trade in

[treid ɪn][treid in]


  • The size of the drugs haul shows that the international trade in heroin is still flourishing

    本次查获的毒品量表明,海洛因 国际上的 交易仍很猖獗。

  • However the data also contain an illustration of the growing role of south-south trade in the global economy and the competition between emerging economies .

    不过,这一数据还显示出南南 贸易和新兴经济体间的竞争 全球经济 扮演的角色日益重要。

  • Richard refused to trade in his old Canon cameras .

    理查德拒绝 他的旧佳能相机以旧 新。

  • Then I will give your brother back to you and you can trade in the land .

    这样,我就把你们的弟兄交给你们,你们也可以 这地做 买卖

  • My father carries on a trade in silk .

    我父亲经营丝绸 生意

  • There is a longstanding prostitution trade in the port .

    这个港口的卖淫 由来已久。

  • The illegal trade in animal products continues to flourish

    野生动物制品的非法 交易仍旧猖獗。

  • But if you look at trade in the eurozone consumer goods do not play a decisive role .

    但是,如果你看看欧元 贸易情况,就会明白消费品扮演的并不是决定性角色。

  • He had a Rolls-Royce and he traded it in for two matching silver Range Rovers


  • The prime minister aired some ideas about pepping up trade in the region

    首相发表了一些刺激本地区 贸易 想法。

  • The global trade in illicit drugs is huge .

    全球非法毒品 交易规模巨大。

  • The 45-country organization controls international trade in such materials in an attempt to reduce nuclear proliferation .

    为了减少核武器扩散,由45个国家组成的“核供应国集团”控制著这类物资的国际 贸易

  • In recent years Sino-African trade in agricultural products has grown quickly .

    近年来, 非农产品 贸易发展迅速。

  • Our cooperation in manufacturing trade in goods services and trade in services has great potential of growth .

    无论是制造业和产品 贸易领域,还是服务业和服务贸易领域,中德合作都有很大潜力。

  • First the era of agreements that achieve freer trade in the classical sense is over .

    首先,通过协定实现传统意义上更自由 贸易的时代已经结束。

  • The interior trade in both countries boomed again .

    两国的国内 贸易也重新繁荣起来。

  • There is also China 's request to join with the U.S. the EU and others in talks on a proposed agreement on international trade in services in Geneva on the sidelines of the WTO .

    中国还请求 WTO会议间歇在日内瓦与美国、欧盟和其他国家一起参与围绕一项拟议的国际服务 贸易协议的谈判。

  • In 2008 half of the world 's trade in goods and services involved the Continent .

    2008年,全球的商品与服务 贸易 ,有半数涉及欧洲大陆。

  • The current account measures trade in goods and services and the flow of money among nations .

    国际 收支经常项目衡量商品和服务 贸易以及国家间的资金流动。

  • The deficit in Britain 's balance of trade in March rose to more than 2100 million pounds .

    英国3 月份 贸易逆差已经增长到21亿英镑以上。

  • The renminbi is the most overcrowded trade in financial history he says .

    他说:人民币 交易是金融史上 参与人数最多的 交易

  • Structure of service trade has become more balanced with trade in emerging services growing rapidly .

    服务贸易结构渐趋平衡,新兴服务 贸易发展迅速。

  • We will make our trade in services still more open to drive the growth of the service sector .

    我们将进一步扩大服务 贸易 领域开放,带动服务业发展。

  • I could give up being a commuter and trade in my compact car .

    我可以不用再做个上下班做公车的乘客,也可以把我的小型汽车 折价 新车。

  • These need to be closed and sanctions imposed on countries that continue to trade in ivory products .

    我们需要弥补这些漏洞,并对那些继续 从事象牙制品 贸易的国家实施制裁。

  • Protecting Innovation and Promoting Trade in Safe Food and Drugs

    保护创新和促进安全的食品、药品 贸易

  • Second a dramatic expansion in digital communication has boosted trade in other services – from ecommerce to consultancy .

    第二大变化则是,数字通信的急剧扩张,提振了从电商到咨询等诸多其他服务的 贸易

  • The EU strongly supports Chinas swift participation in the Trade in Services Agreement ( TiSA ) negotiation .

    十三、欧盟大力支持中国尽快参加《服务 贸易协定》谈判。

  • Stepped-up police co-operation to stamp out an evil little trade in Hmong women would be a good start .

    而增强两国警察之间的合作从而扑灭这类罪恶的苗族妇女拐卖 贸易行径将会成为一个好的开始。