tower internals


  • According to the current research research result in this paper reaction tower air distributor internals exit configuration separator and solids return feeder are expatiated .

    根据现有的研究成果,围绕反应 床体、布风板、 构件、出口结构、分离器和返料器等分别阐述。

  • The Technology for Modern Packed Column (ⅱ) Gas Distributor and Other Tower Internals

    现代填料塔技术(三)填料 气体分布器和其它 塔内

  • Process calculation of tower internals in De-heavy tower of pyrolysis gasoline hydrogenation units

    图解计算机终端装置裂解汽油加氢装置脱重 塔内 工艺计算

  • High efficency packing and proper tower internals were adopted in the design of the rectifying unit .

    设计了异丁醇分离物系精馏装置,采用高效填料和合理的 塔内 构件

  • The State Science and Technology Committee set the national Research and Popularization Center for Packed Tower and Internals Technology in Tianjin University .

    近年来,“具有 新型 塔内 的高效填料 技术”的研究. 开发及工程应用技术的推广工作,对推动我国 化工装置的进步作出了 突出 贡献

  • Application of high efficient tower internals in revamping of methanol fractionation system

    高效 塔内 在甲醇精馏系统改造中的应用