trading limit


  • Environmental Defense Fund 's emissions trading concept has become the centerpiece of the Kyoto Protocol to control greenhouse gases and limit climate change .

    美国环保协会提出的排污权 交易概念成为《 京都议定书》的核心思想;

  • Constant system upgrades required to deal with all the new message traffic have tested trading firms and exchanges to the limit .

    处理所有新的信息流要求系统不断升级,挑战 交易公司和交易所的 极限

  • In order to maintain a safe trading environment eBay places a selling limit on new sellers .

    为了维护安全的 交易环境,易趣名额 限制的新的销售卖家。

  • Our finding is that price limit policy will bring significant effect to the trading behavior of insiders which means price limit policy will impede the fulfillment of insiders ' trading activities and delay the discovery of equilibrium price .

    发现涨跌幅限制对知情投资者 交易行为产生重要影响,主要表现在当均衡价格与当前股价有较大偏离时,涨跌 限制会使知情投资者推迟当前的 交易,延缓了均衡价格的实现。

  • After the exchange has examined the hedging application materials from the clients and has determined the hedging amount limit quotas it shall promptly inform the clearing members and the trading members of such limit quotas .

    交易所对客户的套期保值申请材料进行审核,确定其套期保值额度后,应当及时将套期保值 额度告知结算会员和 交易会员。

  • If the trading members fail to put forward any objections within the time limit agreed by the settlement agreement they shall not put forward any objections any more .

    交易会员未在结算协议约定的时间内提出 异议的,不得再提出异议。

  • Also known as cap and trade emissions trading works to reduce pollution by setting a limit on the amount of pollutants an organization can emit into the air .

    就像大家都知道的总量管制与排放 交易一样,排污权 交易通过设定某个组织的 排污量来降低污染。

  • Goldman says much of this so-called proprietary trading will still be allowed after the Volcker rule which is supposed to limit risky trading at the big banks and other Dodd-Frank reforms are fully implemented .

    高盛称,在 限制大银行高风险交易的沃克尔法则(Volckerrule)以及其他多德-弗兰克(Dodd-Frank)改革措施全面实施后,很多这些所谓的自营 交易仍然是被允许进行的。

  • Out-of-hours trading His thoughts immediately went to the Exchange : perhaps at this very minute prices were plunging down to the limit amid the frantic yelling of the crowd !

    在正式 交易时间以外的 交易他立刻想像到交易所里此刻也许正在万声的狂噪中 跌停了板。

  • As the most important trading partner of our country American has very rich practice experience in the aspect of avoiding international trading dispute which deserves us to study further to maintain the national benefit of our country in high limit .

    美国作为我国最主要的贸易伙伴,在避免国际 贸易争端方面有很丰富的实践经验,值得我们深入研究,以最大 限度的维护我国的国家利益。

  • Implementation of the land and resources online trading can limit the transfer of state-owned land use right behavior reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of government functional departments and service .

    推行国土资源网上 交易规范国有土地使用权出让行为,降低出让成本,提升政府职能部门的效率与服务。

  • And sets forth specifically the applications of virtual water method through trading limit of virtual water in main countries and regions of the whole world .

    介绍全球主要国家和地区的虚拟水 交易 ,阐述了虚拟水方法的应用。

  • Trading opened yesterday with 27 stocks down by their daily limit .

    昨天创业板有27只股票以跌 停板 开盘

  • CBOT May corn futures rose by the daily trading limit of 30 cents to $ 6.93 ¼ a bushel .

    芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)5月玉米期货 涨停,上涨30美分,至每蒲式耳6.93¼美元。

  • Should explain the range of the claim to sureness of protection domain its by way of trading off but not adopt the narrower perimeter to limit the principle and wider centre to limit the principle .

    而对其保护范围的确定应当以 折衷方式解释权利要求的范围,而不是采用较窄的周边 限定原则和较宽的中心限定原则。

  • In each of the two trading sessions since the company slashed a sales forecast on Friday its shares have fallen 10 per cent the maximum daily limit on the Taipei exchange .

    上周五该公司宣布大幅调低第二季度预计销售额之后,其股价连续两个 交易跌停,即触及台北股市10%的单日跌幅上限。

  • To fully take advantage of modem trading technology the exchanges shouldn 't limit its trading business within merely changing securities ownership .

    为了充分利用日趋发达的 交易技术,交易所交易业务不应仅 局限于证券所有权的交换领域。

  • If the trading members neither make a confirmation of the clearing data nor put forward any objections within the time limit agreed by the settlement agreement they shall be deemed to have confirmed the clearing data .

    交易会员在结算协议约定的时间内 既未对结算数据的内容确认,也未提出异议的,视为对结算数据内容的确认。

  • The complexity and variability of the securities market gave the investors the investment risk in the stock market trading practices of countries the investment risk and economic losses that investors may face are often necessary for more than a reasonable limit .

    证券市场的复杂性和多变性又给这些投资者带来了投资风险,在各国证券市场 交易实践中,投资者面临的投资风险和承受的经济损失往往都超过了合理的必要的 限度

  • Abnormal trading high-frequency price fluctuations and volatile price movements are the normal characteristics of Chinese stock market but the volatility and frequency exceeding a certain limit mean the risk aggregation .

    交易异常、价格波动频率高、波幅大是我国股票市场的常态特征,但波动的幅度和频率超过一定 界限意味着风险的聚集。

  • Thus for some abnormal trading order produce certain limit behavior in order to protect trader interests to prevent insider trading and manipulation of the securities market behavior .

    从而对于一些非正常的 交易订单产生一定的 限制行为,由此保护交易者利益,防止内幕交易和操纵证券市场的行为。

  • In Chicago prices for lean hogs and pork bellies traded sharply lower after initially falling by their daily trading limit amid talk of US trade restrictions with Mexico .

    在芝加哥,瘦肉猪和猪腩期货的交易价格大幅走低。此前在开盘之时,美国 限制与墨西哥贸易的传言,导致这两种 期货的价格一度 跌停

  • The so-called Volcker rule would ban banks from trading on their own account and limit their ability to invest in or sponsor hedge funds and private equity .

    所谓的“沃尔克规则”(volckerrule)禁止银行从事 自营 交易,并 限制他们投资或“资助”对冲基金和私人股本。