trade out

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  • The trade frictions come out with the development of world economy and international trade and it is a common form from the conflict and clash of national interests .

    贸易摩擦是伴随世界经济和国际贸易发展而 出现的现象,是国家之间利益冲突与碰撞的一种通常形式。

  • The usual trade news trickled out & a casting announcement here an international television deal there .

    它也开始逐步 发布日常 行业新闻&选角公告和国际电视交易等。

  • Equity markets in Europe and the US rose yesterday as investors were cheered by a report of better trade data out of China and downplayed unease over eurozone debt concerns .

    欧美股市昨日上涨,因投资者受到一篇有关中国 贸易数据好转的报道的鼓舞,并减轻了对欧元区债务问题的担忧。

  • But trade numbers bear out the concerns : over the past 10 years the share of commodities in total Brazilian exports has more than doubled to 46 per cent while manufactured goods have slumped .

    贸易数据 证实人们的担忧有其道理:过去10年来,巴西总出口中大宗商品的比重增加了一倍多,达到46%,而制成品的比重则大幅下降。

  • The second part analyzes and explains the content of CISG . It introduces the principles of risk transfer of involving transportation road and goods trade out of transportation and breaching . It also expounds goods specific as a premise for risk transfer .

    第二部分对CISG的相关内容进行了剖析和解释,分别介绍了涉及运输、路货 交易涉及运输以及违约时的风险转移问题,并阐述了货物特定化这一风险转移的前提。

  • I know this trade inside out .

    对这 我是再了解不过

  • In the development of overall economic and trade cooperation Sino-Korea agricultural trade has developed rapidly . However in general the development of Sino-Korea agricultural trade is out of satisfactory .

    在全面经贸合作发展的同时,中韩农产品贸易也有了迅速的发展,但是中韩农产品 贸易的发展还 尽如人意。

  • And the picture over here shows how tea and horse barter trade was carried out then ?

    那这边画的应该是当年 交换茶马的情景

  • Some new theories about international trade come out to challenge the traditional comparative theory but in fact some of those new theories have developed the traditional comparative theory and some be helpful supplements of it .

    而二战后 出现的一些新的国际 贸易理论客观上有的对比较优势理论进行了发展,有的对比较优势理论形成了有益的补充。

  • In some ways as the British trade team point out London has attractive features for entrepreneurs .

    正如英国 贸易代表团所 指出的,伦敦对于创业家来说在某些方面具有吸引力。

  • What to make of China 's April trade surplus coming out four times bigger than the consensus forecast ?

    中国4月份的 贸易顺差 竟然比普遍预测高 三倍(四倍),原因何在?

  • On the development of construction machinery leasing trade in out country

    浅析 国工程机械租赁 的发展

  • First trade petered out and then ceased altogether .

    首先, 贸易逐渐减少,然后完全终结。

  • Trade may occur out of economies of scale and it can also take place because of innovation or style .

    贸易可能产生 规模经济,也可能是由于革新或款式的需要。

  • They also use sophisticated technology and data analysis to trade in and out of a stock quickly making money on the spread between the bid and offer and they argue making price discovery more efficient in the process .

    它们还可以利用复杂的技术与数据分析迅速 买进卖出一支股票,通过买卖价差获利,而且它们认为,在此过程中提高了价格发现的效率。

  • A Comparison between the Traditional Process Trade and the Process Trade Out of the Boundary in Adjudging the Industrial Structure

    产业结构调整中传统加工贸易与 境外加工 贸易之比较

  • But with its development many crises also come into being the rising of the processed trade out of our territory .

    近两年来境外加工 贸易的兴起为我国传统产业结构调整产生 积极影响。

  • Just as a big challenge to the traditional comparative advantage theory it leads to a breakthrough for all countries to embark on a new round of economic growth in a brand new manner . Therefore we can obtain more dynamic trade interest out of the conventional theory .

    作为挑战传统比较优势理论的一种突破口, 产业贸易理论为各国启动新一轮经济增长提供了全新的思路,从而可以 摆脱传统理论束缚实现更加动态的 贸易利益。

  • Other financial groups including BlackRock and fidelity and some investment banks have adjusted their trading desks in the US or regional hubs such as Hong Kong or Singapore to enable Japanese staff to relocate temporarily and trade out of other offices .

    其它金融集团包括贝莱德(blackrock)、富达(fidelity)以及一些投行已调整了各自在美国或香港、新加坡等亚洲金融中心的交易部门,以暂时调离日本员工,让他们在其它地点 从事 交易

  • The exhibitors at the trade fair pass out free samples to arouse people 's interest .

    商业展览会上的展出者免费分发 一些样品来引起人们的兴趣。

  • He knew his trade inside out .

    他对他的 行业 了如指掌

  • Our foreign trade is spreading out in all directions .

    我们的对外 贸易正向各方面发展着。

  • People don 't have to trade out of our brands .

    人们不必 放弃购买我们的品牌。

  • A trade is carried out by the seller delivering securities and the buyer delivering funds in proper form .


  • People said that Peppa had learned her trade out in the thickets and that she went stealing at night .

    人们说 佩帕在灌木丛中学会 晚上出去偷东西的本领。

  • The trade and rate of exchange policies of encouraging export and limiting import partly cause the development of our foreign trade out of balance .

    我国奖出限入的贸易与汇率政策部分地促成 我国 外贸 失衡发展。

  • This article expounds the reform measures and achievements in the experiment teaching for the major of international economics and trade carried out in the author 's college .

    该文介绍了近几年笔者所在学校在国际经济与 贸易专业实验教学中所 进行的一系列改革措施及取得的成绩。