骗 金额 总计超过3亿欧元。

  • The total sum of these individual areas thus represents the total area under the curve .

    小图形的 面积就可以用来代表曲线下方两点之间的总面积。