


  • The later part of his life was shadowed by his son 's tragic death .

    他儿子死这一被 悲惨 事件给他的晚年生活投上了阴影。

  • It was just a tragic accident

    它只是场 不幸的事故。

  • It is all very tragic and I am afraid I just cannot bring myself to talk about it at the moment .

    这是件很 不幸的事,恐怕现在我还无法开口谈论此事。

  • These tragic incidents have had an immediate effect

    这些 悲剧性事件造成的后果即刻显现。

  • The tragic death of his only son deprived him of all the joys of life .


  • Her death in the car accident was tragic ; she was only 18 .

    她在车祸中死得很 ,年仅18。

  • Tragic literature dignifies sorrow and disaster


  • His is a tragic view of life because it sees no redemption from the pain and sufferig of life .

    他对生活的看法是 悲剧性的,因为看不到对人生的痛苦和苦难的救赎。

  • the tragic loss of so many lives

    这么多人的 不幸丧生

  • The novel is comic and tragic


  • The kids of Kobe try to be as stoic as their parents in this tragic situation .

    在这种 悲惨的情形面前,神户的孩子们努力学着像他们的父母一样去坦然面对。

  • His religious awakening came after the tragic death of his parents .

    在他父母 惨死之后他的宗教信仰觉醒了。

  • There they made their tragic and heroic last stand against the Roman legions .

    他们在那里对罗马军团进行了最后的抵抗,场面英勇而 悲壮

  • There have been a lot of heroic and moving deeds performed in this fighting both happy and tragic .


  • Shakespeare wrote many wonderful comic and tragic plays .

    莎士比亚写了很多精彩的喜剧和 悲剧剧本。

  • ' It 's tragic ! ' swoons Jeffrey in mock horror

    “真 啊!”杰弗里假装吓昏了过去。

  • The circumstances are tragic but we have to act within the law .

    事情令人 痛心,但我们必须在法律范畴内行事。

  • She was a witness to the tragic event .

    她目睹了这一 悲惨事件。

  • A tragic accident occurred this evening .

    今天傍晚发生了一件 悲惨的意外。

  • He seduced her into an affair that had tragic consequences for both of them .

    他诱奸了她,这件事对双方都产生了 悲剧性的后果。

  • It 's a tragic tale .

    这是一个 凄惨的故事。

  • Mason was outclassed by Lennox Lewis in his tragic last fight at Wembley

    梅森在他 悲剧性的最后一场拳击比赛中于文布利惨败给了伦诺克斯·刘易斯。

  • I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances .

    我明白在这种 悲惨的情况下失去孩子的滋味。

  • It 's really a terrible and tragic fact .

    这是多么糟糕和 悲剧的事实。

  • I thought it was a tragic mistake .

    我以为这是一个 悲剧性的错误。